Center for Democratic Transition (CDT)

National Network

dr Vukašina Markovića bb
Rimski trg 10
81000 Podgorica

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Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Research
General Information
CDT was founded in August 2000. Its current staff consists of 12 full time employees. CDT's managing structures consist of 3-member Executive Board, 5-member Managing Board, 3-member Supervisory Board and Assembly of 32 members. CDT is member of ENEMO - European Network of Election Monitoring Organizations, GNDEM - Global Network of Domestic Election Observers, CSAC - Civil Society Against Corruption, ACTION SEE - Regional network of organizations which promote political accountability and SELDI - South European Leadership for Development and Integrity. Organisation is currently supported by different donors, such as: British Embassy Belgrade, British Embassy Podgorica, US Embassy, EU, BTD, NATO PDD, OSI Think Tank Fund, MSI, The Rockfeller Brother Foundation, Fund for Active Citizenship, Government of Montenegro. First quarter of the year is an active fundraising period to ensure full financial stability. Average annual budget in last three years was up to 300.000,00€. Aiming to achieve financial transparency, all financial data are available on our web site. CDT's five program areas are Elections, Good Governance, EU and NATO integrations, Civil Society.  One of the most important CDT programmes is dealing with political corruption, through monitoring and analysis of financing of political parties. In previous years CDT monitored political parties financing and promoted legislative changes, which resulted in adoption of the new Law on Financing Political Parties in 2011, in the drafting of which CDT also took part.  
Mission and Objectives

CDT strives to promote democracy in Montenegro - characterized by honest and accountable government, dynamic civil society, and active and informed citizens - through development and fostering of public dialogue, education of political stakeholders, advocacy and monitoring of institutions, processes and policies.

Main Projects / Activities

CDT is implementing many projects aimed on improvement of transparency and accountability of public institutions on national and local level, and better communication between government and citizens. For more information, please see CDT's Annual Report:

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

CDT is one of the most prominent NGOs in Montenegro, and is actively involved in various regional and international CSO networks and joint advocacy initiatives which opened channels of communication and cooperation both with different CSOs and state institutions aiming at higher involvement of civil sector in creation of state policies. CDT has a Research Center, which has been established as support for those CDT project activities requiring scientifically and methodologically based research and expert analysis. The Center works on projects and researching teams are created ad hoc depending on the nature of the project. In its network, the CDT has a great number of highly skilled personnel, capable of conducting demanding researches and analyses. 

Contact (1) Full Name
Dragan Koprivica
Job Title
Executive Director
Head of the organisation
Dragan Koprivica
Contact (2) Full Name
Milica Bogdanović
Job Title (2)
Web Content Editor