- Democracy and community development
- Gender
- Human rights
- Media
- Others
- Youth and education
Mission :
The Culture and Free Thought Association is a Palestinian pioneering institution which always seeks to concentrate on and further the values of civil society through implementing a set of programs and activities aimed at advancing societal awareness in all relevant fields, including the cultural, sociological, recreational, educational, health and economic fields, and through its activities and projects provide vital services to society’s children, youth and women depending on a highly-qualified and creative staff; this in addition to CFTA's trust in and reliance on the ability of the society it serves
CFTA's main objectives are:
• To provide disadvantaged children and teenagers in refugee camps with opportunities in artistic expression and informal education to advance their educational, cultural and social condition via the different free and planned activities.
• To empower women by providing them with economic developmental support, healthcare, legal and psychologic
A. Children and Teenagers Projects ,
The Association runs two children projects and one specific project for adolescents.
These Projects are :
Al Shroq Wal Amal Children Centre (Sunrise and Hope) – This center was set up in Khan Younis camp in April 1992. This centre provides children between the ages of 6-12 opportunities in education, self- awareness, creative expression through an innovative program of activities, trips and projects.
B. Youth Projects:
CFTA already running two youth projects one is the Wessal project and the second is the Youth Initiative Fund.
C. Women's Projects
The Gaza Women Credit Program This program initiated in October 1995. This is a loan program offered to women of Gaza Strip living under difficult economic circumstances.