Montenegrin Women's Lobby

National Network

Boska Popovica 15
الجبل الأسود

020 669 158
Mobile Phone
069 454 606
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information
Strucure of organization: five activists Sources of funding:The Government of Montenegro Modalities of action: shelter for victims of trafficking, sos line for victims of trafficking, partner on the project "Monitoring situation of children returned from EU" Terre des hommes Foundation Hungary. Realised more then 30 porojects, and some of them are: ."Education in Women's Human Rights";International Round Table "Human trafficking"; International seminar "Sex.trafficking-modern slavery";International seminar "Sexual harassment at work, at school and the Faculty", Women leaders -program of training and study tours to the U.S. for future women leaders; Do you hear me?,, /Training of judges and prosecutors for a more humane attitude towards victims of trafficking/; Main partner: The National Office for Antitrafficking
Mission and Objectives

The mission of our organization is working on the gradual elimination of all forms of violence and discrimination against women and children and primarily work on trafficking prevention and education, assistance and support to victims of human trafficking in order to strengthen cooperation with institutions dealing with these issues.

Main Projects / Activities

The main activity of our organization is done through our two ongoing activities:
A. Shelter for victims of trafficking
Program Shelter for victims of human trafficking is being implemented since 2004 on the territory of Podgorica. Project funded by the Government of Montenegro
On the beneficiary, in addition to lodging and food, offering:
1.Medical assistance;
2.Individual and group psychological support;
3. Legal advice;
4.Assistance in contacting the family during their stay in the shelter;
5. Help in the formal and alternative education;
B. SOS line for victims of trafficking
The work of SOS-line funded by the Government of Montenegro
SOS - 24 hour line is available free of charge
The phone has a twofold purpose:
• the provision of preventive and educational information;
• providing support and assistance to (potential) victims of trafficking and their families;
Forms of assistance available to customers and (potential) victims of trafficking are:
• Information about the types of help and support that exist in Montenegro and abroad, as well as contacts of organizations dealing with trafficking and working directly with (potential) victims of trafficking;
• Legal assistance ie. full information regarding the status, rights and relevant laws and procedures;
• Psychological counseling;
• Medical Assistance;

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Our contribution may include exchanging information and experiences,supporting various activities, initiating actions, working on joint projects.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

It is very important for us to be a part of this network in order to exchange information and experiences with other organisations and to improve our work with new projects.

Contact (1) Full Name
Aida Petrovic
Head of the organisation
Aida Petrovic
Contact (2) Full Name
Valentina Vlahovic