Biladi: Heritage for peace building

National Network

Lebanese German University, 3rd floor, Sahel Alma
Jounieh 1200

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Heritage
General Information
« Biladi » est une O.N.G. qui vise à promouvoir le patrimoine culturel et naturel au Liban. Elle s’intéresse à développer le sens de l’attachement des élèves à leur héritage. Etant spécialiste du tourisme pédagogique, elle travaille surtout avec les écoles. Ainsi, et en se basant sur le principe « Apprendre en s’amusant », Biladi développe des  tournées  pédagogiques interactives. C’est l’unique O.N.G au Liban et dans le monde arabe qui organise des tournées pédagogiques aux enfants au Musée National à Beyrouth, le rendant un espace éducatif adapté aux jeunes, créant ainsi une image positive du musée. Dans ce cadre-là, plusieurs projets ont été réalisés. Nous citons : “The Children’s Day at the Museum” en 2011 et qui a été repris sur 4 années consécutives,  « Les 70 ans du Musée National » durant lequel près de 2000 personnes ont visité le musée le 27 mai 2012. Nous ajoutons à celà le travail sur la convention de la Haye, un projet qui s’est déroulé au Musée  National  en  partenariat  avec  le  bureau  de l’UNESCO.  Un  travail qui consistait  à sensibiliser les jeunes à la protection des biens culturels en cas de conflit armé. «  Biladi » a pris en charge aussi de filmer des courts documentaires pédagogiques portant sur différents objets du musée. Ces films pourront être un support  visuel puissant  pour toute démarche  pédagogique adoptée. En outre, le projet «Midani » réalisé à Zgharta-Ehden consistait à lancer une compétition entre les élèves devant présenter un projet qui vise à développer et protéger le « Midan » sous le concept : « Midan Ehden: Un espace de rencontre, un témoin de l'histoire, un espoir pour l'avenir et un pôle social, culturel, économique et touristique principalement au nord du Liban ». A ajouter toutes les tournées pédagogiques sur différents sites Libanais : Smar Jbeil, Jbeil, Beyrouth, Saida, Msaylaha…Toutes les tournées renferment des ateliers artistiques reliés au thème évoqué, permettant aux élèves d’assimiler les informations apprises durant la visite. Biladi" is an N.G.O. that aims to promote the cultural and natural heritage in Lebanon. We are interested in developing the students’ sense of attachment to their heritage. As a specialist in educational tourism, we work primarily with schools. Therefore, and based on the principle "Learning is fun", Biladi develops interactive educational tours. It is the only N.G.O. in Lebanon and the Arab world that organizes educational tours for children at the National Museum of Beirut, making it an educational space suitable for young, creating a positive image of the museum. In that context, several projects were carried out. We quote: "The Children's Day at the Museum" in 2011 and was taken on for 4 consecutive years, "The 70 years of the National Museum" in which nearly 2,000 people have visited the museum on May 27, 2012. In addition, we add our work on the Hague Convention, a project that took place at the National Museum in partnership with the UNESCO Office. It was an awareness project for the students to protect cultural property during armed conflict."Biladi" has filmed educational short documentaries on various objects in the museum. These movies can be a powerful visual support for any educational approach adopted. In addition, the project "Midani" was realized in Zgharta-Ehden where we launched a competition among students to present a project that develops and protects the "Midan" under the concept "Midan Ehden: A meeting place, a witness of history, a hope for the future and a social, cultural, economic and touristic pole mainly in northern Lebanon". In addition, we organize educational tours on different Lebanese sites: Smar Jbeil, Jbeil, Beirut, Saida, Msaylaha... All tours contain artistic workshops linked to the mentioned theme, allowing students to assimilate the information learned during the visit.
Mission and Objectives

BILADI is an N.G.O dedicated to promoting cultural and natural heritage to youngsters. We believe that our heritage is unique and irreplaceable. BUT, in post-conflict countries, globalization and psychological barriers have separated youngsters from their heritage. We believe that our mission is to re-establish this link, to give youngsters the chance to learn about their heritage, cherish it and build bridges through it .We are committed to an international vision of cultural heritage preservation and education. While visiting sites all over Lebanon, students will get the chance to increase their knowledge, live the history of their country and most importantly, learn about it in an entertaining technique. To achieve our goals, we have created our own concept: “Enjoy heritage”. We consider the youth as the main actors of change. Our aim is to establish a sense of cultural belonging that would engender a cohesive social force, while retaining the wealth of our cultural diversity.

Main Projects / Activities

Animators for Dialogue: training workshop for 25 youngsters from different religious communities, backgrounds, majors and interests. Courses included communication&leadership skills, history & heritage of Lebanon,improvisational theater,religion,etc. Lebanese for Lebanon: A team of 14 first aiders was trained to help and act promptly in cooperation with DGA staff in order to protect and secure the movable and immovable cultural heritage if emergencies occur. The National Museum has turned 70: Lebanese were invited to visit the museum for free on this occasion and discover its wealthy collection through a special program (storyteller,musician,mimes,puppet show,etc.) Guidebook for Baalbeck: write a guidebook in English and Arabic, create a cookbook especially for the city and establish a touristic trail for the city of Baalbeck. Children's Day at the Museum: 1,200 students from public schools visited the museum with Biladi during an unforgettable day. A unique tour, a workshop and a movie projection were on schedule.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ms. Yara Kurumilian
Job Title
Assistant Manager
Head of the organisation
Mrs. Joanne Farchakh Bajjaly