The Palestinian Center for Peace and Democracy " PCPD"

National Network
00972 2 2965981
00972 2 2965983
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Youth and education
General Information
The Palestinian Centre for Peace and Democracy is a non-governmental, non-profit organisation inspired by the principle that the future of Palestine lies in an independent democratic state in which there is full respect for human rights, acknowledgment of the importance of freedom of expression and assembly, recognition of every human's innate right to participate in governance and a vibrant civil society as stipulated in the Palestinian Declaration of Independence of 1988. PCPD works towards this by providing a podium for free, uncensored dialogue; initiating debate and discussion; promoting the values of democracy, social justice and genuine peace; defending public freedoms; empowering society's marginalised groups; providing training and capacity-building to strengthen civil society organisations; creating alliances within civil society; and alert Palestinians of their rights and opportunities as equal citizens who may actively participate in the creation of the environment in which they live. Respect for human rights, tolerance towards each other, participation by all, accountability and the rule of law are the pillars upon which our Centre's work is founded. Vision PCPD is a Palestinian organization pioneering in the field of developing participative democracy, promoting humanitarian culture and strengthening the participation of the public and marginalized groups in the political, cultural and economic lives within an independent and modern Palestinian state. We are also at the forefront of promoting a culture of just-peace in the Palestinian society to contribute to the termination of the Israeli Occupation. Strategies 1. Developing the programs and projects of PCPD and mobilizing the necessary funds from international donor agencies that support democracy development programs. It is essential to initiate through programs that would have a clear effect on the target groups in order to show the distinctive role PCPD is playing in benefiting and responding to the needs of the target groups. 2. Designing programs that target the youth in accordance with their current needs and focusing on preparing and implementing programs that build the capacity of the organizers of the youth programs. 3. Laying down a media strategy to underline the role of the Center; to make best use of the local mass media in order to reach a wide range of the population; and to promote PCPD’s image and vision among local and foreign agencies. 4. Taking the initiative to develop joint activities and programs with the Israeli peace camp, particularly with young activists, in conjunction with partner Israeli organizations, provided that any relationship should be minimally based on political harmony, equal partnership and mutual cooperation. 5. Building the capacity of partner organizations and active community leaders in various locations in order to establish a network of supporters that would implement the activities and programs of PCPD. Inspiration PCPD adopts all international agreements and conventions, particularly the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the special agreements which call for the eradication of all forms of discrimination against women. We also promote the all of the agreements stipulations including the respect of public freedoms, human rights and human dignity. At the Palestinian level, PCPD adopts the Palestinian National Consensus Charter Document, "The Declaration of Independence Document" of 1988, which states that: "The State of Palestine is the state of Palestinians wherever they may be. The state is for them to enjoy in it their collective national and cultural identity, theirs to pursue in it a complete equality of rights. In it will be safeguarded their political and religious convictions and their human dignity by means of a parliamentary democratic system of governance, itself based on freedom of expression and the freedom to form parties. The rights of minorities will duly be respected by the majority, as minorities must abide by decisions of the majority. Governance will be based on principles of social justice, equality and non-discrimination in public rights of men or women, on grounds of race, religion, color or sex under the aegis of a constitution which ensures the rule of law and an independent judiciary. Thus shall these principles allow no departure from Palestine's age-old spiritual and civilizational heritage of tolerance and religious coexistence." Main Programs : Promoting Democracy Program Consolidating Palestinian Peace Program Capacity Building Program Youth Empowerment Program Women Empowerment Program Primary Donor(s) CORDAID – THE NETHERLANDS EUROPEAN COMMISSION GERMAN DEVELOPMENT SERVICE/DED - GERMANY KVINNA TILL KVINNA – SWEDEN MENNONITE CENTRAL COMMITTEE – CANADA ROSA LUXEMBURG STIFUTUNG - GERMANY TOCAIRE – IRELAND WOMEN’S WORLD DAY OF PRAYER – GERMAN COMMITTEE
Mission and Objectives

PCPD is a non governmental and not for profit organization working on initiating debates and discussions; organizing training courses to reinforce the ideology, culture and values of democracy and genuine peace; empowering the target groups, particularly women; building the capacities of local organizations and community activists; reviving voluntary work and community participation to liberate the Palestinian society from occupation and all forms of backwardness. Respect for human rights, tolerance, participation, accountability and rule of law are the pillars of the Center's work.
1- Promoting the concept of democracy and spreading its practices within the Palestinian society.
2- Promoting the culture of genuine peace in Palestine as a means of achieving Palestinian national rights through the ending of the occupation, the establishment of an independent Palestinian state with East Jerusalem as its capital and in implementing the Right of Return and compensation for refugees.
3- Strengthening the capacity of PCPD to implement programs in rural areas in addition to further development of our work in urban areas.
4- Activating youth through positive community participation and arousing the feelings of national belonging.
5- Empowering Palestinian women and consolidating their political, economic and social roles.

Main Projects / Activities

The Role of Women in the Peace Process
Strategic Peace
The Political and Economic Rights of Women
Building Leaderships (Enhancing the women leadership)
Citizenship in Participation
The Bridges of Youth Networking
Solving conflicts based of International Law
Empowering Grassroots Organizations
The role of women in the peace process

Contact (1) Full Name
Mrs. Hilda Issa
Head of the organisation
Mr. Naseef Muallem
Contact (2) Full Name
Ms. Majd Beltaji