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Mediterranean Food: Our legacy, our future

A Resource Handbook to promote Intercultural Dialogue and Sustainability through the Mediterranean Food and Diet
SIDUMEF Handbook
Scoullos M., Malotidi V., Farnese M., Bicocci R., Salman N., Atrash I., Elhir S., Ftouhi M., Reda M., Ahmadein G.
Année de publication

The handbook is the outcome of a co-creation process of the SIDUMEF project partners that was granted by the Anna Lindh Foundation (ALF/CFP/2020/ICD/215), all highly motivated about the potential of Mediterranean food as a “vehicle” to promote the values of cultural diversity, respect and sustainability in the region, particularly among youth. The handbook presents the region’s invaluable natural and cultural heritage based on its food products and culinary practices and diet, their historical background and related traditions. It presents (a) an overview of the evolution of the Mediterranean cuisines and their characteristic food products, the current dietary trends in the region (b) the challenges related to food consumption and production such as the food waste and loss, biodiversity risks and pollution, resources depletion, etc. (c) the sustainable options- tools, management approaches, policies, practices, etc. to address these challenges. The handbook is addressed to people aged from 15 years old, and it can be used in a wide spectrum of audiences, in formal and non-formal/informal learning settings and awareness raising initiatives. It has been produced in three languages: English, French and Italian while its translation in Arabic has been completed as well.
