Wasfi al-tall str. Khalda, Bldg. # 210, office # 306, Amman P.O.Box: 4168 Irbid (Amman) 21110, Al-Jame'a Str. Irbid– Jordan
Amman 21110
- Democracy and community development
- Gender
- Human rights
- Research
- Youth and education
Al Hayat Center for Civil Society Development is a non-governmental civil society organization established in 2006. Al Hayat aims to promote accountability, governance, public participation and tolerance in Jordan and the region within the framework of democracy, human rights, and the rule of law, taking into consideration gender mainstreaming in public policy and action. Al Hayat works through two main programs: Accountability, Local Governance and Participation (RASED; The Observer) program and Countering Radicalization program. Al Hayat Center has more than 10 years of experience in the field of training and legal research and analysis, housing a special unit through which training and research services are provided. The organizational structure is composed of 3 bodies, the advisory board(7 members), the executive board (4 members), and the staff (7 members). Financial resources are mainly composed of funds by donor organizations, such as USAID and European Commission, in addition to fees of services provided by the Center to the local community; for the second half of 2006 the Center managed a total budget of JoD 26,448. Main activities of the Center are capacity building and awareness projects, Euro-Med Youth Program activities, youth exchanges, and research. We are in affiliation with USAID, EC, Cities and Villages Development Bank, Al-Thoraya Center for Studies, Consultancies, and Training, Conference Dialogue Center, National Forum for Youth and Culture: Jordan Youth, and Konrad Adenauer Foundation. E-mail: arabiahccsd@yahoo.com; info@hayatcenter.org; mai.e@hayatcenter.org; g.director@hayacenter.org; mmaa1985@yahoo.com
Al-Hayat Center for Civil Society Development is a research based independent non-profit entity that aims at achieving sustainable development in Jordan, through building the capacity of local and regional communities to meet current and future development challenges. This is to be achieved through empowering positive attitudes and ethics that encourage creative thinking, scientific problem solving and decision making, appropriate local and regional planning, and proper public participation, and promote equality, equity, justice, and community service, on individual and organizational levels.
Main Current Projects / Activities : Accountability, Governance and Participation المسائلة و الحكم المحلي والمشاركة 1. Monitoring Parliamentary and Municipal Elections 2. Parliament and Open Government Monitoring 3. MPs scorecards 4. Decentralization 5. Citizens’ Engagement 6. Women’s Public Participation 7. Civic Education for Youth 8. Policy and Law Analysis • مراقبة الانتخابات البرلمانية والبلدية • مراقبة البرلمان واصدار بطاقات تقييم الأداء للنواب • مراقبة الشفافية الحكومية • اللامركزية • دمج المواطنين في عملية صنع القرار (المرأة والشباب) • تحليل القوانين والسياسات Countering Radicalization مكافحة التطرف • Countering narratives • Capacity building for religious and community leaders • Using social media • Fostering collaboration between CSOs and government • Studies and Analyses • Religious and cultural exchanges • الرسائل البديلة ومكافحة التطرف • بناء القدرات للقادة الدينيين وقادة المجتمع • استخدام وسائل التواصل الاجتماعي • دعم الشراكة بين الحكومة والمجتمع المدني • دراسات وتقارير • التبادلات الثقافية وحوار الاديان In the past: "Enhancing the Awareness of and Respect for the Rule of Law among Young Jordanians" Project, funded by USAID. American-Jordanian InterAction Youth Exchange Program, funded by Interfaith Youth Core – Chicago, USA. Jordanian-Danish Youth Workshop "Intercultural Dialogue – the Pitfalls of Misunderstanding and Misperceptions", funded by the Danish Association for International Development and the Danish Youth Council. Sending organization in various youth exchange and EVS programs under the Euro-Med Youth Action Program. Monitoring elections and the performance of elected councils.