C/O Barnea
7 Jericho St.
6203513 Tel Aviv
- Democracy and community development
The "Ani Israeli" association was started with a very specific goal: to campaign against the unequal, discriminating definitions of the Israeli National Populace Registration, and for allowing all Israeli citizens who want it to be registered as Israelis.
* conferences and public panels, discussing the issues of nationality and citizenship;
* meetings for the bringing together of youth from various Israeli social "sectors";
* online publication of reviews and articles.
Our main contributions could be:
* the exchange of knowledge, especially regarding constitutional law, civil and human rights;
* the organisation of joint conferences and publications, together with other associations.
In a manner which is peculiar to Israel, the Israeli State Registrar registers every Israeli citizen according to a so called "Nationality" definition. This definition in fact expresses the person's ethnic and/or religious affiliation. It is marked (partly camouflaged) in the identity cards that every Israeli citizen is obliged by law to carry around at any time in order to make it possible to every official of the sovereign to instantly identify his or her ethnic or religious affiliation. It is accessible to every government official.We consider this discrimination a pivotal Israeli problem and a major block for peace and co-existence in the region. Therefore, we would like to join forces with other like-minded organisations, in the campaign towards its abolition.