Black Sea University Foundation – Head of Network

National Network

str. Romeo Popescu
013136 Bucharest

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Youth and education
General Information

Black Sea University Foundation under the aegis of the Romanian Academy, UN consultant status. Black Sea University Foundation (FUMN) was established in 1992 as governmental and non-profit organization. Prilejul a fost dat de crearea organizaţiilor, guvernamentală şi parlamentară, ale Mării Negre. The opportunity was given to the creation of organizations, governmental and parliamentary Black Sea. La reuniunea de vârf de la Istanbul, iniţiativa unui „grup de profesori români” a fost anunţată oficial, ceea ce a dat drept de întâietate României, determinând celelalte ţări să aleagă iniţiative în alte domenii. At the Istanbul summit meeting, the initiative of a "group of Romanian teachers" has been officially announced, what right has priority of Romania, leading other countries to choose initiatives in other areas. FUMN a rămas astfel şi prima organizaţie din domeniul societăţii civile care îşi propunea să susţină în acest plan ideile de cooperare urmărite de forurile oficiale ale ţărilor membre (România, Bulgaria, Turcia, Georgia, Rusia, Ucraina ca ţări de coastă, la care s-au alăturat Armenia, Azerbaijanul, Grecia, Moldova şi Albania). FUMN remained as the first organization in the field of civil society that aims to support the ideas of cooperation plan pursued by official bodies of member countries (Romania, Bulgaria, Turkey, Georgia, Russia, Ukraine as coastal countries, which have joined by Armenia, Azerbaijan, Greece, Moldova and Albania). With experience gained in 1991 and 1992 the organization initiated by five European Summer School in collaboration with the European College in Bruges, training and continuing education component took first place in defining FUMN activities.

Mission and Objectives


Main Projects / Activities

REGIONAL INITIATIVES: FUMN initiated the creation of a network of Universities of the Black Sea is based on exchange of experience with Baltic University (Uppsalla) and Mediterranean University (Rome). A preparatory meeting and a constituent conference held jointly with the University of Constance whose rector, became the first president of the network was created BSUN.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ioana Constantin-Bercean
Job Title
Head of Network
Head of the organisation
Mrs. Ioana Constantin-Bercean