Genista Research Foundation

National Network

19, Hospital street,

00356 79232635
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
00356 79232635
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information
Genista Research Foundation has been recently set up with the aim of coordinating a pioneering project on sustainable farming to demonstrate practical systems in various sectors of farming and other sustainable practices where one is expected to take greater care of our environment and the health of the consumer. The project will also serve as an opportunity for further initiatives and practical research in the field of sustainable farming and other related ecological issues by providing technical assistance, courses, educational material and other informational activities. The Foundation also co-ordinates a pioneering project on sustainable farming demonstrating environmentally friendly farming systems in various sectors of farming. Through its educational activities and events the foundation encourages the protection of the natural environment together with the conservation of native agricultural landscapes, ensuring that agricultural activities care for the protection of valleys and landscapes of scientific interest. Environmentally friendly farming promotes sustainable farming methods which are supported by European agricultural policies, a practice that deserves encouragement as it generates a positive health and environmental impact. Genista Research Foundation is a follower of the Biodynamic Farming and gardening Association USA and is looking forward is to reinforce its commitment towards the environment by implementing and demonstrating the principles of 'Permaculture'.
Mission and Objectives

Environment friendly farming, as one of our initiatives, will promote sustainable farming methods which is a new trend in European Agricultural Policies which is a practice that deserves support as it generates a positive health and environmental impact such as:
• Reducing health hazards posed to both the consumer and the farmer by the use of dangerous chemicals in conventional farming.
• Reducing the potential of nitrate leaching, contaminating the water table
• Beneficial impact on the wildlife population and biodiversity of flora and fauna of the Maltese islands
• Promoting responsible environmental attitudes and establishment of basic practical data that can serve for educational programs and consultation services - The foundation has already been assisting students in related studies.

Main Projects / Activities

an NGO which works in the environmental and Organic farming sectors among other areas, a foundation which was set up in 2002 , with the aim of coordinating a pioneering project on sustainable farming and Biodiversity to demonstrate practical systems in various sectors of farming and other sustainable practices where one is expected to take greater care of our environment and the health of the consumer.
The project has also served as an opportunity for further initiatives and practical research in the field of sustainable farming and other related ecological issues by providing technical assistance, courses, educational material and other informational activities.
Genista manages the Rinella nature park in the south of the island.activities related to the European Commission and is the direct point of contact between the community of Malta and the European commission, offering advice, information etc both to the Maltese public, SME’s, NGO’s, schools and also to European citizens who require information about Malta.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mark Causon
Head of the organisation
Mark Causon
Contact (2) Full Name
Michael Mallia