Initiative des femmes actives de Safi

National Network

Pharmacie les Jasmis, Av Mohamed V, Coin de Paris
46000 Safi

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information

IFAS Shérazade's est une association artistique crée en 2017 par le collectif des femmes actives de la ville de safi dans le but de promouvoir le dialogue et les échanges interculturelles à travers l'art .

Mission and Objectives

Diffuser la culture de la créativité culturelle à travers l'art
Valoriser le patrimoine rimé comme tributaire de l’industrie culturelle
Organisation d'événements culturels et artistiques diversifiés et multiculturels
Affiner l’esprit de créativité et d’expression à travers l’art
Activités de dialogue et d’échange culturel

Main Projects / Activities

Soirées chorales et festivals de musique
Ateliers de créativité artistique
Ateliers de renforcement des capacités dans le domaine culturel

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Nous avons les mêmes missions du réseau Marocain de la Fondation dans la promotion des valeurs et du dialogue interculturel

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

parceque on est convaincu que notre adhésion pourra donner une valeur ajouté à nos activités et au réseau

Contact (1) Full Name
Falaki Nourelhouda
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Falaki Nourelhouda
Contact (2) Full Name
Bennis loubna
Job Title (2)
vice présidente

جمعية بشرى للمكفوفين وضعاف البصر

National Network

دار الشباب بياضة حي واد الباشا
46000 أسفي

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information

تأسست الجمعية سنة 2016 بهدف المساهمة في نشر ثقافة التضامن والتكافل الإجتماعي وترسيخ قيم الحوار الثقافي والتبادل بين الثقافات
كما تعمل من خلال المقاربة الحقوقية على إدماج الأشخاص في وضعية إعاقة بالمجتمع

Mission and Objectives

تعنى الجمعية بنشر الوعي حول الإعاقة وأليات التعامل معها والمساهمة في إدماجهم بالمجتمع، كما تعنى بترسيخ قيم التضامن والتسامح والتكافل الإجتماعي وخلق تواصل إيجابي بين مختلف فئات المجتمع
كما تعمل الجمعية على تنمية الموارد الثقافية وتثمين الإبداع ووالحوار بين الثقافات

Main Projects / Activities

أنشطة تكوينية لفائدة الأشخاص في وضعية إعاقة
الترافع من أجل إدماج الأشخاص في وضعية إعاقة
أنشطة الحوار والتبادل الثقافي
تقوية قدرات الفاعلين الجمعويين

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

نحن نعمل مع الشبكة منذ 6 سنوات ويمكننا المساهمة في نشر قيم الحوار والتعايش وقبول الأخر

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

من أجل تبادل التجارب والشراكات مع منظمات أخرى ومن أجل تقاسم الخبرات والمعرفة

Contact (1) Full Name
محمد الوراق
Job Title
Head of the organisation
محمد الوراق
Contact (2) Full Name
رشيد محبوبي
Job Title (2)
نائب رئيس

Salma Maternity / Machghalna

National Network

Abi road, Dr. Rachid Mouawad center, behind Credit Libanais Bank
zgharta 1304

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information

Sure, here is the requested information for SALMA MATERNITY and MACHGHALNA:

SALMA MATERNITY and MACHGHALNA are sustainable fashion initiatives based in Lebanon. The organization employs a dedicated team of 5 staff members focused on design, production, marketing, and administration. Additionally, we collaborate with local artisans, tailors, and community organizations as part of our network.

Our annual budgetary resources amount to approximately $50,000, primarily sourced from sales revenue, grants, and partnerships with impact investors and philanthropic organizations.

Our modalities of action include designing and producing sustainable fashion collections, organizing educational workshops and awareness campaigns, participating in industry conferences and exhibitions, and collaborating with schools and NGOs on social impact projects.

Key partners involved in our activities include local universities, environmental NGOs, government agencies, and international organizations promoting sustainable development and ethical fashion practices.

Mission and Objectives

As SALMA MATERNITY and MACHGHALNA, our mission is to revolutionize the fashion industry by promoting sustainability, ethical practices, and social impact. We aim to empower women, support local communities, and contribute positively to the environment through our innovative approaches.

Our objectives include:

1. Promoting Sustainable Fashion: We strive to create fashionable and functional clothing using eco-friendly materials and ethical production methods, reducing our environmental footprint.

2. Empowering Women: Through SALMA MATERNITY, we aim to support expectant mothers by providing them with comfortable and stylish maternity wear, fostering body positivity and confidence during pregnancy.

3. Social Impact: MACHGHALNA focuses on upcycling and repurposing old garments, reducing textile waste, and creating employment opportunities for local artisans and seamstresses.

4. Community Engagement: We organize awareness campaigns, workshops, and events to educate the public about sustainability, ethical fashion, and social responsibility.

5. Collaborations and Partnerships: We seek to collaborate with like-minded organizations, universities, NGOs, and government agencies to drive positive change in the fashion industry and promote sustainable practices on a larger scale.

Overall, our mission is to inspire, educate, and lead by example, encouraging others to adopt sustainable and ethical practices in fashion and beyond.

Main Projects / Activities

As SALMA MATERNITY and MACHGHALNA, our main projects and activities are geared towards promoting sustainability, empowering women, and fostering social impact. Some of our key initiatives include:

1. Upcycling and Sustainable Fashion: MACHGHALNA specializes in upcycling old garments and materials into new, stylish fashion pieces. We promote sustainable fashion practices by repurposing textiles, reducing waste, and minimizing our environmental footprint.

2. Maternity Wear and Body Positivity: SALMA MATERNITY offers a range of comfortable and stylish maternity wear for expectant mothers. Our goal is to empower women during pregnancy, promote body positivity, and provide functional clothing options that prioritize comfort without compromising on style.

3. Awareness Campaigns and Workshops: We organize awareness campaigns, workshops, and events focused on sustainability, ethical fashion, and social responsibility. These initiatives aim to educate the public, raise awareness about environmental issues in the fashion industry, and encourage conscious consumer choices.

4. Community Engagement and Collaboration: We actively engage with local communities, artisans, and seamstresses, creating employment opportunities and supporting local economies. We collaborate with universities, NGOs, and government agencies to drive positive change, promote sustainable practices, and advocate for social impact in the fashion industry.

5. Research and Innovation: We invest in research and innovation to develop new techniques, materials, and technologies that promote sustainability in fashion. This includes exploring eco-friendly fabrics, implementing circular economy principles, and adopting innovative design strategies.

Overall, our main projects and activities revolve around sustainability, empowerment, community engagement, and innovation, reflecting our commitment to creating a positive impact in the fashion industry and beyond.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

As SALMA MATERNITY and MACHGHALNA, we can contribute to the Network in our country in several ways:

1. Expertise in Sustainable Fashion: We can share our expertise in sustainable fashion practices, upcycling techniques, and eco-friendly materials with other members of the Network. This includes hosting workshops, webinars, and training sessions to educate and empower fashion designers, entrepreneurs, and artisans on sustainable fashion principles.

2. Collaborative Projects: We are open to collaborating on joint projects and initiatives that promote sustainability, social impact, and innovation in the fashion industry. This can include joint research projects, awareness campaigns, and community engagement initiatives aimed at driving positive change.

3. Networking and Partnerships: We can leverage our network of partners, collaborators, and stakeholders to facilitate connections and partnerships within the Network. This includes connecting with other organizations, businesses, and institutions that share similar values and goals related to sustainability and social responsibility.

4. Advocacy and Policy Influence: We are committed to advocating for policies and regulations that support sustainable fashion practices, ethical production, and environmental protection. We can actively participate in advocacy campaigns, policy discussions, and stakeholder engagements to promote positive change at the local, national, and international levels.

5. Knowledge Sharing and Best Practices: We can contribute to knowledge sharing by sharing our best practices, success stories, and lessons learned with other members of the Network. This includes sharing case studies, research findings, and practical insights on sustainable fashion, circular economy, and social entrepreneurship.

Overall, our contribution to the Network in our country would be focused on collaboration, knowledge sharing, advocacy, and fostering a community of like-minded individuals and organizations committed to creating a more sustainable and socially responsible fashion industry.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

As SALMA MATERNITY and MACHGHALNA, we are eager to join the ALF Network for several compelling reasons:

1. Networking Opportunities: We believe that joining the ALF Network will provide us with valuable networking opportunities to connect with like-minded organizations, experts, and stakeholders in the Euro-Mediterranean region. This network can facilitate collaborations, partnerships, and knowledge exchange that are essential for driving positive change and innovation in our respective fields of sustainable fashion and social impact.

2. Access to Resources and Funding: Being part of the ALF Network can grant us access to resources, funding opportunities, and capacity-building programs that can support our initiatives and projects. This includes grants, scholarships, training workshops, and technical assistance that can enhance our organizational capabilities and impact.

3. Platform for Visibility and Recognition: The ALF Network offers a platform for visibility and recognition on a regional and international scale. By being part of this network, we can showcase our work, achievements, and best practices to a wider audience, raising awareness about our mission, values, and contributions to sustainable development and social inclusion.

4. Learning and Exchange: We see the ALF Network as a platform for continuous learning, exchange of ideas, and collaboration on innovative solutions to common challenges facing our region. Through participation in network events, forums, and activities, we can learn from others, share our experiences, and contribute to shaping policies and practices that advance our shared goals.

5. Advocacy and Influence: Joining the ALF Network provides us with an opportunity to amplify our advocacy efforts and influence policy discussions related to sustainable development, environmental protection, social justice, and cultural exchange. We can engage in advocacy campaigns, policy dialogues, and collective action initiatives to advocate for positive change at local, national, and regional levels.

Overall, we believe that becoming part of the ALF Network aligns with our organizational values, strategic objectives, and commitment to creating a more sustainable, inclusive, and resilient Euro-Mediterranean region. We are excited about the prospect of contributing to and benefiting from this dynamic network of change-makers, innovators, and thought leaders.

Contact (1) Full Name
Salma Yammine
Job Title
Founder, General Manager
Head of the organisation

Stiftung Shanti

National Network

Moorweg 51
13509 Berlin

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information

The Shanti Foundation is a non-profit foundation based in Berlin. It was founded in 2019 by Dr. Christa Pandey and is dedicated to promoting human encounters in all areas of culture and the idea of international understanding.

Mission and Objectives

Our guiding principle is the personal encounter, exchange and understanding. We support projects that create connection, resonance and meaning. We are effective when new relationships are established between people from different backgrounds and socialisations who would otherwise never have met. We place projects for young people in particular at the centre of our work, as we are convinced that this is where the impact is most sustainable. Supporting humanitarian projects is therefore not a direct focus of the foundation's work.

Main Projects / Activities

At the Shanti Foundation, we are committed to making encounters between people possible. We are talking about encounters that are new and surprising as well as encounters beyond our comfort zone.

In view of a perceived divide in many societies, our social interaction is often at the centre of daily news. It is commonplace that mutual understanding, respect and acceptance need to be strengthened. The real challenge lies in recognising and overcoming prejudices that are simply assumed and reproduced. To do this, we need situations of encounter in which people with different perspectives can come together on an equal footing. We need spaces of encounter in which people can have their own positive experiences with each other.

Testing, exploring and researching formats for encounters and contacts that are sustainable is more important than ever. We support suitable methods and tools so that people can influence and inspire each other. In order to bring people into contact in the first place, we support creative approaches to reach them.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We are a small and young foundation that would like to specialise in methods and formats of encounter in the future. Together with our project partners, we would like to become experts in formats that are effective and sustainable. There are many daily contacts and many perspectives in our societies. But we would like to ask ourselves how we can support people in not just shielding or consuming other perspectives, but taking them seriously and respecting them? Within a network that focuses on intercultural dialogue, we can contribute our experience. Every foundation and every NGO has successes, but also failures. We can learn from these instead of making the same mistakes if we know about them from each other.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We are primarily interested in exchange. We would like to share experiences, evaluations and possible scientific findings in contact research. Projects are usually selective and short-term. We rarely know whether and how they have actually worked. We hope that this knowledge will be pooled in a network without being lost.

Contact (1) Full Name
Dr. Melanie Klein
Job Title
Programme Manager
Head of the organisation
Dr. Stefan Schmidt-Troschke & Dr. Alexander Schmidt-Gernig

Association Raouabit Assadaka

National Network

complexe social assadaka hay bendibane
90900 tanger

+212 5 39 31 62 91
+212 5 39 31 62 91
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
212 661202953
Mobile Phone (other)
212 620165076
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information

l'association raouabit assadaka est une association a but no lucratif qui a pour objectif l'intégration socioéconomique de la population vulnérable dans la société a travers trois axes principaux , l'éducation , l'insertion professionnel , la dynamique communautaire , l'appui psychosocial dans les villes de Tanger , Marrakech , tétouane avec des partenaires nationaux et internationaux

Mission and Objectives

Renforcer les capacités et les mécanismes d'intégration, de résilience et de cohésion sociale

Main Projects / Activities

projet FORSATY financer par USAID et OIM 2014/2023 projet résilience 2 financer par le british consul 2022/2023 projet de gestion des centre de protection social 2007/2024 ( Tanger , Marrakech, Tétouan)

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

nous somme une association qui travail sur les échanges d'expériences faire connaitre notre pays via la voie social partager notre savoir faire avec d'autres associations

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

votre réseau nous a été recommander par un partenaire d'Italie qui nous a raconter sans satisfaction de collaboration avec vous

Contact (1) Full Name
brahim jerdouj
Job Title
coordinateur de l'association
Head of the organisation
Mr mustapha labbardi
Contact (2) Full Name
said benrquia
Job Title (2)
directeur du centre de tanger

Lokomotiva- Centre for New Initiatives in Arts and Culture

National Network
North Macedonia

Dimitrije Chupovski 20/8
1000 Skopje
North Macedonia

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information

Lokomotiva is a small organization, project-based run due to a lack of available resources for structural funds. There are twelve members of the assembly, four people in the management structure and two ongoing collaborators. All are working on honorarium basses. Sources of funds are mixed, mostly from European funds, international donors, and some from the Ministry of Culture. Lokomotiva developed and implemented diverse culture and art projects, in different media and formats, such as performances, education, capacity building, training programmes, debates, discussions, exhibitions, researchers, advocacy activities and others. Lokomotiva understands culture as an extended field, co-related with society, and art as an experimental communication and post-discipline field that extends the forms of expression, production and dissemination.
Lokomotiva is a co-founder of spaces and associations locally and regionally and was a co-organiser in different EU projects, some late: ArtClimateTransition (2019-2023), (Non)Aligned Movements and ReImagine- green transition in performing arts.

Mission and Objectives

Lokomotiva is a civil society organization that develops and creates working conditions for the development, research, production, and presentation of the art practices and other work processes of professionals in the field of contemporary arts and culture.
Lokomotiva achieves this by generating new models of collaboration, advocacy in the creation of developmental cultural policies on local, regional, and international levels, discursive, residency, educational and production modes, as well as the development of needed capacities in the community.

2020-2024 Strategic Goals
• Strengthening the educational and research capacities and possibilities in art, culture and socio-politically relevant issues (ecology, gender politics, feminism, commons etc.);
• Creating new collaborative and support systems in the field of art and culture (residencies, mentoring and curatorial programs, research programs etc.) based on feminist intersectional approaches, togetherness and the creation of a safe environment;
• Improving working conditions in the field of contemporary art and the non-institutional scene (new space, institution, residency space(s), workers’ rights and universal basic income);
• Creating systems and mechanisms for international cooperation in the field of culture

Main Projects / Activities

Lokomotiva has an interdisciplinary approach to its programs and includes activities that support professional development and lifelong learning through education, creation and production, art exchange, diffusion, research, lectures, presentations, public debates and networking, and it is also present accentuated with a special purpose within a specific program activity.
What connects all programs is the re-reading of production models, educational, institutional and social practices and discourses, association models and partnership cooperation and advocacy for social change. All programs aim to offer new approaches and models of cooperation, production and education that contribute to social cultural and development and changes.
Programs in 2024
1. Contemporary culture and policies – a program designed to reform policies and politics in the field of art and culture (EU project ReImagine- Green transition in performing arts (EU project/ regional series of workshops, development of curriculum, toolkit and 12 diverse projects in N.Macedonia, Serbia, Hungary and Bulgaria) and Gender equality in culture and the arts (discussions after performances)
2. PERFORMANCE PLATFORM festival- performances/workshops (Diverse performances in collaboration with other festivals).
3. Collaboratory – research and production of artistic, curatorial and theoretical practices -residencies, workshops, discursive and educational programs, new approaches in building knowledge (Artistic residencies, KULTRAINING – education and cooperation for the communities (for non-professionals and professionals); Curatorial practice in Context – International School; digital archive of contemporary dance and choreography and exhibition on regional performance and dance practices)
4. Open spaces – program intended for building partnerships, developing methods and exchanging knowledge (Cooperation, participation and continuation of Membership in the European Dance, ONDA France, GPS USA etc.)

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We will bring sociocultural capital cultivated over the past two decades within our organization, through collaborations and our programs, particularly focused on the Balkans region but extending to encompass a broader European space. Our collective expertise encompasses a diverse array of experiences, fostering an intersectional perspective that integrates cultural dynamics with pertinent socio-political themes such as environmental concerns, gender politics, feminism, and communal initiatives. Moreover, we have a deep understanding of collaborative methodologies and their frameworks, including insights into both local and international cooperative endeavors. Additionally, we are engaged in policy activities and advocacy actions for providing better working conditions within regional collaborative contexts.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We want to connect and share our experiences with other regions and spaces, to bring those experiences to our collaborators- artists, cultural workers and other communities. Also, we would like to enhance endeavours among us and other organizations, bring artistic works, but also talk and discuss issues that concern us- such as gender inequalities and politics, environmental catastrophe etc.

Contact (1) Full Name
Biljana Tanurovska -Kjulavkovski
Job Title
Program director/ president
Head of the organisation
Biljana Tanurovska - Kjulavkovski
Contact (2) Full Name
Emilija Chockova
Job Title (2)
financial director and program manager

جمعية منتدى الشباب الروداني

National Network

رقم 34 تودجنت تارودانت
83000 تارودانت

Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Human rights
  5. Innovation and Entrepreneurship
General Information

جمعية شبابية بروح شبابية تأسست من أجل توجيه خدماتها للشباب و النساء بمنطقة تارودانت بصفة خاصة والمغرب بصفة عامة. من تأهيل الشباب حاملي الشواهد وتنظيم دورات تكوينية تؤهلهم لولوج سوق الشغل، والتعريف بأهداف التنمية المستدامة والمحافظة على البيئة ....

Mission and Objectives

- تكوين الشباب -المحافظة على البيئة - خلق شراكات تساهم في تأهيل الشباب - الاخد بيد الشباب - تنظيم دورات تكوينية لتقوية المهارات الأساسية -تنظيم دورات تكوينية في الديموقراطية التشاركية والمشاركة المواطنة

Main Projects / Activities

- لقاءات -دورات تكوينية - تظاهرات - جلسات نقاشية - شراكات وطنية و دولية

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

لتوسيع نطاق العمل و الاستفادة من التجارب الاخرى وخلق شراكات جديدة مفيدة

Contact (1) Full Name
طارق إدعدي
Job Title
امين مال الجمعية
Head of the organisation
فيصل مشاشتو
Contact (2) Full Name
فيصل مشاشتو
Job Title (2)
رئيس الجمعية

Association Center for Dispute Resolution

National Network

"Yurii Gagarin" 8 Street

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information

• Juridical Person - a non-profit association;
• sources of financing: project financing and provision of services
• Project "MEDIATION AND COURT IN SUPPORT OF BUSINESS: Popularizing fast, fair and effective dispute resolution through court referral programs to mediation"; Project "Promoting the use of mediation in Sofia Municipality, Nadezhda District"; training; seminars; team-building; civil initiatives; certifying and advanced training for mediators; negotiations; mediation procedures; consulting;
• main partners - municipalities, institutions, organizations; private individuals;

Mission and Objectives

In a world filled with conflicts and differences, our mission is to show a way to overcome them. We believe in the power of dialogue. We educate communities about a type of communication that leads to understanding and accepting each other's positions and points of view. Our path between polarization and distrust is mediation. Through presence, active listening, and effective collaboration, this process allows us to reach the driving motives of each side. Its strength lies in empathy, understanding, trust, and resolving a specific dispute to a feasible solution. Applying the techniques used in mediation in various personal and professional situations enhances the quality of life for the individual. Its use in organizations and institutions strengthens the democratic principles of society as a whole and gives confidence to all people in the fairness and ability to overcome difficulties.
The main goals of the Dispute Resolution Center are:
- to inform and familiarize individuals and key groups in society with the benefits and effects of implementing mediation as a way to resolve disputes/conflicts/problems;
- to assist individuals, legal entities, institutions, organizations, and all communities and groups in resolving conflicts between them through mediation;
- to carry out all related activities that would lead to promoting individuality, tolerance, freedom, and progress for each individual and for society as a whole.

Main Projects / Activities

The Center for Dispute Resolution (CDR) is the first center in Bulgaria to introduce the service of "mediation in municipality": the "Sredets" district of Sofia Municipality introduced a free mediation service for the residents of the district in 2019, which is still being used to this day. Within the framework of the "Promoting the use of mediation in Sofia Municipality, Nadezhda District" Project, the mediation service is now also offered in the "Nadezhda" district of Sofia Municipality. Our goal is for more districts in the capital to offer this service for the benefit of the citizens, and for it to become accessible to residents of most of the municipalities across the country.
CDR is the organization in Bulgaria that has developed and implemented an educational program on the subject of "Basics of Mediation" in schools. The curriculum is adapted for students in the high school level of education, aiming to enhance their emotional intelligence, reduce aggression in schools, and help students develop their communication and social skills. The training is conducted by qualified teachers - mediators;
CDR organizes and hosts the annual National Students Mediation Competition. Traditionally, teams from universities across the country participate in it. They come from various fields - humanities, technical, even military. Every year, the meetings and exchange of experiences and knowledge with them allow mediation to become more popular and find its application in different professional fields.
CDR organizes and conducts high-quality training for mediators from all over the country. Its training activities as an educational organization are approved by the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Bulgaria with license LS-04-903/16.05.2013. The Center for Dispute Resolution prides itself on its high professionalism and commitment to quality in training mediators. Thanks to our training program in the field of dispute resolution, we have the opportunity to build strong and competent mediators who know how to successfully participate in international disputes and achieve harmonious results for all parties involved.
Within the framework "MEDIATION AND COURT IN SUPPORT OF BUSINESS: Popularizing fast, fair and effective dispute resolution through court referral programs to mediation" Project CDR is the organization that has trained about one-third of the active mediators in the Republic of Bulgaria.
CDR takes care of improving the qualifications of practicing mediators by conducting specialized training in the areas of family, commercial, and intellectual property mediation.
It organizes and hosts various types of seminars, courses, and training related to enhancing communication skills, special mediator techniques, and methods for successful negotiation management in the form of team-building activities and through the method of "experiential learning".
CDR provides the service of mediation - for family and commercial disputes; workplace disputes; disputes within organizations; disputes between individuals and legal entities.
CDR advises organizations, individuals, and institutions on the effective use of the mediation procedure as an alternative way to resolve conflicts of all kinds.
Takes part in all initiatives about informing society and promoting mediation as a primary method for finding solutions and resolving conflicts.

Contact (1) Full Name
Albena Radoslavova Komitova
Head of the organisation
Albena Radoslavova Komitova
Contact (2) Full Name
Teodora Dontcheva Bozhilova

Eurothink - Center for European Strategies

National Network
North Macedonia

Petar Pop Arsov 6-5/2
1000 Skopje
North Macedonia

+389 2 3217 511
Mobile Phone
+389 78 306 598
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information

EUROTHINK – Center for European Strategies is a non-governmental, non-profit, non-political, think-tank organization founded in September 2002. Eurothink is made up of an executive office, Steering Board, and member's assembly. It holds a staff of 4 full time employees, 2 part time employees, and 1 intern. Its annual budget runs between 300 000-350 000 Euros. The main sources of funding come from the European Union, as well as other donors such as the National Endowment for Democracy and individual bilateral donors. Primarily, the work of Eurothink is made up of concrete projects. Some of the partners involved in Eurothink's work are ALDA, Balkan Institute for Regional Cooperation, NGO Infocentre, and others.

Mission and Objectives


The vision of EUROTHINK is for the Republic of North Macedonia to be a developed, democratic and liberal society based on the principles of justice, equality, freedom and prosperity. We see the EU integration process as the best instrument for achieving our vision.


EUROTHINK – Center for European Strategies is a non-governmental, non-partisan, non-profit and secular civic association that supports the integration of North Macedonia in the European Union and Europeanization of society through evidence-based public policy research and policy development, vocational training and advice, regional cooperation, and advocacy for change.

Main Projects / Activities

Media4EU - Civil society program for the participation of media in North Macedonia's EU integration (EU funded)
Towards accountable and transparent policing in North Macedonia (NED funded)
Coalition against Illegal Logging (NDI funded)

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We can contribute through our knowledge and expertise in European integration processes, in particular from the security and media fields. Furthermore, we can add our experience in bilateral relations and trust building between neighbors.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We would like to be involved in exchange with North African countries, receive new perspectives, and increase our impact.

Contact (1) Full Name
Dimitar Nikolovski
Job Title
Executive Director
Head of the organisation
Dimitar Nikolovski
Contact (2) Full Name
Frosina Krushkarovska
Job Title (2)
Project assistant

Asia Center for Studies and Translation

National Network

21 Al-Marwa Buildings
Nasr City
Cairo Governorate

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Innovation and Entrepreneurship
General Information

A sole think tank, which is a specialist in future studies including, political and economic international and regional relations. We carry out consulting, studies, training, and translation. the resources of funding are local and international, recently we received US$ 25000 from China to carry out a project over the past two years with AlAhram Gate under the title of Eye on the Orient, the first political economy podcast in the region. We were guest participants and speakers in two main Central Asian forums with an attendance of 15000 guests in 2023. Also, we issued more than 200 articles in the past two years concerning the future of the world. The main partners were Asian Countries and China.

Mission and Objectives

Please check the attached portfolio of the center

Main Projects / Activities

Eye on the Orient was the main project we carried out via AlAhram Digital Gate and was impressive in the region.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We can study the cons of the current organizations in my region or my country and suggest solutions for several defects including the lack of governance, funding, and capacity building. Also, we can build better bridges with the Med network and also guide the Med funders to the right way to deal with the regional network.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We have a spectrum of suggestions that may refine a better understanding of the role of the organization and facilitate its work in the region, we know exactly what are the main needs and cons how to maintain them properly because our center is a think tank and carried out several studies to develop civil society role in the region as well as the developing partnership with our European side in that respect.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ahmed Hassan Ahmed Moustafa Moustafa
Job Title
Director & Owner
Head of the organisation
Ahmed Hassan Ahmed Mohamed Moustafa