Desafios Éticos da Internet das Coisas: em torno da personalização na educação


Desafios Éticos da Internet das Coisas: em torno da personalização na educação

Cecília Cristina dos Reis Tomás
Universidade Aberta
Année de publication

The identification of four key categories (Security, Privacy, Automation, and Interaction) marked the initial step in addressing the ethical challenges posed by the Internet of Things (IoT) in education. Engaging with twenty-one interviewees, the study aimed to explore the advantages, risks, and challenges associated with developing solutions related to the theme. Vulnerabilities in infrastructures and challenges of interoperability on IoT platforms pose concerns for educational institutions regarding access, monitoring, and data ownership. Standardization may lead to student stigmatization and homogenization of education, perpetuating vigilant capitalism and diminishing the common good.

A symbiotic relationship between humans and machines is vital, with the Internet of Everything (IoE) offering advantages such as repositioning humans within ecosystems, enhancing education access, and enabling personalized learning. It fosters responsibility among educational stakeholders and relieves burdensome tasks.

Cultivating extended and collective intelligence requires a new social contract emphasizing the common good and recognizing individual differences. Ethical technological design is crucial for personalized learning rather than profiling teaching methods.
