Globalized Citizenship


Globalized Citizenship

Power Positioning Tactics for Success
Mahdi Kleibo
Année de publication

Are you an independent thinker who is capable of leading a meaningful life, making sound choices and decisions, capable of working in teams, and who can respond creatively to a variety of challenges in your environment? Are you a self-motivated, lifelong learner who is empowered to enhance your own professional, entrepreneurial, and leadership skills? Regardless of what stage of junior or senior studies/job/career hunter/between jobs/and or profession you are in now, it is crucial that potential recruiters believe that you hold passion, know what you want, and where heading.

This training is specifically designed to ensure that you are viewed as a knowledgeable candidate in your field because it is essential to have the proper positioning, to begin with. The aim is to ensure that you are always viewed as a well-defined (polished and worth investing in) candidate in your field.

Therefore, if you have done your proper education, job, and created the image that you are a self-motivated, energetic, passionate, and creative candidate in your field, the future will embrace your mission, reputation, and career prospects will grow as a result. Accordingly, to get to this desired result, there are three effective ways for you to start planning, crafting, and build your career: 1-Tailor-made resume 2-well designed motivational / cover letter, 3-produce your social media material.

The most common, efficient, and effective way to get rated as an outstanding caliber is to show smart use of social media. If you see a live interview, read an outstanding cover letter, or hear about a professional performer, your first instinct is to believe that this person has a firm grip on the ins and outs of his/her service. Take advantage of attending this virtual meeting enough to inspire you to create your career hunt’s competitive edge.

You can watch a recorded session in Jan 2021 link: It will be very supportive to students who are on the edge of graduation, and employees who are thinking of shifting to a new job hunt.
