60th Board of Governors virtual meeting
The Anna Lindh Foundation organised on the 18th of June its first virtual Board of Governors meeting during the current global health crisi
Shaping Transformative Narratives
Making research, good practices, learning activities and events on intercultural dialogue in the Euro-Mediterranean accessible to everyone.
In this section you will find publications, events, good practices, learning activities and resource people in relation to arts and translation for dialogue in the EuroMed region.
The Anna Lindh Foundation organised on the 18th of June its first virtual Board of Governors meeting during the current global health crisi
The presented work draws attention to the all-too-common misunderstanding of the third sector comprised of NGOs. Misinterpretation of work performed by these organizations is a recurring broader social phenomenon, which results in poorer preformance of such organizations as well as...
From militant cinema in the 1970s, through beur and banlieue cinema of the 1980s and 1990s, to the popular box-office successes of the 2000s, Maghrebi-French and North African emigre filmmakers have played a crucial role in representing post-colonial French society...
Board Member of Horizons International in Palestine and a member of the Committee for International and Cultural Relations. As a social activist and researcher, Aldaqqah works to empower young generations through promoting exchanges and cultural dialogues. His research projects focus...
Membre du conseil d'administration d'Horizons International en Palestine et membre du Comité des Relations Internationales et Culturelles. C’est en tant que militant social et chercheur qu’Aldaqqah œuvre pour valoriser les jeunes générations en favorisant échanges et dialogues culturels. Ses projets...
In spite of policy impetus, research shows that teachers struggle to address the increasing diversity in classrooms, among others, due to the lack of competences to deal with it. The acquisition of Intercultural Competence (IC), which could be defined as...
Archéologue au Musée de Naples, Bernardo arrive à Tunis quelques jours après l’attentat contre le Musée du Bardo. Napolitain et tunisois, issu d’une famille italienne ayant pris racine dans ce pays depuis près deux siècles, mais qui s’est vue dans...
AIR/HMC, Budapest International Artists Residencies 2022
Professor of Media Studie at the Department of Political Science at the University of Stockholm. Robertson researches global news, cosmopolitanism and the media, comparative television analysis and narrative with a focus on mediations of protest and social inequalities. She is...
Professeure d’étude des médias au Département de science politique de l’Université de Stockholm. Alexa Robertson étudie l'actualité mondiale, le cosmopolitisme et les médias, l'analyse comparative de la télévision et le discours en mettant l'accent sur les médiations de la contestation...