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Recommendations for decision makers for the promotion of urban cultural education

EDUCULT - Denken und Handeln in Kultur und Bildung
EDUCULT - Denken und Handeln in Kultur und Bildung
Année de publication

This policy paper addresses the main research findings obtained in the course of the URB_ART project and provides recommendations for policy makers and for future European action to promote urban arts education in order to realize its full potential for society. The term "urban arts education" refers to a method of arts education that encompasses both the creative development of individuals and the understanding of regional and international arts and culture in large, densely populated urban areas with diverse populations. The paper outlines the challenges that arts educators and practitioners currently face in addressing social disadvantage, particularly in the field of arts education, followed by practical recommendations to address them and facilitate the inclusion of disadvantaged communities in the context of urban arts education. education.
