
Department of Youth Advancement, Municipality of Tel-Aviv Yafo

National Network

34 Mazeh Street
Tel-Aviv, 65214

972 3 526 5843
972 3 528 2132
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
972 54 452 2279
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Heritage
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Others
  5. Youth and education
General Information
The Department of Youth Advancement of the Municipality of Tel Aviv – Yafo provides for the special needs of children and youth at risk in the most metropolitan of Israeli cities. It supports yearly thousands of children and teenagers, who include Jews and Arabs, Israeli-born and new immigrants of both genders and diverse cultural backgrounds. Presently it includes a central unit, the Municipal Youth Center, three boarding homes, fifteen day care centers for children, twelve youth drop-in centers, four youth counseling and referral offices, and multiple activity centers throughout the neighborhoods.
Mission and Objectives

As a part of the municipal Education, Culture, and Sport Administration, the Department’s main focus is on preventing students from dropping out of school and bringing back to the educational system those who have nevertheless left it.
The Department strives to empower at-risk children and youth and to help them grow as productive, law-abiding citizens, capable of becoming better human beings.

Main Projects / Activities

o Vocational training
o Educational programmes
o Street corner youth work
o School dropout prevention
o Day care center for children from multi-problem families
o Substance abuse prevention
o Boarding homes

Contact (1) Full Name
David Navon
Head of the organisation
Ms. Irit Regev

Dirasat: the Arab Center for Law and Policy

National Network

P.O.Box 3190
Nazareth, 16131

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information
Dirasat was founded in late 2006. To date, we employ four regular staff members including a director, a development director, an office manager and a communications director. We also employ independent researchers. Our annual budget is currently between $200,000-$300,000 a year and our main funders are the Ford Foundation, the New Israel Fund, the EU Commission in Israel and the Heinrich Boell Foundation. We are a ‘think-and-do-tank’. As such, our main activities involve skills training, applied research, strategic planning and information dissemination. In addition to collaborating with researchers and other human rights organizations, we are currently working in close partnership with Haifa University, local Arab Authorities in Israel, and the Follow-Up Committee on Arab Education.
Mission and Objectives

Dirasat aims to influence decision-making within the Arab-Palestinian community in Israel, and within state institutions, such that all members of our society will enjoy both individual and collective equality. Our goals are: A) to develop viable alternatives to existing laws and policies (which are sensitive to our community’s distinct identity and culture) and present them to decision-makers; B) to encourage and actively participate in strategic goal setting in light of the root causes of the existing reality; C) to enhance the capacity for strategic thinking and planning among the Arab leadership and D) to encourage the development and adoption of new approaches for attaining substantive citizenship based on participatory, inclusive and democratic processes.

Main Projects / Activities

We are currently implementing- or planning on implementing projects in the following areas:
- Establishment of a virtual library of resources
- A study regarding local Arab councils with the aim of improving governance and service provision;
- A project to enhance education of teachers in the Arab sector;
- A series of studies designed to promote employment of Arab women;
- Resarch on the Arab-Palestinian minority in Israel as an indigenous group;
We also publish an annual yearbook.

Contact (1) Full Name
Dr. Yousef Jabareen
Head of the organisation
Dr. Yousef Jabareen
Contact (2) Full Name
Lisa Richlen


National Network

P.O BOX 12046-80117

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information
Dream Achievers Youth Organization (DAYO) was established in May 2005 under the Ministry of Gender, Children & Social Services with registration no. SS/MSA/CD/CBO/09/03 as a non-profitable and non political community based organization by a group of young volunteers who wanted to mitigate challenges among young people through community theatre as a participatory strategy of disseminating, educating and informing the community on issues of adolescence sexual and reproductive health, human rights, HIV/AIDS, Malaria and TB and sexuality with a focus on women and youths so that they can protect themselves from unwanted pregnancies, drug abuse and HIV/AID among other issues. The organization operates a community resource centre for convergence for information to address different community needs. The resource centre draws its volunteers from the local community, meaning that key staff and personnel cost has been met by the community itself. In the seven years DAYO has been in operation, it has managed to secure financial resources for its program through networking and collaboration which has strengthened the organization. Through funds from Youth Enterprise Development Fund, the organization has engaged in various income generating activities such as hiring of public address system, chairs and tents to meet daily obligations. While networking with relevant health organizations has eased the referral of youth to friendly health services and facilities contributing to HIV/AIDS prevention through counseling and testing services and treatment. DAYO has been among one of the CBOs which has conducted civic education on peaceful election voting and making wise decision in choosing their leaders, partnering with other organization such as Kenya Transition Initiative, Coast youth for peace and youth bunges to help us on mobilization and technical assistance. This partners will not received fund from us.
Mission and Objectives

Our Mission is to build capacity and respond by preventing and reducing the risks of diseases and socio-economic situations among youth in the region.
Integrity and Professionalism
Transparency and Accountability
Equality and Equity
Team work
Increase capacity of DAYO staff and associate and strengthen DAYO resource base and to ensure program design and implementation.
Integrate and strengthen capacity to support services and increase access to information, resources on SRHR and governance among youth to ensure quality youth friendly services through research and development of IEC materials.
Capacity building on organization internal structure and promote collaboration and partnership and strengthen integration and linkages with other programs through synergy.
Promote collective bargaining of young people and ensure improved livelihood for youth

Main Projects / Activities

Stakeholder Meeting
DAYO will mobilize community to attend the planning meeting so that the organization can sell the concept to the community and the involvement of the jet keepers from the government aims, meeting will also raise issues that affect people and encouraging them to be active during the project period. In addition the meeting will also identify issues in three counties, such as, Bill of rights, the national land policy, devolution and leadership.
Capacity Building Training
The project will incorporate the key issues of peace, development, devolution, consensus building, reconciliation and civic education and security in the training curriculum and utilize the community trainers to provide training leadership these themes to county platforms of civil society.
Awareness, Communication and Information dissemination
The media contributes in a very major way to the perceptions that institutionalize violence and injustices across the globe. The project will therefore develop a very strong information, education and communication strategy to encounter the mainstream media and their images of violence and consumerism that sustains the unjust global system. In order to do this the following activities will be carried out:
• Work with Pwani FM local radio stations in the region to launch radio talk shows and programs on issues of peace, cohesion, security, and development and election conflict management.
• Development and generation of IEC materials that will counter global advertising, media stereotypes that promotes human insecurity and injustice.
• Use of performing art as a tool of passing critical messages to foster peace, youth empowerment and entrench constitutionalism .e.g. Bill of rights, youth policy, the national land policy, devolution and leadership.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

The fact that Mombasa is a cosmopolitan city with porous borders in Kenya makes life challenging especially for the youth due to cross cultural interactions that has led to sex tourism, child prostitution, youth terrorism through al shabaab, drug and substance abuse, youth unemployment, negative ethnicity among other cross cutting issues. It is in this context that I decided to reach out to my fellow youth through community service which to me is a unique way of addressing problems.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

i want to build partnership with other organizations around the world.

Contact (1) Full Name
Seif Jira Mali
Head of the organisation
Seif Jira Mali
Contact (2) Full Name
Noah Amrono

Economic Empowerment for Women

National Network

102 Ha'atzmaut St.
Haifa 31091

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Gender
  2. Others
General Information
Economic Empowerment for Women (EEW) is a non-profit organization located Haifa that run business training and support programs thoughout the country. The organization employes seven staff members and approxomately thirty freelance proffesional facilitators. Our Budget is provided mostly by foundations and federation based in the US and Europe, Israeli based businesses, and some private donors, particpants fees and governemnt agencies support. All of our programs are run in cooperation with local municipalities and community centers.
Mission and Objectives

Economic Empowerment for Women (EEW) is a non-profit organization in Israel dedicated to improving women’s lives through economic empowerment. Its mission is to supply low income women in Israel with the knowledge and tools to create and grow their own small businesses as a means for gaining self-sufficiency and alleviating the cycle of poverty in which they live.EEW's programs are all based on a feminist approach and include processes of personal empowerment fitted to suit our diverse population of women, and result in emotional welfare enabling economic growth. All of EEW programs are run in collaboration with government institutions, local authorities and social organizations throughout the country. Since its establishment, EEW has served over 4,000 women from underprivileged populations in Israel, most from the geographic and social periphery, including ultraorthodox, Arabs, new immigrants, single parents, over 45 and victims of violence. Activities have taken place in over 80 locations, and EEW has played an active role in the establishment and growth of over 1,700 small businesses in a variety of fields

Main Projects / Activities

EEW's comprehensive program addresses the different stages of businesses' growth. 1. Empowerment and Entrepreneurial Training Course: This intensive program includes weekly sessions focusing on empowerment, business skills, and developing business plans for the new enterprises. EEW's flag ship program is our yearlong "A Business of One's Own". 2. Business Development Services are provided over five years to grow existing businesses and increase the personal income earned from one's business. They include advanced business training and industry related seminars; Business Incubation; intensive Marathon Business training weekends; computer trainings; regional business forums, one-on-one and small group business coaching. 3. Savings for the Future: Financial Literacy and Asset Building: This program, the first of its kind in Israel, promotes asset development strategies among low-income business owners through financial literacy courses and matched savings used for business development or specialized training.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

EEW is happy to work in cooperation with organizations serving women in Israel. Women can bee refered to us by any member orgazniation and join project can be implemented. we are happy to share our 14 years of expereince with low income women in micro business development and economic empowerment.  

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We would like to develop partnership with other organiztions with semilar agendas and share and recieve inforaion on issues such as fudning opportuniies, proffesional seminars and intersitng projects being run.

Contact (1) Full Name
Claudia Goodich-Avram
Job Title
Resource development coordinator
Head of the organisation
Khawla Rihani

Economic Empowerment for Women

National Network

102 Ha'atzmaut
Haifa 31091

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Khawla - 0548011225
Mobile Phone (other)
Claudia - 0505602239
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
General Information
Economic Empowerment for women (EEW), founded in 2000 by women active in Haifa's feminist organizations, is a non-profit organization dedicated to improving women’s lives through economic empowerment. the organization is headed by Khawla Rihani and Ruti Gur and employs 8 part time staff members our courses are thought by facilitators that hve worked with EEW for many years. EEW is funded by private foundations, federations, businesses, government sources and particpants. Our yearly budget is approxomately 600,000$. EEW partmers with local municipalities and community centers in all of our programs.
Mission and Objectives

EEW's mission is to supply low-income women in Israel with the knowledge and tools to create their own small businesses as a means for gaining financial self-sufficiency and alleviating the cycle of poverty in which they live. EEW has developed model programs that have been adopted by government and non-profit organizations for their own low-income populations. In 2008 EEW was awarded the Speaker of the Knesset Prize for the Quality of Life and in 2011 the Division of Women's Affairs within the Office of the Prime Minister awarded a public tender to EEW to provide economic empowerment courses to women throughout Israel for two years.

Main Projects / Activities

EEW's program addresses the different stages of businesses' growth. The programs include: 1. Empowerment and Entrepreneurial Training Course: This intensive program includes weekly sessions focusing on empowerment, business skills, and developing business plans for the new enterprises. EEW's flag ship program is our "Business of One's Own" course. 2. Business Development Services are provided over five years to grow existing businesses and increase the personal income earned from one's business. They include advanced business training and industry related seminars; Business Incubation; intensive Marathon Business training weekends; computer trainings; regional business forums, one-on-one and small group business coaching. 3. Savings for the Future: Financial Literacy and Asset Building: This program, the first of its kind in Israel, promotes asset development strategies among low-income business owners through financial literacy courses and matched savings used for business development or specialized training. Since the onset of the program, EEW has opened over 140 business-training courses for women all over the country with approximately 4,000 participants. EEW played an active role in the establishment and growth of over 1,800 small businesses that were initiated by its graduates and loan recipients. Thirty-five percent of the women who completed the program have income

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

EEW has a lot of experience in the feild of economic empowerment and finnacial oreintations. we could share our knowlege with others. we could also connect local businesswomen, graduates of our program with otherwomen worldwide for purposes of developing thier business. Running joint programs is also a possibily.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We would ike to learn from other orgnzaions in the feild of economic empowerment for future programs in tearms of experience, programming and results. We would like to run joint projects whe possible, find out about possible funding opportunities and be a part of network working twards improving society.

Contact (1) Full Name
Claudia Goodich-Avram
Job Title
Resource development coordinator
Head of the organisation
Khawla Rihani

EcoPeace / Friends of the Earth Middle East

National Network

90 Begin Road, Tel-Aviv - Israel
Tel-Aviv 67138

+972-3-5605383 (Tel Aviv Office)
Telephone (other)
+962-6-5866602 (Amman Office)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
+972-52-453-2597 (Gidon Bromberg)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information
FoEME has a local board employing 38 staff from the region. Our funding is totally dependent on donations and calls for proposals but we tend to raise a million $US a year. Our main sources are from the EU, European governments, USAID, Japan, foundations and private donations. We work both top down and bottom up producing advocacy reports and yet undertaking community based work. We partner with local municipalities, other CBOs and environment and peace organizations.
Mission and Objectives

Friends of the Earth Middle East (FoEME) is a unique organization that brings together Jordanian, Palestinian, and Israeli environmentalists. Our primary objective is the promotion of cooperative efforts to protect our shared environmental heritage. In so doing, we seek to advance both sustainable regional development and the creation of necessary conditions for lasting peace in our region. FoEME has offices in Amman, Bethlehem, and Tel-Aviv. FoEME is a member of Friends of the Earth International, the largest grassroots environmental organization in the world.

Main Projects / Activities

GOOD WATER NEIGHBORS PROJECT The key purpose of the Good Water Neighbors project is to identify pilot communities in Israel, Jordan and the Palestine to raise awareness through youth and adult activities at the community level as to their own water reality and promote more sustainable water management at the municipal/household level; advance trans-boundary cooperation between the neighboring communities in order to exchange information concerning each other’s water reality and seek to advance specific cooperation on common water problem solving issues; and to utilize the results and experience gained at the pilot community and partnering community level for a region-wide public awareness program on wise water use and water equity issues. In each community, field staff has worked in close partnership with youth and adults to improve their environment, and to create awareness of their own and their neighboring community’s water reality.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mr. Gidon Bromberg
Head of the organisation
Mr. Munqeth Mehyar
Contact (2) Full Name
Erin Falah (Resource Development)

ECOWEEK - Habits Change ... Climate Change

National Network

Kibbutz Kramim D.N.Hanegev 84963

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information
Staff volunteering: 3 Staff employed: 1 (part-time) Partners: 5 Budgetary resources: Rely on parent organization in Greece Sourcees of Funding: Foundations, EU (expected), Government Action: Annual conference and worshops, co-organization of conference and workshops, documentary screenings, lectures & discussions. Main partner: FoEME (2010), NISPED (2010), SCE College (2009), ECOWEEK (Greece) (2008-2010)
Mission and Objectives

Mission to raise public awareness on environmental issues and involvement of public and youth in sustainable living. Since 2008 to empower young architects and students of architecture to adopt sustainable design and green buildings. Since 2009 objective to become a platform for young architects and Architecture students to work side by side established experts and professions, and to encourage dialogue between Israeli, Palestinian, European and American young architects and students of Architecture, in learning and designing 'green' buildings.

Main Projects / Activities

ECOWEEK 2010 Young Architects Forum for Greeen Architecture, Community and Sustainablity - international conference and workshops bringing together Israeli, Palestinian, European and American young architects and students of Architecture, with established architects from the region and abroad.

Contact (1) Full Name
Dr. Elias Messinas, CEO
Head of the organisation
Dr. Elias Messinas, Founder and CEO

Eden Association

National Network

Kibbutz Beit Kama N. N Hangev 85325
Kibbutz Beit Kama

Telephone (other)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information
The Eden Association has 70 workers. Our annual budget is $1,752,500. Our director is Shirley Katzir. Partners of Eden include the Hanns Seidel Foundation and the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Welfare. Our sources of funding come from foundations and private donors as well as some funding from the state. At Eden we provide marginalized Negev communities with social, educational, and rehabilitative services. We focus on children with disabilities, disadvantaged women, and at -risk youth. Our projects include the Flower in the Desert, The Eden Boarding School, and Essence women's empowerment centers in the Bedouin city of Rahat.
Mission and Objectives

At Eden, we are committed to providing high quality care and services to underprivileged people in the region. Our objectives are to
 initiate, establish and operate therapeutic frameworks for underprivileged populations in the northern Negev
 provide high-quality education, vocational training and welfare services to the population we serve
 reach a large number of people and impact their lives so that they can lead healthier lives and positively impact their communities

Main Projects / Activities

 The Eden Association was founded in 1997 by educators and social activists to address the needs of the Negev's marginalized populations. Focusing primarily on women, children and teenage girls with special needs, Eden is committed to community betterment and the alleviation of poverty. Striving to bridge gaps in Israeli society, we provide high-quality educational, therapeutic and rehabilitative programs that serve to strengthen disadvantaged communities in the northern Negev
Eden Hostel for teenage girls with mental and emotional disabilities: Established in 2005 –the hostel is provides therapeutic and educational support for its young, poor, and disabled residents.
 "Sweet Future" bakery - The bakery serves as vocational therapy for the hostel girls. Intended to teach the girls the importance productivity, work at the bakery is meant to also ease their future integration into the job market.
 "Growing up Together"- professional training for pre-school teachers: In operation for the past decade, this project provides comprehensive training to pre-school teachers who lack the proper education and resources to be effective in the classroom.
 "Flower in the Desert" - supplementary therapeutic – educational framework for children with physical and mental disabilities: This 5-day a week program provides children with mild to severe retardation comprehensive educational and therapeutic care. The children, who come from some of the most impoverished families in the Bedouin city of Rahat, are treated by a professional staff that addresses their varied and expansive needs.

Contact (1) Full Name
Shirley Katzir
Head of the organisation
Shirley Katzir
Contact (2) Full Name
Tamar Levi Hevroni