ALF KNOWLEDGE FOR ACTION: Open Call for Participation! - Third Edition

website ALF K4A third edition

We no longer receive applications for this call.

Transform your research into actionable initiatives

Produce evidence-based research and share key findings at both national and euro-med levels

Application deadline: 9 September 2024 (23:59 Central European Time)

Date of the Info-session: Monday, 2nd September at 14:00 PM (CET)
Place: On Zoom, no pre-registration needed!
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What is ALF Knowledge for Action?

The ALF Knowledge for Action Programme is designed to promote the production of evidence-based and policy-oriented research that addresses relevant dimensions of Intercultural Dialogue in the Euro-Mediterranean region through presenting recommendations to facilitate policymaking by evaluating policy options regarding a specific issue. The Programme seeks to enhance collaboration between research/academic institutions (think-tanks, specialised centers, and universities) and civil society organisations.

Briefs or papers adressing the following topics:

  • Peacebuilding, conflict resolution/prevention, coexistence and inclusive dynamics
  • Disinformation and misinformation in the Euro-Mediterranean region
  • Living together promoting tolerance and understanding in the Euro-Mediterranean context
  • Youth engagement in participatory dialogues and decision-making processes in the Euro-Med
  • Ethics and governance of Artificial Intelligence technologies in the Euro-Mediterranean region
  • Social innovation as a catalyst for social inclusion in culturally diverse Euro-Med societies
  • Empowering women in the Euro-Med region as a way to challenge gender stereotypes and beyond
  • Integrating social dimensions in climate change policies in the EuroMed region
  • International cultural relations and cultural diplomacy to bridge both shores of the Mediterranean
  • Creative industries and arts

Read the Call in PDF format here

This call is closed now.


Here’s what your research can get you:

1. Financial Support

Upon successfully incorporating reviewers’ recommendations, authors will receive a lump sum allocation of 900 euro** for selected brief and 1.500 euro** for selected paper, respectively. These fixed sums apply regardless of the number of authors involved.

2. Publication and Dissemination

The best briefs and papers will be published by the ALF and strategically disseminated on a Euro-Mediterranean scale through dedicated outreach campaigns.

3. National Outreach Events

Selected authors have the opportunity to organise outreach events at the national level to share the main findings of their work. An additional lump sum, up to 700 euro**, will be allocated based on the nature of the proposed outreach event.

4. Participating in ALForum 2025

Outstanding authors will be selected to organise a parallel session during the ALForum in the first semester of 2025. This session will consist of four relevant Euro-Mediterranean stakeholders. The ALF Secretariat will cover the costs of travel and accommodation for all the participants.

(**) The programme does not foresee pre-financing payments

Which papers are chosen?

Selection criteria will be based on the quality of the applications received. Priority will be given to leading authors affiliated to research, academic or specialised institutions members of the Anna Lindh Foundation from the 43 Euro-Mediterranean Member States of the UfM. A gender, youth and geographical balance between regions and countries will be observed.

For the evaluation process, the following elements will be considered:

  • Added value of the proposed research approach concerning the chosen topic [35%]
  • Euro-Mediterranean scope of the proposed brief or paper [25%]
  • Background of the author/s in the specific field of the proposed brief or paper [25%]
  • Innovative modalities of cooperation with CSOs and the role assigned to them [15%]

The research work must be original and must not have been previously published. The ALF maintains co-ownership of the final knowledge product's publishing rights and intellectual property.

Here’s a guide on how it all happens:

Interested authors, affiliated with research, academic or specialised institutions, can submit their concepts via the available online form* only {LINK} before 9 September 2024 23.59 CET.

Briefs concepts or papers concepts must be in English and should include:

  • Title
  • A short explanation of the theme, identified challenges, research objectives and their added value
  • Euro-Mediterranean aspects of the proposed brief or paper, specifying how the proposed research is relevant to the region
  • Envisaged modalities of cooperation with civil society organisations, specifying their role

(*): Please note that it is not possible to save the application as a draft or to make any changes after submitting it. At the close of the call, the most recently submitted version of the application will be processed. The same leading author cannot submit more than one proposal under this call.

Selected authors will be given a two and a half months’ window period to further develop and refine their initial concepts, which will then undergo a thorough review process. Following the review, authors will have one month to incorporate the feedback and recommendations received from the review process into a final version of their work. This procedure is designed to ensure that the published material contributes meaningfully to the Euro-Mediterranean debate in the relevant field, while also allowing for a rigorous examination of the content before dissemination to broader audiences.

Indicative timeline

23/07/24 Launch of the call

02/08/24 Online information session (details will be published on the ALF website)

09/09/24 23:59 Central European Time (CET) Deadline to submit briefs or papers concepts

30/09/24 Announcement of the preselected briefs or papers concepts

October Contracts signature***

07/10/24 Zoom meeting with the authors to share common ground

16/12/24 Deadline to submit briefs or paper proposals

13/01/25 Communication to the authors of the recommendations elaborated by the reviewers

10/02/25 Deadline to submit the final briefs or papers incorporating the reviewer’s recommendations

March 2025 Organisation of outreach events at the national level

April 2025 Online meeting with to evaluate the results of the call

First semester 2025 Organisation of ALForum parallel sessions

(***): Only the applications that have successfully concluded the final review process will be entitled to receive the allocated lump sums

Here are some more details to keep in mind when writing:


Briefs are a key tool to present research and recommendations designed to facilitate policymaking by evaluating policy options regarding a specific issue. They explain the policy relevance of a given issue, present findings, and provide recommendations. The briefs are audience-driven and their length should be between 2.000 and 2.500 words (excluding tables/graphs/illustrations/references). 

Papers are policy-oriented publications presenting a clear rationale, an in-depth analysis and adopting a “problem / solution-based” and outlining public policy recommendations. Policy Papers raise awareness of tackled issues among non-academic audience, experts and specialists, among others. They should be between 6.000 and 7.000 words (excluding tables/graphs/illustrations/references)

Basic structure of the content


  1. Title
  2. Executive Summary: around 150 words aiming to grab the reader’s attention
  3. Introduction: introducing the rationale, the context and the policy relevance of the topic.
  4. Approach and results: providing two main elements – straight to the point: the research approach and the research results 
  5. Policy implications and recommendations: they should be feasible, operational, and realistic.
  6. References: list of the sources consulted (bibliography)


  1. Title
  2. Executive Summary: around 400 words aiming to grab the reader’s attention. 
  3. Introduction: introducing the rationale, the context and the policy relevance of the topic.
  4. Methodology. Introducing the research and data collection methodology. 
  5. Discussion and analysis of research findings: interpreting the data in a way that is accessible and clearly connected to the policy advice. 
  6. Policy Implications and policy recommendations: Providing recommendations that are feasible, operational, and realistic.
  7. Conclusion: Returning to the big picture or the motive of the research analysis to remind the reader of the importance of the analysis.
  8. References: list of the sources consulted (bibliography)

This call is closed now.