Pulled Bout Ali
3070 Sfax
- Environment/Sustainable development
- Heritage
Local environment defense, sustainable development based on inheritage economic specificities of kerkenna and other objectives are disserved by an organizational staff of four persons and 30 partners. We had resources in membership contributions and some donators.
Last year we wined an european grant of 10000 euro (enseres project) which we have employed in a project called "kerkenna clean beaches" in which we mobilised school children, students and three NGOs partners; scout organization, a local association called AKDDL ( Ass. Kraten. Dev.Durable.Loisir) and a students club said SEA ( Sovrein Eather Aither).
We aim in a more wide future partnership with fishers communities and women acting in local grapes production. These communities use to be empowred against many factors from climate change to the trawling cheaps that destroy shallow sea beds.
environnement protection in sea, beach's and on lands. Promoting circular economy. Ecoresponsibility . enhance social resilience.
We aim to invest in protecting costal shallow seabeds against trawling activities in order to empower local fishers resources.
We are working to enhance economic valu of local grapes production which is manly women activity in kerkenna. This objective is attainable by making legal wine transformation and labelling it.
Promoting ecoconscience and ecoresposibility in new generations
in our country? We'll try of course, but we will be certainly more efficient in our island, kerkenna.
Then we like to share and exchange experience and knowledges.
we can act alone in our area and progress slowly in small inclusive projects. That won't be bad, but being open on the world's scale seem to be more efficient and we maked the choice to be more implicated in world changing efforts.