Woman in a men's world


Woman in a men's world

How gender defines path to succes volume II
Institute of International Relations, Prague, Czech Council on Foreign Affaires
Women in a men’s world

▶ Our societies are still delineated by gender stereotypes that determine societal responsibilities, roles and behaviours. In this context, gender is still an important social bias and women who aspire to have a career are still facing the question of balance between work and personal life. However, increasing female participation and representation in the leading positions in various fields is both fair and necessary for securing social, economic and environmental sustainability.
▶ This event aims to investigate the extent to which gender interferes in women’s career development and brings together women from both shores of the Mediterranean to discuss their experience from the path to success.
▪How did they manage to overcome gender obstacle and succeed in their careers?
▪Did they face social and economic restraints? How it affects their closest relatives, their families?
▪What advice could they give to inspire substantial change?
▶ Without neglecting the negative aspects of the process, we would like to underpin the positive experience on which the change should be built on.
▶ Speakers:
🇮🇱 Avital Leibovich - Director, American Jewish Committee, Jerusalem
🇵🇱 Ania Helseth - Public Policy Manager, EU Affairs, Brussels
🇨🇿 Martina Ptáčková - Kickboxer and NATO Trainer
🇩🇪 Valerie Mocker - Entrepreneur and Tech-for-good Investor
