The Digital Transition in the EU’s Southern Neighbourhood


The Digital Transition in the EU’s Southern Neighbourhood

Progress, Obstacles and Opportunities
Euromesco paper
Manuel Langendorf, Zienab Anwar, Francesco Colin, Izabela Marcinkowska
European Institute of the Mediterranean
Année de publication

This policy study examines the digital transformation in the Southern Neighbourhood (SN) of the European Union (EU) and its potential economic opportunities and improved public service delivery. The findings highlight the need for concerted efforts by governments and donors to prevent the digital transition from exacerbating existing inequalities and violating individuals’ rights in the digital space. The study identifies key issues such as the cost of internet access and the reliability of infrastructure in enabling internet connectivity.

The importance of political context and inter-ministerial coordination is emphasised, using Lebanon and Jordan as examples. An analysis of Morocco and Tunisia reveals disparities in internet usage, access to digital devices, and digital skills across different regions and socio-economic groups, with rural and poorer areas lagging behind. The study highlights the limitations of current government policies in addressing these disparities and the risk of increased social inequality resulting from unequal public-private partnerships. Egypt’s digital transformation efforts, exemplified by Digital Egypt 2030, are recognised as a national strategic goal, but improvements are needed in human capacities, infrastructure, and legal frameworks to fully capitalise on the potential of digital transformation.


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