National Network

via Roma, 26
36016 Thiene (VI)


0445 804749
0445 804702
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Local/Regional Authority
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
General Information
(H)ELP is an association of 12 municipalities. The leader is Thiene municipality (where is the head office).It count on the co-operation between members, that menas it does not have a permanent staff. Moreover, it often work in partnership with no profit organisations or local authorities involved in promoting peace and human rights. The financial resources come from annual memberships' fees (established according to the number of inhabitants of each municipality). The modalities of action are various: exhibitions, seminars with relevant international personalities,partecipation as partner in European development projects( e. Europeaid).
Mission and Objectives

(H)ELP operates according to the principles of subsidiarity, complementarity and effectiveness of the actions as provided for by the European Union laws and the Treaty on European Union. It works both locally and internationally for the promotion of human rights and peace values and, thanks to a net of partnerships, it concretely takes part in programmes of international cooperation and developement support in other countries.

Main Projects / Activities

At the moment (H)ELP is working on a European co-operation programme aimed to help South American countries in economical and social development in the area.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mrs. Adelina Tadiello
Head of the organisation
Municipality of Thiene