

National Network

01, rue de Piree

00126 71241363
Mobile Phone
00126 93088748
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information
CEFA TUNISIE est la filiale de l’ONG Italienne CEFA, qui a siège à Bologne, enregistrée en décembre 2012. CEFA TUNISIE est composé par un comité de direction et un'équipe opérationnelle composé par trois salariés (une responsable projet et deux agent de terrain). Les ressources financières de la filiale dépendent de le siège mère en Italie : le bilan annuel de CEFA est de plus de 6.000.000€. Les sources de financement sont la Union Européenne, les Institutions nationales, régionales et locaux, fondations et privés.
Mission and Objectives

Les activités du CEFA TUNISIE ont comme but d’assurer l’autosuffisance, le développement et la prospérité économique et sociale des communautés partenaires du CEFA en Tunisie et ont pour cibles des secteurs tels : Agriculture & développement rural - Education et Formation - Société civile & autorités locales – Migration - Emploi

Main Projects / Activities

Projets en cours:
Projet « Che Mediterraneo sia! Équité et prospective de genre dans le monde du travail » (mai 2102-mai 2013)
Objectif : soutien et renforcement des petites entreprises féminines
Description : L’activité veut offrir cours de formation aux 15 femmes qui ont déjà démarrer ou qui ont l’intention de démarré une petite entreprise artisanale dans la banlieue sud de Tunis.
Bailleurs de fonds : Région Emilia Romagna (Italie)
Projet « Mare Nostrum: travail, Méditerranée et migrations pour une nouvelle croissance sociale » (mai 2012- mai 2013)
Objectif : soutien a la réinsertion sociale et sur le marché du travail des migrants tunisiens rentrés dans leur pays d’origine
Description : L’action prévoit un parcours complet de formation pour 15 jeunes migrants tunisiens rentrés dans leur pays d’origine une fois terminé leur parcours migratoire
Bailleurs de fonds : Région Emilia Romagna (Italie)
Projet REMIDA : Réinsertion et accueillance de migrants en difficulté (septembre 2012- juin 2014)
Objectif : accompagnement dans un processus de réinsertion sociale et économique pour les migrants tunisiens résidants en Italie, qui désirent se réinstaller en Tunisie et leurs familles.
Description: Le Project REMIDA prévoit l’ élaboration d’un projet individuel ou familier pour une efficace réinsertion socio-économique et l’accompagnement dans l’individuation d’un emploi stable et dans l’éventuelle création d’une micro-entreprise.
Bailleurs de fonds : Ministère de l’Intérieur Italien, Union Européenne

Contact (1) Full Name
Federica Siddi
Head of the organisation
Faiza Souhabi

Centre culturel Aykart

National Network

1 rue Mikhail Nouaima El Omran

(216) 71 958 337
Telephone (other)
(216) 21 799 377
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
Il s'agit d'un espace privée à but non lucratif.Nous sommes une équipe de 6 cadres, nous avons des partenaires associatifs tunisiens et internationaux dont ADCEI , CUAB... L'administration est gérée par une équipe spécialisée dans le domaine de la culture, L'espace abrite des expositions artistiques et culturels pour les jeunes créateurs afin de les encourager. Concernant la source de financement, le centre ne reçoit pas de subvention des institutions publiques et prives*. Nous organisons des séminaires, des colloques sur les thématiques artistiques contemporaines et l’appel à l'incitation à la création.
Mission and Objectives

L'espace traduit la philosophie d'un artiste musicien, sociologue,optant pour la liberté d'expressions culturels tout en encourageant la jeune génération et leur insertion dans le paysage culturel.
- un espace de rencontre pour des opérateurs culturels des académiciens et des artistes pour une interchangeabilité entre la théorie et la pratique et la vie artistique

Main Projects / Activities

Abriter les sessions d'information de la Fal réseau Tunisien
Organisation des Expositions pour les jeunes artistes
Atelier musical pour enfant
Troupe musicale Ajrass: http://ajrass-99.skyrock.com/
Projet audiovisuelle : production des documentaires

Contact (1) Full Name
Donia Hattab
Head of the organisation
Adel Bouallegue
Contact (2) Full Name
Ines Chaabani

Centre de Carthage pour le dialogue des civilisations ( centre of Carthage for the dialogue between civilizations )

National Network

Avenue 02 Mars 1934

00 216 71 562 759
00 216 71 560 596
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
00 216 98 919 476
Mobile Phone (other)
00 216 20 51 00 16
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Heritage
  3. International/Cultural relations
General Information
Virtual centre whose the administration is ensured by the direction of international cooperation with the budget reserved by the ministry of culture and the safeguard of heritage .
Mission and Objectives

To promote the principales and the tolerance of dialogue .

Main Projects / Activities

International meetings ( Festivals , conferences .)

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation
Ministère de la culture et de la Sauvegarde du Patrimoine
Contact (2) Full Name
Mr Seifallah TARCHOUNI

centre de citoyenneté et de démocratie

National Network

32,Avenue de liberté

Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information
comité directeur de 11 membres , 30 membres ,financement par les cotisations et les dons. nos actions sont sur des projets dans le reseau OFIYA,des seminaires de formation en partenariat avec NDI.
Mission and Objectives

promotion de la démocratie : culture et bonnes pratiques
approfondissement des valeurs de la citoyenneté

Main Projects / Activities

Conferences et ateliers de travail,observation des élections,action sur terrain pour des groupes cibles éleves et etudiants.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

par la présence dans les actions du reseau , faire la propagande du reseau auprés d'autre association.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

pour plus d'echange,possibilité de travail commun

Contact (1) Full Name
Mr Khadri Ezzeddine
Head of the organisation
Dr Gharbi Mohamed Kamel
Contact (2) Full Name
Maitre Fkih Mongi

Centre of Arab and Mediterranean Music

National Network

Palais Ennejma Ezzahra 8, rue du 2 mars 1934 2026 Sidi Bou Saïd
Sidi Bou Said

+ 216 71 746 051
Telephone (other)
+ 216 71 740 102
+ 216 71 981 038
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Heritage
  3. International/Cultural relations
General Information

- Public administrative establishment endue of civil personality and financial autonomy, non -profit organization , ] - Direction / administrative and financial under-direction / Record library under -direction / documentation service / musical animation service / research and studies services . -52 full time employees + contractual partners ( specific projects ). - Budget: approx. 350000 Euros. - State subsidies : different Embassies in Tunisia , CEE , Associations or foreign organizations ( as In Chordais/Greece or Scum/France) .

Mission and Objectives

- Safeguard of the Tunisian, Arabic and Mediterranean musical heritage, through collection, research, filing, musical production , books edition, CDs edition, popularization operations, punctual trainings , scientific meetings .

Main Projects / Activities

-Nearly 40 concerts organized per year . - Organization of conferences and seminars . - Masterclass and workshops regularly organized for young musicians . - Specific manifestations supporting Mediterranean rivers youth meetings like Virtuosos in Ennejma Ezzahra” whose the last edition in February 2006 registered the participation of 15 Arab and European countries . - CDs and books editions . - Organization of musicologic and artistic days in the form of scientific meetings and concerts with the participation of musicologists and musicians of Arab and European countries around various instruments like the “oud and the lute in 96”, the qanun in 1998, the violin in 2001, the “nay in 2002 and percussion in 2004.

Contact (1) Full Name
Job Title
Directrice générale
Head of the organisation
Saima Samoud
Contact (2) Full Name
Mohammed Ali Hammami
Job Title (2)
Secrétaire général

centre «les aventuriers» pour le développement de la société civile

National Network

20, rue de togo , 3023 sfax , tunisie

+ 216 22 32 00 62
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+ 216 22 32 00 62
Mobile Phone (other)
+216 21 74 18 04
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information
le centre est un nouveau concept de de développement qui utilise les sports de nature comme outils de découverte des potentiels du leadership l’équipe est constitué d'une vingtaine de membre actifs qui une bonne expérience dans la vie associative ( jci , aiesec , lutte contre le sida , sport nautique,développement durable , droit de la femme ) le centre est nouveau , il commence a élaborer des projet avec les fondations internationales nous sommes ouvert a toute type d'actions , on vise surtout les activités en nature et les ateliers d'aventure et la volontariat le centre est cours de faire beaucoup de partenariat a l’échelle internationale ( France , Libye , Algérie)
Mission and Objectives

-Développement du tissu associatif selon les OMD (objectifs millénaires de développement).
-L'instauration des concepts de la citoyenneté et du développement durable dans la société
-Développement du leadership chez la femme et l'enfant

Main Projects / Activities

ateliers d'aventure
sortie en nature
étude de problématique des jeune et la volontariat
accompagnement de projet et des ONG

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

notre contribution sera d'inviter les membres du réseau a nos activités a fin de les aider a dépasser certain problème et donner notre faire pour une société civile du méditerranée plus souple et professionnelle

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

le réseau FAL nous permet de partager notre expérience a fin développer et de créer des partenariat avec d'autre ONG
le FAL nous permet aussi de présenter notre concept aux autre

Contact (1) Full Name
nizar el bahri
Head of the organisation
Abderrahmane CHAKCHOUK

CFW : ICC Booster Meet


Afin de connecter les Industries culturelles et créatives tunisiennes et françaises , un Forum a eu lieu les 23 & 24 février à l’Institut français de Tunisie pour rassembler les entrepreneurs, acteurs culturels et créatifs et les opérateurs techniques et financiers des deux pays.

ICC Booster Meet, organisé par, l’association tunisienne membre du réseau de la FAL CFW, la plateforme Cultural and Creative Industries Boost: Cciboost.com, en partenariat avec l’IFT, permettra également de faire connaitre les entrepreneurs et leurs projets auprès du grand public.

Cette première édition a est financée par l’Ambassade de France en Tunisie, la Fondation Friedrich Naumann pour la Liberté - Tunisie et Culture Funding Watch.

Le programme était comme suit :

Panels et discussions relatives à l'état des lieux et les pratiques en appui au développement des ICC.

Un forum d'entreprises ICC Tunisiennes et Françaises.

Des speed-meetings entre les opérateurs ICC et les organismes de soutien/appui aux ICC.

Vous pouvez aussi suivre l'événement en ligne sur AIRMEET

23-24 Fév. à l'Institut français de Tunis

24-25 Fév. En ligne

CIDEAL Foundation for Cooperation and Research

National Network

calle Guzmán el Bueno 133, Edificio Germania, planta 10
28003 Madrid

(+34) 915538488
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Gender
  2. Human rights
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Youth and education
General Information
CIDEAL is a foundation specialized in research, training and technical assistance in development cooperation for over thirty years. We have experience in the execution of development programmes and projects in Southern countries. Currently counts on offices and experts in Latin America (Paraguay, Ecuador, Colombia, Guatemala, Guatemala, Dominican Republic), Africa (Morocco, Tunisia), Asia (Vietnam). Structure of the organization: CIDEAL Foundation has 30 employees (2015) distributed in theses work areas: Projects, Economic-Financial, Research, Communication, IT, Technical Assistance, Researches and Publications. Budgetary resources available in a year: 3,335,998 EUR (2014) Sources of funding: Income from services rendered from own activities, public and private sector subsidies and private contributions. Modalities of action: development projects, development training (courses, seminaries and workshops), technical assistance, researches and publications. Main partners involved in the organization´s projects/activities: Development projects co-financiers (publics and privates), local partners; Public Administrations (tender projects and technical assistance) and educational institutions (universities and postgraduate centers).
Mission and Objectives

General objective:
Improve life conditions in Southern countries, providing development options which would allow people directing their own lives and choosing their own future.
To contribute to human development of Southern countries through two ways of action:
• Research, specialized training, technical assistance and publications of books on international developmental cooperation.
• Promotion and implementation of development actions on the field.
Both areas have been integrated to CIDEAL Foundation’s everyday activity, enriching each other: work of thought leads to better quality projects in the South and the field experience provides theoretical analysis and specialized training based on an empirical and realistic grounds.
CIDEAL Foundation, recognized as an avant-garde organization in developmental cooperation, has contributed to put into practice of new ways doing cooperation, has promoted professional excellence and quality in the sector and has encouraged active participation of universities, companies and civil society in this field.
CIDEAL Foundation’s task arouses from the following values:
• Human development, spreading abilities, equality and social inclusion throughout the planet.
• Active incorporation of the active incorporation of a large number of public and private actors, both of the South and in the North, in international development cooperation.
• Co-responsibility of actors, both in the South and in the North, in taking decisions and in the implementation of development actions.
• Strengthening and increasing respect for human rights.
• Increasing of the theoretical and practical knowledge of cooperation for development.
• Professionalization of the international cooperation for development sector.

Main Projects / Activities

With reference to the last year, CIDEAL Foundation has continued working with three big Conventions in:  Morocco (3,500,000 EUR), Vietnam (2,375,000 EUR) and Paraguay (3,750,000 EUR), financed by Spanish Agency for International Cooperation (AECID).
In Morocco, the actions aim supporting three different groups in vulnerable situation: women, unemployed young people and Sub-Saharan Africa's immigrant population. Take into account the issues and needs identified, this agreement tries to achieve the socioeconomic and professional integration of women, young people and immigrant population by means of strengthening national and local capacities of self-employment and the associative work -technical and vocational training have a fundamental role in this proposal. The aim objective is beneficiary group’s access to decent and productive work to improve the quality and conditions of their life. In connection with Sub-Saharan Africa immigrant population this account intends to promote their capabilities on human and technical levels, offering psychosocial services and legal access to professional training.
In Paraguay, CIDEAL Foundation aims to increase the economic and social development in vulnerable population groups, preferably in indigenous populations with special attention to women and youth in rural areas. The proposal aims to contribute to the improvement of socio-economic conditions of the people beneficiaries from a sustainable local development perspective and respect and protection of cultural identity.
In Thanh Hoa province in Vietmam, the Convention aims to improve the economic and social integration of vulnerable groups through a sustainable and productive approach that can contribute to reduce poverty levels. The actions are aimed to support vulnerable people and communities affected by poverty in rural areas, ethnic minorities and women, mainly. Economic and social situation in the neediest sectors will be strengthened through a strategy of intervention with methodologies tailored of the productive projects.
Next to these conventions, various projects funded by European Union, World Bank, Junta de Andalucía, among others have been implemented in 2014.
In 2014 CIDEAL Foundation completed the identification and formulation process for a new agreement with AECID that started at the beginning of 2015 in Dominican Republic: "Improvement of the social, economic and political conditions of the population in Enriquillo region", with special attention to women too. Simultaneously, CIDEAL Foundation has carried out international cooperation projects in different countries: Guatemala, Ecuador, Colombia, Egypt, Niger, Haiti, Tunisia, Guinea Bissau and Senegal.
In 2014, regarding capacity enhancement, CIDEAL Foundation has continued carrying out academic programs in collaboration with several university education institutions and specialized training in international development cooperation. In addition, a large number of courses, seminars, conferences and workshops specialized workshops with special  interest in the development cooperation field has been taught. These courses are conducted in Spain (Madrid, Málaga, Granada, Toledo, Sevilla, Jaén, Oviedo, etc.) and outside Spain, in countries such as Mexico, Argentina and Paraguay, Vietnam and the Maghreb countries. The trainings are geared to diplomats, political scientists, economists, lawyers, sociologists, project managers, international consultants, researchers and public administrations officials.
In relation to support to public and private entities in cooperation development tasks and social innovation, CIDEAL Foundation has carried out different activities regarding technical assistance in several countries.
CIDEAL Foundation has supported and offered technical assistance oriented to public administrations in several sectors associated with social advances and sustainable development such as:
- Institutional strengthening
- Managing for development results (GoRD)
- Gender and employment generation
- Capacity building
- Risk management
- Project management
- Strategic planning
Technical assistances in 2014 have been conducted in the following countries:
- Guatemala
- Colombia
- Costa Rica
- Dominican Republic
- Paraguay
- Panama
- Spain

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

CIDEAL Foundation works in Tunisia since ten years ago where it has the Tunisian legal status. The Foundation has worked and has experience in several areas in Tunisia, like: Gender equality (equal opportunities, legal literacy, and women's rights Improvement of young people and women's employability and vocational training; Support to cooperatives, micro-enterprises and micro-projects; Economic development; and Civil Society strengthening. The most significant programs, before the revolution (January 2011), are as follows:
2004-2008: "Programme for Economic Integration and reduction of the social discrimination of the women in Algeria, Morocco and Tunisia” (co-financed by Spanish Agency for International Cooperation and Development (AECID)). The main core of the programme was the promotion of production activities for women with a very low income level and in a marginalised situation in three countries of the Maghreb: Algeria, Morocco and Tunisia. Throughout this broad intervention, many productive, trade and work placement activities for women from rural areas and marginalised neighbourhoods of the outskirts have been supported. The project has also developed a specific component of institutional and organizational strengthening of local partners cooperating with CIDEAL. The following actions in Tunisia were as follow: 1. Income generation activities for women in Oum J´dour; 2. Income generation activities for women in Nefza.
2007-2012: “Promotion and representation of women in social and political spheres. Support to women organisations and promotion of their rights. Training in gender issues, capacity development, juridical literacy, training of young people and awareness campaign” (co-financed by Spanish Agency for International Cooperation and Development (AECID)). The project has aimed at enhancing the capacities and autonomy of women in Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia and Mauritania with particular attention on the exchange of experiences and the promotion of coordination frameworks among organizations of women in the four countries. In Tunisia, the project was favouring training and education activities for women in civil values and also the strengthening of organizations working with women: 320 qualified women and 250 local actors who were aware of gender issues; 10 associations strengthened thanks to training on the integration of gender approach and gender equity in the identification and execution of actions oriented to women.
After the revolution, CIDEAL Foundation has continued working on the promotion of human and women rights and civil society strengthening. The main projects implemented and being implemented after the revolution and which we believe they are contributing to a more democratic transition are:
2011-2013: “Promotion of equality through the strengthening of civil society and the participation of citizens in the democratic processes in the north-west area of Tunisia” (co-financed by European Union). The project has aimed to contribute to the development of a political, democratic and associative culture after the spring revolution. The main objective of the project has been to promote gender equality through the capacity building of the Tunisian civil society and the citizen’s participation in the democratic process. Some of the main activities developed during the implementation of the project have been: citizen awareness campaign, micro-project funding focused on human rights, cultural activities such film projections and last but not least women empowerment activities such as legal trainings.
2013-2016: “Prevention of gender based violence and support for women victims of violence in the north-west of Tunisia” (co-financed by European Union). The overall objective of this project is to Contribute to the fight against gender-based violence in the north west of Tunisia.
The intervention is carried out in the governorates of Kef , Beja and Jendouba, among the most marginalized women in the country where the support to women victims of violence remains very limited.  This project, we believe is contributing to a more democratic society where violence against women is little by little considering a violation of human right. The project through the different activities is facing the  social taboos about violence against women in very traditional society, standardization of this phenomenon as well as skills shortages and prejudices legal, social or medical institutions.
Lastly, CIDEAL Foundation has achieved an UN Women grant to implement a project called “Manara Center”.
2016 – 2018: “Manara Center” (financed by UN Trust Fund to End Violence against Women). The main objective of this project is that survivors of violence against women who access to Manara Center and the service providers (health and policy) services in the governorate of Kef experience an improvement in their security, health and wellness. The project will work:  i) to improve the service providers and Manara Center’ capacities; ii) to promote the adhesion of rural women and men to “tolerance 0 to violence against women” 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Because in the centre of our activities is to promote the respect for diversity and dialogue among people of different cultures, backgrounds and religious beliefs. In addition, CIDEAL promotes regional initiatives and supports local activities through civil society organizations (CSOs).  The main purpose of these actions is promoted respect for cultural diversity, the dignity of human rights, the defence of peace and democracy.
In addition, the Foundation has high experience working in several Euro-Mediterranean countries, mainly in Morocco, Tunisia, Egypt and Spain. The main lines of work are as follow: Gender (equal opportunities, legal literacy, women's rights strengthening, etc.); Improvement of young people and women's employability and vocational training; Support to cooperatives, micro-enterprises and micro-projects; Economic development; Child protection; Migrations.
Field cooperation
• Productive programs and projects that promote the economical and social tissues.
• Education, Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET), programs and projects.
• Institutional strengthening projects, capacity building projects and management civil society organizations from Southern countries.
• Peace building and conflict prevention projects.
• Actions aiming at the democratization of the societies and at the promotion of human rights.
Transversal axis:
• Promotion of productive initiatives and of the economic context.
• Institutional promotion.
• Civil society promotion and promotion of the role of citizenship
• Human rights promotion and defense.
• Promotion of women’s capacities and reinforcement of their autonomy.
• Environmental protection.

Contact (1) Full Name
María José García Cardena
Job Title
Development project manager
Head of the organisation
Manuel Gómez-Galán (Director General)
Publication Illustration

Cinema of the Arab World

This volume engages new films and modes of scholarly research in Arab cinema, and older, often neglected films and critical topics, while theorizing their structural relationship to contemporary developments in the Arab world. The volume considers the relationship of Arab...

Cinema Pour Tous

National Network

477 شارع محمد علي
rue med ali gabes
6000 قابس

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information

يحمل شعار السينما للجميع معانى عدة تفضي الى ان الفن و الابداع وجب ان يصل للجميع دون تفرقة و على حدا سواء, و من هذا المبدأ تأسست جمعية سينما للجميع سنة 2016 ليكون مقرها الاجتماعي الرسمي بالجنوب التونسي و تشع بانشطتها في بقية ربوع البلاد التونسية. سعينا الى نشر الثقافة السينمائية رفقة بقية مكونات المشهد الثقافي لمحاولة القطع المركزية. و في خضم أنشطتنا بعثت الجمعية برنامجا تحت عنوان السينما للجميع أنطلق كفكرة منذ سنتين لكنه تعزز بمشاركة برنامج ميد فيلم الممول من طرف الاتحاد الاوروبي ما وفر المناخ اللازمة لإحتواء التجربة لاربعة ولايات تونسية هيا قابس قفصة مدنين و تطاوين وهو ما مما مثلا دفعا هاما للقائمين على تسيير الجمعية للمضي قدما في انشطتنا و تبعث اربعة مكاتب بهاته الجهات فكان المشروع مناخا نهدف من خلاله الى تعزيز دور المرأة وصورتها في القطاع السمعي البصري لجنوب المتوسّط في تعزيز قدرات الفاعلين في قطاع الأفلام داخل البلدان المستهدفة للمساهمة في التنمية المستدامة والتنوّع الثقافي من خلال النّهوض بالمساواة بين الجنسين وتعزيز صورة المرأة في الأفلام . اليوم و نحن برفقة شركانا و بقية الفاعلين نرغب ان يرفع شعار السينما للجميع في كل ربوع الوطن و لما لا أعادة الروح الى قاعات السينما بالجهات او أنشاء اخرى فصعرنا اليوم عصر الصورة هو السبيل الوحيد لمقاومة التخلف و الجهل و التغلب على الاسباب الحقيقة التي سحت بتغلغل الفكر الظلامي بتونس و ظهور توجهات عنيفة أدت الى جنوح البعض الى العمل الارهابي. عاشت السينما للجميع. عاشت تونس حرة و منفتحة على محيطها العالمي و خاصة الاورومتوسيطي.

Mission and Objectives

أهدافها : -المساهمة في نشر الثقافة السينمائية و الوعي بالمفاهيم السينمائية عبر عرض الافلام و مناقشتها . - المساهمة في عملية تكوين محبي السينما و الشباب الراغب في التخصص في المجال السينما قصد المساهمة في دعمهم في عملية التكوين الذاتي - المساهمة في دعم انفتاح شباب دول العالم على تجارب بعضهم السينمائية و تبادل الخبرات . - المساهمة في نشر قيم ثقافة حقوق الإنسان و التعايش السلمي من خلال التوعية بأهمية العمل المدني قصد التغيير الايجابي في المجتمع و تحقيق التنمية المستدامة.

Main Projects / Activities

1-تقوم الجمعية بعرض الافلام في ربوع الجمهورية التونسية و نقاشها. 2- تنظيم دورات تكوينية لفائدة الشباب المهتم بالعمل السينمائي. 3-إعداد و تنظيم مهرجانات سينمائية وثقافية. 4- تسعى لدعم الجهود الرامية لإعادة قاعات السينما بالجهات.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

عبر خبرة جمعيتنا في ادراة المشاريع الجمعياتية مع عدة ممولين دوليين يمكن لنا تطوير شركات دولية و برامج تبادل ثقافي خاصة في اطار تأطير الشباب المهوربين لانتاج اعمال فنية ما يسهل بروزهم نحو القمة و تحقيق استدامة و استقلالية لمواردهم المالية من خلال اختصاصنا كجمعية سينما يمكن لنا ان ندعم بقية الشركاء بخبرات في مجال التواصل و الانتاج الفني لتعبير عن القضايا التي يدافعون عنها و احداث تغيير هام على ارض الواقع عبر الادوات الفنية خاص ان عصرنا اليوم يعتمد على الصورة كمصدر لافكار و هو ما يجعل مدى تأثيرها هاما جدا و فعالا بشكلا كبير. نحن اليوم نعد منصة جسور او منصة عابرة للحدود تعمل المنصة الى ربط الشباب العالمي خاصة صناعي المحتوى الرقمي لتعارف بين بعضهم اكثر و تطوير مهاراتهم البعض ما يحقق لنا التعايش السلمي و قرب الدول لبعضها البعض في حاضنة امنة تحت المبادىء الدولية لحقوق الانسان

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

ان رغبتنا في الانضمام الى شبكة أنا ليند هو تعزيز شبكة علاقاتنا الدولية في كل اصقاع العالم قصد اكتساب خبرات جديدة في طرق معاجلة القضايا الحارقة اليوم مثلا قضايا الهجرة و التغييرات المناخية التي تجعلنا اكثر ضرورة للوحدة انسان من اجل الحفاظ على مانكتسبه حاليا حتى لا نخسره في النتائج طبعا ستكون وخيمة على الجميع و لن تفرق بين دولة او اخرى. ان العمل كل على حدة هو ضوريا لكن التبادل بيننا يمثل اثراء لاليات عملنا و يعزز حجم تاثيرنا و تغييرنا في المجتمع خاصة انه يمكن لنا انشاء مشاريع دولية عابرة للحدود يكون تأثرها اكبر

Informations supplémentaires
Contact (1) Full Name
عبدالواحد حميدات
Job Title
مدير تنفيذي للجمعية
Head of the organisation
امين منصور