National Network

RAMAT EFAL 9256000

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Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
The Parents Circle – Families Forum is a unique organization made up of more than 600 Israeli and Palestinian bereaved families.  Since its establishment the members – all of whom have lost a family member to the conflict – have undertaken a joint effort in the midst of ongoing violence to transform their incredible loss and pain into a catalyst for reconciliation and peace. They choose to convert anger and revenge, helplessness and despair, into actions of hope. They operate education, public awareness, and advocacy projects that foster humanization and empathy towards both Israelis and Palestinians. The general mission is to generate dialogue between Palestinians and Israelis to promote reconciliation. The PCFF employs 16 staff members (full and part time position) and 80 volunteers and operates from two offices, in Israel and Palestine. PCFF has committed to a purely joint organization in which our staff is duplicated—a Palestinian and Israeli staff. In order for PCFF activities, decisions and programming to be conducted on both sides, it requires tremendous efforts on each side —Palestinian and Israeli—to carry out the project in accordance to the specific language, cultural sensitivities, geographic accessibilities and societal cultures and norms of each side. While this commitment to a fully joint organization presents financial challenges for PCFF, it is also added value and unique advantage that that allows PCFF to offer projects that other organizations cannot. Ddue to extensive and proffessional program design, PCFF has been successful in achieving grants from some of the leading foundations in the world, working in the realm of Peace and Conflict Mitigation. In 2014-2015 PCFF projects were supported by United Stated Agency for International Development (USAID), EU Partnership for Peace, Bread for the World (Germany), United Stated Institute for Peace, Diakonia Austria, Centre of Global Ministries Ecumenical Relations (Northern Germany), and more.    
Mission and Objectives

The PCFF’s overall objective is to drive a reconciliation process among Israelis and Palestinians as a necessary catalyst for a negotiated agreement.  The most important part of reconciliation lies in the construction of persistent relations that support developing trust, knowing and acknowledging the other narrative, sensitivity to the needs of the other side, and mutual respect.
The PCFF’s programs focus on reconciliation on the interpersonal and civil society levels.  PCFF's education work seeks to:
 Contribute to mutual understanding, empathy and acknowledgment;
 Break down attitudes, stereotypes and prejudices of “the other side”;
 Increase participants' commitment to and hope for reconciliation and peace.

Main Projects / Activities

The PCFF relies on the use of the parallel and personal narrative to achieve its goals.  At the root of the conflict, are the mutually exclusive narratives of the Israeli and Palestinian populations. Both sides see their version of the history or narrative as the truth and this leads to significant challenges in advancing reconciliation. The core goal of this methodology is to help people move beyond exclusive truths, and begin to empathize and understand other perspectives on the same events. The PCFF has focused on bringing the concept of narratives to the Israeli and Palestinian public in all its activities because, in the search for reconciliation, our unique contribution is our stories and our histories.  The personal story serves as a great "opener" for a deep dialogue with the other side. We use the narrative in all of our projects.  In addition, many of our projects, especially those around public awareness, use the creative arts as a powerful platform to reach diverse audiences and alternative means of presenting the impact of the personal and parallel narrative and creating long-lasting change.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

The PCFF has over 20 years of experience working in Israel and cross-border, offering youth, young adults and adults the opportunity to explore, as well as challenge their beliefs and perceptions of the "other". Working with parallel narratives as a conflict mitigation tool over the past four years, the PCFF has witnessed and evaluated its power and impact on the reconciliation process among Israelis and Palestinians.
The PCFF is always ready and forthcoming in sharing its ecperiences and knowledge, as well as collaborating with like-minded organizations. 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

The PCFF has an ongoing relationship with ALF Network and regards ALF as a valuble resource through which to leverage its existing projects and experiences, create new cooperations and contacts while, at the same time, share its own experiences and learnings to advance other organizations.

Contact (1) Full Name
Efrat Tal
Job Title
Director of Grants & Finance
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name
Iris Meizler
Job Title (2)
Administrative Manager