Croatian Association of Trombone and Tuba players - Busina

National Network

Svilajska 20

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information

I would like to greet you on behalf of Croatian Association of Trombone and Tuba players – Busina, from Zagreb, Croatia. We are a small organization with no employees but voluntaries Our work is mainly founded by the Ministry of culture of the Republic of Croatia and the City of Zagreb. Our projects include a brass festival and cultural exchange between musicians.

Mission and Objectives

We are a non-government, non-profit organization that promotes music, with a special accent on low brass instruments, trombone and tuba. Our primary endpoint is organizing concerts in Croatia, as well as organizing projects of international cultural exchange between musicians.

Main Projects / Activities

We are organizing the Zagreb Brass Festival, which will be held at the Museum of Arts and Crafts in Zagreb in October on 26-28th. The Festival feature concerts from artists and ensembles from France, Japan, and the Zagreb region. There will also be a free three day workshop for the students of Zagreb Music schools. Entrance to the evening concerts will be free.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ivan Bošnjak
Head of the organisation
Ivan Bošnjak
Contact (2) Full Name
Željko Kertez