Arc Llatí - Arco Latino

National Network

C/ Còrsega, 300.pral.
08008 Barcelona

+34 93 402 20 77
+34 93 402 24 73
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information
1. Arco Latino is an association of local communities of second level of the Western northern Mediterranean. There are 65 spanish deputys, french departements and italian provinces. Structure: General meeting, the Board of directors (11 members), Presidency, the Permanent Secretariat and 6 thematical Groups (Citizenship, Territory and Development, Culture, Equal opportunities, Economy and Innovation and Cooperation with the South River) Budget: 290.000€ own resources coming from the contribution of the communities members. Independent financing of certain activities in collaboration with Comission European and other organizations. 4. Technical Projects, Pilot actions, Good practices, seminars of reflexion, lobbying 5. The World Bank, CRPM, Committee of the Areas 6. Arco Latino is in the mission of creating a space of cooperation between administrations of second level, to articulate a coherent and common speech in the fragile Mediterranean space so that Europe does not cease looking towards the south and integrates the Mediterranean prospect in the formulation for its policies.
Mission and Objectives

1. To define an integrated strategy of development and installation of space Latin Arc, while including there and by mobilizing the socio-economic actors, a prospect for the base towards the top;
2. To establish a periodic, dynamic and flexible dialogue, centered on the most important fields of the development of the territory;
3. To work on projects and common initiatives;
4. To defend the interests and the needs for these territories near the Community and national institutions;
5. To open a space of cooperation with the countries of the South of the Mediterranean;

Main Projects / Activities

1. Political action
2. Action in the thematic groups
3. Action in Communication

Contact (1) Full Name
Octavi de la Varga Mas – Secrétariat Permanent de l’Arc Latin
Head of the organisation
André Vezinhet