Digital Threats and Opportunities for Intercultural Dialogue


Digital Threats and Opportunities for Intercultural Dialogue

Public Dialogue #2
Online: Zoom
The Anna Lindh Foundation


The Anna Lindh Foundation Virtual Marathon for Dialogue in the EuroMed region will gather activities of ALF civil society Network and partner organizations to take place during 42 days from the 19th of May to the 29th of June. The aim of the VM is to highlight the importance of the Intercultural Dialogue to build sustainable societies in the EuroMed region, taking into consideration the challenges and opportunities brought about by the Covid19 pandemic. Towards this goal in addition to a rich program of civil society and partner-led activities, a series of Weekly Public Virtual Dialogues organized by the Anna Lindh Foundation will stimulate a broad conversation and reflection on major issues impacting mutual perceptions between people in the region and common action to jointly address social and cultural challenges affecting societies North, South, East and West of the Mediterranean.

Date: 26/05/21

Time: 3pm – 5pm CET

Duration: 2 hours


Since the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, the ALF has been conducting regular consultation with its network members and stakeholders including civil society representatives, youth, educators, media, and institutional partners revealing that the sudden digital shift driven by the pandemic has made more visible challenges and threats related to diversity and mutual perceptions through an increase in discrimination, hate speech, racial profiling and fake news on social media. 

At the same time, digital technology use driven by the pandemic has lifted barriers and expanded accessibility, inclusivity, and equitable participation in knowledge-sharing online platforms. Digitalization in this context has also offered opportunities shedding light on the crucial role of civil society organizations in acting as information channels and first responders since the outbreak of the pandemic.


  • Ms. Vesna LONCARIC, member of the Cabinet of Ms. Dubravka Suica, EU Vice President, Commissioner for Democracy and Demography;
  • Mr. Sid El-Mohri, YMV participant, Algeria;
  • Ms. Nadia Henni-Moulai, France;
  • Ms Viktória Mihalkó, Anthropolis Association, Hungary;
  • Ms. Rachida Mohtaram El Alaoui, Association Marocaine des petits débrouillards,  Morocco;
  • Ms. Lurdes Vidal, IEM, author of the ALF 2021 Report, Spain;
  • Mr. Michael Bush, Education and Society, British Council;

Moderator: Mr Aissam Benaissa, Connect NordAfrika

Q&A with the audience and among the speakers

This event is organized as part of a series of events in the Framework of the Anna Lindh Foundation Virtual Marathon for Dialogue in the EuroMed