Association for Independent Media Culture / Udruga za nezavisnu medijsku kulturu

National Network

Šenoina 21/1

+385 1 4659 138
+385 1 4659 138
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+985 95 9062 660
Mobile Phone (other)
+985 91 1896 585
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Media
General Information

AIMC has 18 members, of which the majority are professional journalists. The governing body is the Assembly, which consists of all members, and Board of directors, which consists of 5 members. Statute provides that the primary editor of the Association is necessarily member of the Board of directors. Editor and news editor / journalist are constantly employed. Other journalists and other staff are working on part- time or voluntary basis. H-Alter has about 40 individual associates. Budgetary resources available in years: 2006. - 30 000 euro; 2007. - 37 000 euro; 2008. - 56 000 euro. Main sources of funding: Foreign donors - Academy for Educational Development / USAID, Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Zagreb / MATRA program, Balkan Trust for Democracy / German Marshall Fund National donors - the National Foundation for Civil Society Development, Municipality of Zagreb. The primary AIMC project is the web portal H-Alter, but most of the other projects have also media character and take place on the same portal. The main partner organizations are the Center for Peace Studies, Institute for the Development of Education, Croatian Journalists' Association, Cenzura Plus, Student Centre-, University of Zagreb.

Mission and Objectives

Mission: Forming of informed and educated public, development of democracy and promotion of journalism trough our portal, which produces an electronic newspaper articles and other forms of media, and educational activities. The objective of the AIMC: the provision of public right to information and education on fields of civil society, culture, social sciences and politics. AIMC special objective is ensuring the public right to information and education about the following topics: - Peace, Nonviolence and Human Rights; - Civil rights and liberties; - Women's Rights, Gender Equality and issues related to the LBGTQ population - The protection of nature, man's environment, health and space, biodiversty and animal rights; - Workers' rights and social justice; - Rights and social inclusion of persons with disabilities and children with difficulties in development; - Problems related to migration, seeking asylum, human trafficking, prostitution; - Expansion of democracy and citizens' involvement in decision-making on public issues at all levels; - The constitutionality and the constitutional system of the Republic of Croatia, and international law; - Transparency of authorities; - Civil Society and the Internet

Main Projects / Activities

The primary AIMC project- web portal H-Alter; (Donated by the cooperation the National Foundation for Civil Society Development in the non-profit media project) - Civildreta, the increase of public knowledge about civil society's impact and values. (in collaboration with the Center for Peace Studies, Radio 101, Open TV, donated by AED / USAID and BTD / GMF's) - Civil Society Forum (donated by the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands / Matra Kap program) - The right of journalists to access information (donated by the National Foundation for Civil Society Development) - H-Alter Culture (donated by the City Office for Culture - Zagreb and the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Croatia)

Contact (1) Full Name
Jelena Svirčić
Head of the organisation
Toni Gabrić
Contact (2) Full Name
Mašenjka Bačić