Key players’ perspective on climate change in the Mediterranean


Key players’ perspective on climate change in the Mediterranean

Union for the Mediterranean
The UfM Secretariat
سنة النشر
نبذة مختصرة

Since 2014, climate change has been part of the mandate of the Union for the Mediterranean. The establishment of a Climate Change Expert Group allowed UfM Member States to regularly meet, exchange experience and interact with other regional institutions, scientists, local authorities, businesses and civil society organisations from the Mediterranean.

This agenda is set to expand further, with the UfM Platform on Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency due to be launched in Marrakech on 14 November 2016. There is much scope for further cooperation and exchanges within the UfM on cross-cutting topics such as buildings, urban planning and network infrastructures.

The Paris Agreement has opened the door for profound changes in global development models. The transition, which has just been initiated, is a source of vast opportunities. Managing this change adequately is a key opportunity for a region facing unprecedented challenges.

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