Cukunft Jewish Association

National Network

ul. Legnicka 65

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Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Heritage
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Religion
  6. Youth and education
General Information
Cukunft Jewish Association was established in 2014 in Wrocław by young Jewish activists who wanted to activize culturally and socially all generations of Jews in Wroclaw and Lower Silesia as an integral part of the Polish society. The organization is based on volunteer work of their members. The association employs language teachers, lecturers, artists, coordinators, ect. within cultural/educational/social projects that organizes. Budgetary resources available: 6000 PLN Sources of funding: FIO grants and private sponsors MAIN PARTNERS: Koalicja Wroclaw Wita Uchodzcow – Mitzvah Day in Wroclaw, Tzedakah Day Project Koalicja „Razem Przeciw Nienawiści” – various projects Kultura Równości – March of LGBT Equal Rights in Wroclaw Otwarta Rzeczpospolita Association - Hejt Stop! Social and Cultural Association of Jews in Wroclaw (TSKZ) – all projects Tikkun Olam  & Szalom Alejchem Schools – all projects „Studia Bliskowschodnie” Magazine – FIO Project: Zydowski Wroclaw na Talerzu Live Eat&Travel - #CookJewishBeJewish Summer Camp for adults in Lithuania Ukrainian Union of Jewish Students – Winter-U Seminar in Poland/Ukraine
Mission and Objectives

Cukunft Jewish Association aims to strengthen Polish and European civil society, that is open for Jewish socio-cultural activism as its integral component. It also aims to promote and stimulate new Jewish socio-cultural activism among young, assimilated members of the Jewish community in Poland and their families.
1. promotion of  integration of people of Jewish origin or Jewish faith;
2. organizing various forms of assistance to people of Jewish origin or Jewish faith and their families in difficult situations, ensuring equal social, cultural and educational opportunities to them;
3.  promotion of Jewish culture in Poland;
4. researchING, documenting and popularization of knowledge on the spiritual and material heritage of Jews;
5. countering against intolerance and discrimination, Anti-Semitism, and other attitudes that undermine human dignity;
6. promoting attitudes of tolerance and cooperation among people of different nationalities, cultures and religions.

Main Projects / Activities

1. Mitzvah Day in Wroclaw - Nov. 22 - Koalicja Wroclaw Wital Uchodzcow - On Nov 22, 2015 from 4 pm till 7 pm at Cukunft will collect books for Wroclaw Public libraries and clothes for those in need, also Ukrainian and Syrian Refugees in our city. Members of Cukunft Jewish Association as well as the Jewish community will make bookmarks that will distribute among library's readers and bake delicious kosher cakes for sell during the event. All money collected during the Mitzvah Day will be given to Koalicja Wroclaw Wita Uchodzcow and Nomada Association that help refugees.
2. Tzedakah Day - Dec. 2 - we gather all volunteers and donors to thank them for their help and support in a whole year. We also give food/clothes/detergents packages to those in need in the Jewish community of Lower Silesia and families from Swiateczna Paczka. Tzedakah in Hebrew means Jewish charity.
3. Zydowski Wroclaw na Talerzu Live - 24.09.2015-30.10.2015 - Male Inicjatywy / Fundusz Inicjatyw Obywatelskich - Hebrew and Yiddish courses, Jewish art workshops, Jewish theatre workshops, Jewish cooking workshops in cooperation with Eat&Travel from Lithuania. 
4. March of Equal Rights in Wroclaw - coorganization and coordination, promotion, lectures on Jewish LGBT or descrimination in Israel/Jewish ortodox groups, ect.
5. Shabbatons - weekend seminars in different Jewish communities for adults - Gdansk, Lodz
6. Zywa Biblioteka in Wroclaw and other cities of Lower Silesia - living books and coordinators
7. CookJewishBeJewish Summer Seminar for Adults - Vilnius
8. Hejt Stop! with Otwarta Rzeczpospolita Association - painting over hate speech in the city, a media campaign
9. Jewish Cultural Club meetings in cinemas, theatres, galleries, museums - informal cultural education  and social activism
10. 120! Jewish Birthday Project - suprize-birthday party for old members of the Jewish community
11. Organizing Jewish holidays, celebrations, educational activities for children, presentations, lectures on Jewish culture/history, trips to ZOO, ect.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Knowledge - cross cultural competence trainers, anti-discrimination trainers, specialists in Holocaust./Jewish/Yiddish studies, specialists in Middle and Far East studies, teachers of Yad Vashem Holocaust studies, theatre directors, graphic designers
Languages - English, Hebrew, Russian, German and Polish as native language
Experience - in organization, coordination and leading mass events and international projects, political-social manifestations, cooperation with media, social media, editing materials in Polish/English/Russian/Hebrew.
Network - our members are involved im many social, cultural and educational projects in Poland, Europe and Israel that can share institutional contacts, promote, and support in organizing various local and itternational projects.
People - group of active volunteers always ready to help.
Space - we can share access to large room in the Wroclaw city center.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Members of our association cooperated with ALF Polish Network (Stowarzyszenie Homo Faber, Stowarzyszenie Nomada, Fundacja na Rzecz Roznorodnosci Spolcznej, Institute of the Middle and Far East UJ) during various cultural and educational projects (Arabic Days in Krakow, Centrum Wielokulturowe, publication of a book (nie)Widzialne granice – o tym co dzieli i co łączy w wielokulturowości).  We would like to find local and international partners to our projects, start better collaboration with local and international organizations that share similar values/mission/objectives to ours, participate in your local and international projects, workshops, ect.

Contact (1) Full Name
Aleksandra Wilczura
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Aleksandra Wilczura
Contact (2) Full Name
Jan Kirschenbaum
Job Title (2)