
Antalya Turkuaz Gençlik Derneği

National Network

Cihadiye mahallesi 23116. sokak bina:6 AKSU
07112 Antalya/Antalya

Telephone (other)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information

Proje alanında geçirilen zaman, sorunlarının üstesinden gelmelerine, sorunları çözmelerine ve bir toplum içinde yeni bir hayata (iş) başlamalarına yardımcı olmaktadır. Düzenli faaliyetlerimiz Antalya'nın Aksu ilçesi ve Pınarlı bölgesinde gerçekleşmektedir. Gençlerin İngilizcelerini geliştirmelerine yardımcı oluyoruz.- iş bulmak için yararlı becerilerini artırmak için, müzik etkinlikleri onlara pla gibi bazı pratik, faydalı şeyler öğretmeyi amaçlamaktadır.

Mission and Objectives

Gönüllü faaliyet, Antalya Turkuaz Gençlik Spor Kulübü Derneği tarafından uygulanan, gençleri daha iyi bir şekilde geliştirmeyi ve gençlerin gerçek hayata ve zorluklarına katılmasını kolaylaştırmayı amaçlamaktadır. Gönüllülük, gençler, kuruluşlar ve kurumlar arasında etkili etkileşim modelini test etmeyi, gönüllülük ve gönüllü çalışma ile ilgili farkındalığı artırmayı hedeflemektedir. Cihadiye'deki misafirperver gönüllülerimiz, daha önce hiç katılmamış gençlere, Avrupa boyutuyla gayri resmi ve resmi öğrenme yoluyla becerilerini ve yeteneklerini artırma fırsatı sağlayacak ve diğer ülkelerden gelen vatandaşlarla topluluğumuzu tanıtacak; bu da kültür, yaşam tarzı, gelenekler, dil ve yaşam tarzı değişimi sağlayacak ve organizasyonumuzun kapasitesini artırmamıza ve yeni beceriler kazanmamıza yardımcı olacaktır. Farklı ülkelerden gelen gönüllüleri ağırlamak, "Antalya Turkuaz Gençlik Spor Kulübü Derneği"nin faaliyet gösterdiği kasaba ve şehirde toplum yararına gönüllü çalışmalar gerçekleştirmek, gönüllülük ve gönüllü çalışma düşüncesini yerel nüfus arasında yaymak, sadece genç katılımcılar/gönüllüler ve proje liderleri/takımı üzerinde değil, aynı zamanda ortak kuruluşlar ve özellikle yerel toplum üzerinde de etki sağlayacaktır. İnsan değerlerine dikkat ederek ve derneğimizin gönüllü çalışmalarıyla, toplumla ilgili bazı kalıpları değiştirmeyi amaçlamaktayız.

Main Projects / Activities

AntalyaTurkuazGençklikDerneği2014yılındakurulmuştur.Başlangıçtçoğunluğuöğretmenlerdenoluşan derneğimizin üyeleri, günümüzde Erasmus+ olarak bilinenUAprojelerinde tecrübe sahibidir.Nitekim isimlerine yer verdiğimiz şu projelerde yer aldılar: BİRSAR 1.2 isimli gençlik, FİT ME (Avrupa'da Zinde ve Zihinsel Olarak Sağlıklı Yaşamak) 6 ortaklı (Belçika, Portekiz, İtalya, Almanya, Avusturya, Türkiye) Comenius projesini gerçekleştirmiştir. Aynı şekilde, Küresel Eğitimde Yenilikçi Yaklaşımlar adlı KA1 Personel Hareketliliği projesinde yer almışlardır. İl merkezindeki okullarda öğrencilere ulaşılmış, okulumuz öğrencileri ile entegrasyonu sağlanmış, seminerler ve çeşitli rehabilite edici sosyal faaliyetler ile çevreye ve topluma sağlıklı bir uyum sağlamaları amaçlanmaktadır. 2013 yılında 5 ortak ülke (Portekiz, İtalya, Almanya, Belçika ve Avusturya) ile "Avrupa'da Zinde ve Zihinsel Sağlıklı Yaşamak" adlı Comenius projesini yürütmeye başladı. Eğitim personelinin çalıştığı ortamlar ve öğrencilerin eğitim aldığı ortamlar sağlandığı gibi, seminerler ve çeşitli rehabilite edici sosyal aktiviteler ile çevreye ve topluma sağlıklı bir uyumun sağlanması amaçlanmıştır. Derneğimizden bir grup 03-10 Aralık 2016 tarihlerinde İtalya'nın Nizerra şehrinde 'Disability Awareness' başlıklı seminere katıldı.Dernek üyelerimiz 13-16 Ekim 2016 tarihlerinde İtalya'da (Sicilya) Hazırlık Ziyaretine katıldı.İtalya'nın Messina (Sicilya) kentinde 'Cultural Diversity' adlı gençlik değişimine 6 kişilik bir grup katıldı. Hazırlık ziyaretine ayrıca Encümen Bayram, Fatih Ünlü ve Ayşe Bozok katıldı. ''Yaklaşımlar'' adı verilen personel hareketliliğini gerçekleştirdiler. Yerel gönüllülerimizden Emre Gürman, gençlik grupları ve birçok ulusal projede yer aldı. Bulgaristan'da Arat Koriten tarafından hazırlanan dernek üyelerimiz Ayşe Bozok, Mehmet Güler ve Emre Gürman, 'YES - Youth Entrepreneurial Skills!' isimli Gençlik Hareketliliği'ne katıldılar. 2018 ve 2019 yılında ‘Güneşe Açan Kardelenler’adlı kırsaldaki kadınların sosyal yaşama dahil olmalarıyla ilgili Avrupa Gönüllü Hizmeti projesi ,gerçekleştirilmiştir.’Haydi Gönüllü Olalım 1’- ve ‘Haydi Gönüllü Olalım 2 ‘adlı AGH Projemizle Romanya ,Bulgaristan ve Polonya’ya çok sayıda gencimiz gönüllü olarak gönderilmiştir.2020-2022 yıllarında ‘Green –Hearts’adlı Avrupa Dayanışma Projesinde Azerbaycan,Fas,Tunus,Bosna –Hersek ve Cezayir’den gelen çok sayıda kız ve erkek genç gönüllülük yapmışlardır. Halen devam etmekte olan ‘Green Hands ‘adlı projemizde Türkiye ‘den ve yurtdışından bir çok gencimiz gönüllü olarak hizmet vermektedir. Faaliyetlerimizin amacı, daha az imkana sahip, ekonomi,sosyal eğitim ve kültürel yönden dezavantajlı kesime şans vermektir. Onlara, iyi bir gelecek inşa etmek için hala yeterince fırsat olduğunu göstermek istiyoruz. Çalışmalarımızla onlara, diğer gençlerden farklı/kötü olmadıklarını kanıtlamak istiyoruz. Dezavantajlı, zor geçmişe sahip gençler arasında dayanışma geliştirmek ve hoşgörüyü teşvik etmek istiyoruz.Gençlerimize verimli bir şekilde zaman geçirmeleri için öğrenme fırsatları ve diğer alternatifler sunuyoruz. Proje alanında geçirilen zaman, sorunlarının üstesinden gelmelerine, sorunları çözmelerine ve bir toplum içinde yeni bir hayata (iş) başlamalarına yardımcı olmaktadır. Düzenli faaliyetlerimiz Antalya'nın Aksu ilçesi ve Pınarlı bölgesinde gerçekleşmektedir. Gençlerin İngilizcelerini geliştirmelerine yardımcı oluyoruz.- iş bulmak için yararlı becerilerini artırmak için, müzik etkinlikleri onlara pla gibi bazı pratik, faydalı şeyler öğretmeyi amaçlamaktadır.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Doğru ve güncel bilgi sağlama: Geniş bir konu yelpazesi üzerine doğru ve güncel bilgiler sunma. Soruları yanıtlama, kavramları açıklama ve şüpheleri giderme. Dil Çevirisi: Bir dildeki metni başka bir dile çevirme, dil bariyerlerini aşarak iletişimi kolaylaştırma. İçerik Oluşturma: Yazma, fikir üretme ve içerik geliştirme konularında yaratıcı içerikler oluşturma. Eğitim Desteği: Açıklamalar, örnekler ve destekleyici bilgiler sağlayarak öğrenmeye yardımcı olma. Programlama Yardımı: Programlama ile ilgili sorulara yardım etme, kod hata ayıklama ve algoritma açıklamaları sunma. Problem Çözme: Kullanıcılara mantıklı yaklaşımlar ve adım adım rehberlik ile sorunları analiz etme ve çözme konusunda yardımcı olma. Fikir Oluşturma: Fikirler, öneriler ve bakış açıları üreterek beyin fırtınası oturumlarına katkıda bulunma. Konuşma ve Etkileşim: Metin tabanlı sohbetlere katılarak arkadaşlık, eğlence veya destek sağlama.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Doğru ve güncel bilgi sağlama: Geniş bir konu yelpazesi üzerine doğru ve güncel bilgiler sunma. Soruları yanıtlama, kavramları açıklama ve şüpheleri giderme. Dil Çevirisi: Bir dildeki metni başka bir dile çevirme, dil bariyerlerini aşarak iletişimi kolaylaştırma. İçerik Oluşturma: Yazma, fikir üretme ve içerik geliştirme konularında yaratıcı içerikler oluşturma. Eğitim Desteği: Açıklamalar, örnekler ve destekleyici bilgiler sağlayarak öğrenmeye yardımcı olma. Programlama Yardımı: Programlama ile ilgili sorulara yardım etme, kod hata ayıklama ve algoritma açıklamaları sunma. Problem Çözme: Kullanıcılara mantıklı yaklaşımlar ve adım adım rehberlik ile sorunları analiz etme ve çözme konusunda yardımcı olma. Fikir Oluşturma: Fikirler, öneriler ve bakış açıları üreterek beyin fırtınası oturumlarına katkıda bulunma. Konuşma ve Etkileşim: Metin tabanlı sohbetlere katılarak arkadaşlık, eğlence veya destek sağlama.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ayşe Bozok
Job Title
Dernek Başkanı
Head of the organisation
Ayşe Bozok
Contact (2) Full Name
Hakan Bozok
Job Title (2)

Apartment Project

National Network

Cihangir cad. no:46/7 Cihangir 34433

+90 212 292 45 81
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
+90 532 295 14 46
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
Apartment Project is an artist run organization. It has been founded by visual artist Selda Asal and it has 2 staff workers besides periodical interns. Apartment Project has been funded by donations, sponsorships and grants. Projects include workshops with artists, other cultural organisations, and diverse groups in the society, exhibitions, symposiums and artist residency. Apartment P. is a member of the X-OP project, which is a multi-annual project, from 2008 to 2011, and is supported by European Commission.
Mission and Objectives

The space was initiated by Selda Asal with the aim of providing artists an opportunity for interdisciplinary collaboration and hosting their own exhibitions and it is committed to develop a communication between artists, art operators, writers, researchers and other organisations.
With its 24 square meter, ground level exhibition space located in Tunel, central Istanbul, exhibitions and events are installed with a priority towards interaction with the daily life on the street.

Main Projects / Activities

Since its opening in 1999, it has been host to various performances, installations, exhibitions, happenings and events. Some of these projects have traveled to other locations, and projects traveled to exhibit at the Apartment Workshops and artist weeks have been organized, incorporating the project space's studio and other locations.

Contact (1) Full Name
Selda Asal
Apricot culture in Türkiye

Apricot culture in Türkiye

Turkey is divided into nine agro-ecological regions with mountainous terrain in the periphery, a relatively flat central plateau and a narrow coastal strip. This country has diverse environment with mountains, valleys, plains and numerous rivers and lakes. Over a quarter...

Arada Culture and Art Organization

National Network

Lüleci Hendek Cad. 22/1 Uğurhan Apt. Tophane, Beyoğlu

+90 554 3477868
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone (other)
+90 532 3209037
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
Arada Culture and Art Organization has been established in 2011. Serkan Bozkurt is head and art manager of the organisartion. Evrim Doğan is general coordinator, Saime Bozkurt is web designer and Regina Picker is responsible for international relations. Arada organizes festivals, concerts and realized its first Project “ Arada Interdisciplinary Art Festival” in between 26 and 29th of May. The initial aim of the organization is acquiring new sharings and new expression forms by bringing together different cultures and art branches, the organization also had applied this aim in the first festival. Arada is a studio and dance lessons, theatre workshops, performance take place. Festivals are funded by sponsors. General expenses are covered by lessons and workshops.
Mission and Objectives

- We aim to catch young artists who can't find an opputunity to show their works and provide an environment that show their works.
- We would like to establish a platform that provide transmission and relationship between different art disciplines.
- We aim to create a sharing environment by bringing together young artists from different countries.
- We would like to create interactivity in all activities and make people use their creativity by an inclusive approach.

Main Projects / Activities

Arada is a new organization. Arada Interdisciplinary Art Festival is a first project of the organization. Arada's main activity is organizing interdisciplinary art festivals between countries that would establish new cultural sharings and provide an environment for young artists.

Contact (1) Full Name
Serkan Bozkurt
Head of the organisation
Serkan Bozkurt
Contact (2) Full Name
Evrim Doğan

Arada Interdisciplinary Art Festival

National Network

Lüleci Hendek Caddesi No:22-1 Beyoğlu İStanbul

0532 320 90 37
Telephone (other)
0554 347 78 68
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
0532 320 90 37
Mobile Phone (other)
0554 347 78 68
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
www.aradafest.com Arada Culture and Art Organization arAda is an institution which is established in 2011 in the purpose of gathering different art disciplines, to show interactions between these and to arrange organizations in these fields and continues to develop. arAda undertake to include awareness, searching process and social topics while producing projects that come together different art disciplines. arAda is an institution which organize different art projects beside producing own projects. arAda Interdiciplinary Art Festival is the first project of arAda Culture and Art Organisation. SerkanBozkurt (Founder - Art Manager) Evrim Doğan (General Coordinator) Regina Picker (International Relations) Saime Bozkurt (Visual Designer) Alja Piry (concept director) Ömer uzun (visual Director) Festival is sponsored by some performances or culturel office which is shown in website. We still look for partnerships,collobrations and sponsors which bring together institutions art centers like Anna Lindh Foundation.
Mission and Objectives

InBetween (ARADA) Cultures and Art Disciplines
Arada will took place in Istanbul between 25th-28th May 2011 for five days and the second part of the festival was on in Vienna between 25th-28th November.Third festival will be in İstanbul again between 31th May and 3th June. in 2012 we will start to make festival between Amsterdam and İstanbul also. And in 2013 our aim to spread festival to mediterrenean cities which are Chario and Beirut. This 2013 project includes six cities. Three European cities (Amsterdam, Berlin, Vienna) and three mediterrenean cities (Istanbul, Chario, Beirut).
The main aim of the festival is bringing the young artists together from different art disciplines and from different cultures.
Between cultures and different art disciplines
Arada is a festival that have been founded with young artists from different countries and different disciplines (visual arts, dance, writing, drama…) and young participants who work in these fields. The second part of festival will take place in Vienna, so the festival aims to be a bridge between these two cities.
Looking For
The festival aims to bring together young artists who are in process and searching for new perspectives on their art.
arAda doesn’t present a viewpoint which stick between things or undecided between things but presents a supplemental viewpoint which combines and includes everything
Goals Of arAda
To catch the young artists who couldn’t get the chance for exhibiting their works, work in process and to present an opportunity to show their works.
To create a platform that provides a transition and relationship between different art disciplines.
To create an environment for sharing ideas by gathering young artists from different countries.
To ensoul the areas which lose their function and have historic and industrial value, with art.
To provide a meeting point and an interactive environment for young artists.

Main Projects / Activities

International Festivals and artists partnerships from different cultures, and residencies are our main projects in interdisciplinary platforms. We use all kind of art disciplines(dance, theater, visual arts,paintings,performances etc.) to meet with communities.
And this year we take a fashion part in Arada to reach more people. To make festival between fashion and art will be good experience for us as an interdisciplinarity.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Arada brings together different art disciplines and artists. This make possible to meet new people and projects all the time. We can contribute to spreading of this network and to provide a place for artists and art managhers to share their ideas and performances in an interdisciplinary area. The collobration wit ALS can be seen our webpage of festival and also our school webpage and the internet areas(facebook,twitter etc.) which we use for our advertisement. Then it can be also visible for our another connections(partnerships,collobration,art centers and sponsors)

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Our main aim to reach young artists from different cultures and bring them together to work and create and discuss about art. Istanbul is a center of festival will be connected to different cities in the world. We started from Vienna we go on with Amsterdam and next year we would like to go on with Mediterrenean cities like Beirut and Chairo. So we would like to join ALF network to establish partnerships, to reach artists and art managers in these countries. We would like to share our experiences, our ideas and activities.

Contact (1) Full Name
Serkan Bozkurt
Head of the organisation
Serkan Bozkurt
Contact (2) Full Name
Evrim Doğan


National Network

Sanayi Sitesi, 5. Cd. No:281, 34775 Dudullu/Ümraniye/İstanbul

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Heritage
  5. Human rights
  6. International/Cultural relations
  7. Media
  8. Others
  9. Religion
  10. Research
General Information
ARDEM is a private consulting company that manages projects in development and research. Previously ARDEM has run projects under the ABIGEM umbrella for development in 6 Turkish cities that are priorities in Turkish development. Also, ARDEM got grants from the Turkish Research Organization, TUBITAK, for her projects on SME promotion. Currently, there are 5 employees that work at INNOEM full-time and 6 master's degree students working part-time. In 2010, the semi - year gross earnings are 120 000 € and INNOEM is capable of running internationally funded projects. Of the 5 people employed by INNOEM, 1 holds a PhD degree, other 2 hold master's degrees and the rest 2 hold BS degrees. INNOEM gives training under the Enterprise Europe Network in all over Turkey and previously helped German Steinbeis run their 3,5 M € project in Turkey.
Mission and Objectives

ARDEM's mission is to help Turkish development through giving support to disadvantageous groups by using innovation as a means. ARDEM believes that innovation is a fundamental component of growth and will end up in creating jobs and increasing living standards. Instead of direct funding, ARDEM is for supporting disadvantageous groups by training them in entrepreneurship, women empowerment, networking and on the job training. For this mission ARDEM has closely worked with uneducated women, workers and SME

Main Projects / Activities

Our main activities are:
- trainings
- NGO support
- on the job training preparation
- networking

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Project Networking

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Project Networking

Contact (1) Full Name
Job Title
CMA,CPA,General Coordinator
Head of the organisation
Dilek Adalı
Contact (2) Full Name
Job Title (2)
General Coordinator


National Network


Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information
Our company was established this year,Business owner's wife, Syrian nationality
Mission and Objectives

At the European Union, including the World Bank, United Nations and the domestic public institutions, grant programs, grant programs and prepare a project to give our province

Main Projects / Activities

Writing Project and Implementation, Seminars

Contact (1) Full Name

ARI Movement

National Network
(90) 212 211 90 72
Telephone (other)
(90) 212 211 90 73
(90) 212 211 90 83
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
(90) 533 770 45 20
Mobile Phone (other)
(90) 533 742 3465
Contact (1) Full Name
Mrs.Gizem Onay Collet
Head of the organisation
M. Haluk Onen – Director
Contact (2) Full Name
Mrs.Ilknur Inceler

ARTEMIS Derneği – Çevre, İnsan ve Hayvanları Koruma

National Network

Cevat Şakir Cad.93 / Yokuşbaşı Mah.
48400 Bodrum/Muğla

+90 538 701 04 68
Telephone (other)
+90 554 767 83 77
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information

Structure of the organization, including number of staff employed and/or partners:
ARTEMIS Dernegi is an association of artists, craftsmen, experts and sponsors for and of art, environmental and climate protection and environmental education.
ARTEMIS Dernegi is committed to the following purposes:
• The promotion of education, popular and vocational training.
• The promotion of nature and environmental protection.
• The promotion of equal rights for women.
• The promotion of art and culture.
Club infrastructure:
In total ARTEMIS Dernegi - Cevre, Insan ve Hayvanlari Koruma has 22 members. Of these, 3 members are active in administration, translation, project development and the implementation of smaller construction projects. 5 other members regularly participate in smaller campaigns.

Budgetary resources available in a year:
Annual budget: 6.000 Euro

Sources of funding:
Private Donations
European Union ERASMUS Programm

Modalities of action (concrete projects, exchanges, seminars, scholarships etc.):
ERASMUS + Youthexchange Programm
Regular seminars in environmental education
Sustainable building with clay
ARTEMIS Dernegi offers a volunteer a voluntary field of work in various fields of activity 2 – 3 times a year.

Main partners involved in the organization's projects/activities:
the ARTEMIS Project e. V. - Art and Environment Initiative in Berlin / Germany
Coburger Designer Tage e. V. (Coburger Design Days e. V.) Coburg / Germany
City of Bodrum

Mission and Objectives

ARTEMIS Dernegi also represents a broad concept of culture that includes dance, theatre, performance, music and visual arts as well as all forms of everyday culture
ARTEMIS Dernegi promotes the (inter)national development, networking and implementation of artistic ecological, feminist and social projects that are cultural, democratic and ideally innovative. It is also about improving cultural participation in gender politics and improving the quality of life of people with disabilities and people with social disabilities
ARTEMIS Dernegi has a special focus of his work in the field of artistic and environmental education for children and young people, especially for girls and young women of any nationality, religion and social background, in order to positively change their structures in society with feminist content and to strengthen and secure their position and participation in society.

Main Projects / Activities

Our ongoing pilot project is working on the organization and implementation of an 8,000 sqm permaculture garden entitled ARTEMIS Yasam Bahcesi - ARTEMIS Garden of Life - People Planting for the Future.
The main goal is to work with the participants to plant an 8,000 square meter city garden with the character of a small biosphere reserve.
Our concept is the functional set-up of a basic eco-camp including efficient environmental technology with: straw and clay building houses, autonomous power supply through renewable energies, organic gas toilets with shower cubicles, cultivation of bio-dynamic Demeter vegetables and much more.

ARTEMIS Dernegi is working on the realization of a music performance / musical entitled "The Call of the Trees". Venue will be in Bodrum on 11/28/2022. The event partner is the city of Bodrum itself. The performance is to take place as part of an international climate protection campaign on the Mediterranean. We are currently applying for funds from the Anna Lindh Foundation for this.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

ARTEMIS Dernegi has been building a social network in the Bodrum / Turkey region for 5 years. This includes smaller initiatives, clubs, organizations, state schools and private high schools, as well as the municipality of Bodrum.
ARTEMIS Dernegi participated as a Turkish partner country in September 2021 in the ERASMUS + youth exchange program. Under the title: "Kilombo Europe - Rock Against the Climate Change" we brought 15 young people in the age group of 16 - 25 years from Bodrum to Berlin in Germany. The 14-day youth encounter with groups from Germany, Spain, Poland and Turkey was taught and supervised by us in the seminars for the environment and body awareness.
Further ERASMUS + youth encounters are planned for 2023 and 2024.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

ARTEMIS Dernegi is working on various concepts and events.

ARTEMIS Dernegi has a good network within Turkey and also in Germany through our partner organization the ARTEMIS Project e. V. in Berlin.
We have contacts with the faculties of architecture and design at the Coburg University in Germany and of environmental technology and botany at the universities in Izmir and Mugla.

We expect further opportunities for networking through the Anna Lindh Foundation within Turkey and would also like to offer our partnership to other organizations.

We support the basic idea of the Anna Lindh Foundation and want to be part of the Mediterranean movement.

Contact (1) Full Name
Elisa Gelewski
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Elisa Gelewski
Contact (2) Full Name
Achmet Akif Köse
Job Title (2)