Rendre la recherche, les bonnes pratiques, les activités d'apprentissage et les évènements sur le dialogue interculturel dans la région euro-méditerranéenne accessibles à tous.


Displaying 721 - 730 of 821
Publication Illustration

The Wall, 10 Years on: The great Israeli project

It might be the biggest, most expensive and most influential construction project in Israel’s history. To mark the 10th anniversary of its inception, I will be publishing in coming days a series of stories about the separation wall and its...

Bonne pratique
Yperia Conference

The YPERIA international Convention

A seminar and gathering focusing on Mediterranean culture with exchanges regarding the tourism sector aiming to benefit women and young people seeking employment. Researchers, professors and people of influence from different countries present their work on new ways of protecting...

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Thierry Fabre

Rédacteur en chef de Challenges, un hebdomadaire économique de langue française. Thierry Fabre a été responsable de la programmation et des relations internationales au Musée des civilisations de l’Europe et de la Méditerranée (MuCEM), basé à Marseille.


Third Local Dialogue Platform

The Third Local Dialogue Platform, organised within the parameters of the Anna Lindh Intercultural Cities and Learning program brings toge