IFA - Integration for All

National Network

Cours st Michel 98

Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Media
  4. Youth and education
General Information
IFA’s concept tries to find concrete answers to respond to Giraffe - Elephant situations in ways that minimize the potential negative impact of the elephant experience. Therefore one has to move out of his own culture in order to learn about it. When we put this into practice in our films it is obvious that if we do not see how we behave in the uniforms of our own culture we cannot deal and understand the uniforms of other cultures. The concept will affect fully policy makers, case managers, professionals, teachers, coaches and intermediary people who deal with and work in the immigration and integration field. If these people go through such concrete integration experience themselves, they will be careful in addressing this integration issue and its policy. Once this is done and the professionals are ready to compete and to come out with a healthy integration program, then we can start talking about the End of the Beginning to meet diversity effectiveness. Starting with optimistic assumptions and acting on them will increase the likelihood of turning the elephant experience into a personal and organizational triumph.
Mission and Objectives

IFA’s work is based on a concrete concept and on concrete facts and it has delivered clear, positive and eye opening results that could be used in any integration policy that aims to narrow the gap between the immigrants and the inhabitants of the host country. Our approach contains a serious understanding of how to deal with other cultures and understanding the needs of the immigrants before putting in place a policy or an integration program.

Main Projects / Activities

Grundtvig workshop "The other side of the medal"
Practical training programme, comparable with the regular immigration programmes for newcomers in Europe, carried out in the Turkish mosque in Tilburg, the Netherlands. The programme includes lessons in Turkish as a second language, a home stay with Turkish families and practical work placements at Turkish companies.

Grundtvig partnership "Building a house of diversity"
Project with partners from 8 EU countries who will organise a one day integration programme in a non European organisation. The participants will be filmed and the project results will be put one a DVD which can be used as an educational tool in each European Organization dealing with intercultural and integration issues.

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation