K.U.L.U.-Women and Development

National Network

Rosenoerns Allé 12 1634
Copenhagen V

+ 45 33 15 78 70
+45 33 32 53 30
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Media
  6. Others
  7. Youth and education
General Information
K.U.L.U.-Women and Development (KULU) is a national women’s development and umbrella organization with 23 member organizations, 2 local organizations and an individual membership. 2 employees at the national secretariat, temporary employees under public unemployment schemes, freelance consultants and a varying number of volunteers. Budget in 2006 around 800,000 DKK. Main funding in 2006 from Danida, supplemented by fundraising from other sources. From 2007 main funding from Danida’s budget line on development education is no longer available. Hence KULU is in a process of program re-orientation, looking for new financial partners and core funding.
Mission and Objectives

• A just and sustainable world order, where women in the South have access to and control over resources, access to decision-making, and a right to control their own bodies and lives.
• To put women and gender on the agenda in all development and trade-related fora, programs and policies.

Main Projects / Activities

KULU works with information, development education, and lobby and advocacy based on extensive networking with women’s NGOs and networks in Africa, Asia, Latin America and internationally, and cooperates in alliances and thematic networks projects with Southern partners.
In 2006 KULU has initiated a new partnership and project collaboration with FEMNET Mali.
A current program focus is on youth dialogue on girls and young women’s rights, connecting partners in the South with youths in Denmark and engaging youth in dialogue and exchange. KULU is looking into the possibilities of developing a program focus on girls’ rights in the Middle East/North Africa.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ruth Ejdrup Olsen
Head of the organisation
Janice Goodson Førde
Contact (2) Full Name
Helle Nielsen