16000 Algiers
- Environment/Sustainable development
- Others
- Youth and education
Our mission is to find innovative solutions through entrepreneurship to solve Algeria’s challenges: creating sustainable jobs, dynamizing disadvantaged areas, protecting the environment, developping access to culture, empowering women and youth, etc.
Reveal = Identifying the existing “social entrepreneurs” in Algeria. Most of them ignore yet being “social entrepreneurs” and part of a vibrant international dynamic.
Inspire = Promoting social entrepreneurship, especially among young people, and inspiring them to act positively – through media partnerships, TEDx conferences, social business Competition, conferences, etc.
Support = Helping potential social entrepreneurs, especially motivated young people, to build their own social business and launch it successfully, with coaching, mentoring, training, expertise, etc. from national and international social entrepreneurship support programs.
Connect = Building an online/offline ACSE Community to develop social entrepreneurship in Algeria, sharing resources, knowledge and projects. And link it with the international movement of social entrepreneurship and innovation.
a. ConnectWEEKENDS :
Description :
A Meeting during a whole weekend in a casual place aiming to create a network between different associations,NGO's and Social entreprises in Algeria and strengthen ACSE's network
Objectives :
o Creation of a network of Algerian Social Entrepreneurs.
o Sharing of knowledge and experiences.
o Empowering the development of common projects and initiatives.
b. Entrepreneurial Cafe :
- One or Two participants of the ConnectWEEKEND organizing an informal meeting with young Algerians to discuss about their projects,initiatives,experiences and the future of Social Entrepreneurship in Algeria.
c. Trainings and micro-trainings :
i. Training of trainers of ACSE :
Description :
Training of trainers in informal education on social entrepreneurship (problem solving, critical thinking, innovative ideas generation, Creativity development, social business model, social business plan, Social Business managment, Social Impact Scaling).
ii. Trainings for youth :
Description :
- Workshops (with/without conferences) in universities and schools
- Two days trainings all around the country.
- Social Entrepreneurship camp : An intensive training of 4-6 days
iii. Trainings in Associations Managment :
Description : Trainings in (Events planning,Development Strategies, HR managment, Communication Strategies, fund raising campaigns ).
d. Official Launching Ceremony :
- Description : A one day event that gathers the whole Social Entrepreneurship ecosystem in Algeria ( Governemental institutions,Official organisms, Companies, Civil Society agents, journalists, Social Entrepreneurs, Young Changemakers ) to present the center and its program, make a call to action and inspire for change.
- objectives :
o Presenting the Center, its objectives and activities .
o Inspiring Algerians and empower them to be entrepreneurs and become positive change agents through entrepreneurs talks.
e. Edition of the Social Entrepreneurship Magazine :
- Every 6 months (January and July of each year)
- The magazine will contain :
o Presentation of the center (objectives, team, events)
o News, Tips, interviews, Inspiring articles on Social Entrepreneurship
o Opportunites (Scholarships, trainings, exchanges…)
f. White book of ACSE :
Description :
Inventory of the different projects of social entrepreneurship in Algeria to lead with examples and motivate young algerians to create their own initiatives to see the change they are waiting for.
g. Social Entrepreneurs Competition :
- A competition between young motivated algerians. Every team should present their idea or concept of a social business
To get access to learning and funding opportunities,grow our network, and benefit from the experience of the different organizations that are part of ALF network.