Euro-Mediterranean integration through lifelong learning
The Euro-Mediterranean integration through Lifelong Learning-project has approached during it’s lifetime the LLL perspective to the Mediterranean region, where it was hardly developed beforehand. The consortium has combined the experiences of different local universities, professional associations and the expertise of European universities to introduce an LLL strategy in the region.
This book summarizes the main outcomes and results of the project implementation in one of the regions with higher expected development worldwide. The first part is focused on comparative overviews and technical reports, including the analysis of national LLL legislation in the Mediterranean region, existing LLL practices on the participating countries ’HEIs or analysis of good practices models in the curricular LLL context. The second part includes the development of learning support materials. This set includes methodological guidelines and specific tools to support the partner countries HEI to develop and implement Lifelong learning curricula to help individuals in his/her learning pathway throughout life.
Besides, LLL piloting experiences oriented to the employability and the professional training have been implemented throughout the project lifetime. In summary, in this book the EUMILL consortium shares the experience acquired during the last three years and it contains a compilation of material that will contribute to disseminate the main achievements of the EUMILL project on the intention to have a wider impact to assure a long-term sustainability of the project