
department of early childhood education

National Network

department of early childhood education, university of athens, 13a navarinou street, 10680 athens

Organisation Type
Public Institution
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Research
General Information
University of Athens 26 members of teaching staff, 20 members of secretarial staff. Budgetary ressources: 57.000 euros, only for functional expenses. Teaching, research activities. Collaborations with large number of European and American institutions and research centers.
Mission and Objectives


Main Projects / Activities


Contact (1) Full Name
mary leontsini
Head of the organisation
vassilis tselfes
Contact (2) Full Name
vassilis tselfes


National Network


Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
General Information
The Development Company of Kefalonia and Ithaki S.A. was founded in 1998 and its activities are: a. implementation of community programs and b. preparation of development studies. Also, the Company has established and applies a quality system according to EN ISO 9001:2001.
Mission and Objectives

The Development Company of Kefalonia & Ithaki S.A. aims at developing, managing, maintaining and protecting natural resources as at developing of the prefecture of Kefalonia and Ithaki in generally.
The composition of the Company as the broad participation of representatives serving interests of the public and private sectors, and authorities of Kefalonia & Ithaki, ensure:
• Achievement of the public purpose of the statute.
• Support for the implementation of development intervention policy.
• Reflect the agreement of all the need to promote a new mode of development of the region

Main Projects / Activities

The company since its foundation has reclaimed various programs and initiatives and produced a series of studies mainly with development content. With the start of the operation of Local Action Group for the implementation of LEADER II was staffed with adequate manpower acquired similar logistics and developed special expertise. Gradually, and with a policy of continuous information and awareness of social actors and the public, reclaim development plans, national and Community, recognized in the minds of both residents, and public bodies, as the scientific body and the main local lever action plans, explore and coordinate the development efforts in the prefecture of Kefalonia and Ithaca. The current business is divided into two areas:Α. Implementation of Community Programs B. Preparation of Development Studies

Contact (1) Full Name
Marianna Kotsovou

Development Foundation of the Metsovion Interdisciplinary Research Center (M.I.R.C.) of the N.T.U.A.

National Network

National Technical University of Athens
Patission 42, 10682


Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
  2. Heritage
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Research
  5. Youth and education
General Information
The N.T.U.A. M.I.R.C. Development Foundation is a Public Welfare Organisation of Private Right, the establishment and bylaws of which were approved by the Presidential Decree published in Government Gazette issue 559, May 15, 2001.
Mission and Objectives

The Foundation’s aim is the constant, systematic and integrated support of the operation and development of N.T.U.A. M.I.R.C. at the scientific, research, technical/technological, cultural, social and economic levels and creative co-operation with N.T.U.A. M.I.R.C. toward the accomplishment of M.I.R.C.’ s aims, i.e. the protection and development of mountainous environment and local European cultures.
The Foundation’s activities include interdisciplinary research and studies in the fields of development and environment and their multi-dimensional relations, interdependencies and interactions, as well as promotion and support, at all levels, of M.I.R.C.’ s initiatives and co-operations with N.T.U.A., the University of Ioannina, the Region of Epirus, Prefectures and local administration, the Municipality of Metsovo, scientific, social and cultural organisations and other related institutes, aiming at their substantial theoretical and practical contribution to the Integrated and Worth-living Development of mountainous areas in our country.

Contact (1) Full Name
Elya Michailidou
Head of the organisation
Prof. Demetrius Rokos

DHIAfest & DHIAsymp

DHIAfest & DHIAsymp

In the framework of the celebration of the European Week of Sport, the European Heritage Days and the International Day of Sign Languages, cultural educational institutions, public authorities as well as civil society organizations are collaborating for the implementation of the Panhellenic Festival of Inclusive Culture for the Deaf and Hearing in Action.

The actions take place between September 22 and October 2, 2023 and those who register can participate. This year's Interdisciplinary Symposium is thematically dedicated to eduvation on differentiated instruction.

The festival is under the auspices of seven ministries, serving the quality of life, promoting extroversion, enhancing tourist interest per region and highlighting our cultural heritage with experiential activities, sports and artistic.  At the same time, volunteering and green transport without emissions are promoted.

The subtitle of the festival Deaf and Hearing in Action refers more to the historicity and reference to the starting point of this initiative: it is a creation of a partnership between the deaf and the hearing. The festival concerns and refers to all our fellow citizens regardless of age, gender, identity, status and qualifications. It is based on the voluntary offer of the participants and the kind sponsorship of our supporters

Every year more than 100 organizations participate and collaborate and the driving force is voluntary groups of professionals in public and private sector concerning health, education, arts & culture, civil sociery, research and ecology.


Dialogue for all Webinar

Dialogue for all

European Institute for Local Development invites you to participate in a webinar about Dialogue for all. The Erasmus+ project Dialogue In Adult Learning is happy to share its tools and learning with you on 29/8/2024 at 13:00 CET, 14:00 EET.

During the webinar you will get acquainted with our ideas on dialogue and our exercise to try out in everyday situations and our model for training dialogue ambassadors, which can be used by anyone. We will also talk about dialogue as a basic skill, and you will get a chance to try out using our principles in a dialogue. The presenters are the project's own experts from Finland, Greece, Italy, Poland and Slovenia. The language of the webinar is English.

You can sign up by following the link:


More information on the project can be found here

digital practices for inclusive programmes_SwIdeas swedish network

Digital Practices for Inclusive Programmes Guidebook

The Inclusive Guidebook - How to create inclusive programs using digital resources - has been developed to provide useful tools, materials and experiences to teachers, educators, trainers, counsellors and experts working with migrants and/ or with people with special needs...

Digital Tools for Cultural Heritage Management

Digital Tools for Cultural Heritage Management

                                                                                              Executive Leadership Development in Heritage Management Workshops

                                                                                                                     Digital Tools for Cultural Heritage Management


Do you want to digitize heritage? Apply for our Certificate in Digital Tools and gain skills in:

  • Spatial Data (GIS): Master the art of spatial analysis and geographic information systems.
  • Laser Scanning and 3D Modeling: Explore advanced techniques for capturing and visualizing heritage sites.
  • Heritage Management: Understand the principles of preserving and interpreting cultural assets.
  • Community Management: Learn how to engage communities in heritage conservation



13 May - 17 June 2024 Hybrid Training Program (In person & online)

13 May - 9 June: Online Training Program

10 - 17 June: Field School, Greece


Application Deadline:
28 March 2024


Application form and more information here.

Dimitris Ladikos

National Network

Sotiros 56D
85101 Rhodes

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Media
  3. Research
  4. Youth and education
General Information
Greetings, I am a teacher of classics at tutorial schools in Rhodes (such as "Rodion Pedia") and the past few years I write short stories and novels. I have also write articles about culture and literature on many greek websites. Teaching, writing and listening to music (favourite: classical, soundtracks and instrumental) are my passion.  With regards, 
Mission and Objectives

I want to participate in literature events in Rhodes and generally in Greece. The most amazing thing is to knew other writers and discuss with them about literature subjects. However, my willing to transfer the passion about literature and writing stories in the classroom is one of my goals.  
The research on literature theories, writers and narrative ways is another area that I intend to enter deeper, because of my Phd in literature.  

Main Projects / Activities

Writing stories
Teaching literature and classical subjects
Research on literature

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

My passion about literature, books, stories and meeting people that are related to this subject (such as teachers, translators and writers), will make me a significant bond, at first in Rhodes and then in Greece. I' m an organised person with commitement to my course and my targets.   

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

I find this "step" so interesting, because I have the will to offer as I can in the common cause and make people interested in literature and works of art. I want to join in your community and be a useful member here in Rhodes. You give me a chance to prove to myself and to the others that I can offer voluntarily in subjects which I love. 

Informations supplémentaires
Contact (1) Full Name
Dimitris Ladikos
Job Title
Teacher of Classics and Writer
Head of the organisation
Dimitris Ladikos


National Network

11524 ATHENS

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Innovation and Entrepreneurship
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Research
  7. Youth and education
General Information

DOTANK Plus stands as a sustainability consulting agency, extending its impact across international borders. As a catalyst for change, we specialize in guiding businesses worldwide towards a more sustainable and ethical future. Our consultancy services are tailored to empower companies with strategic solutions that harmonize business growth with environmental responsibility. With a global perspective, we offer bespoke strategies, innovative frameworks, and actionable plans to address the urgent challenges of our time. At DOTANK Plus, our mission is to not only assist businesses in navigating the complexities of sustainability but also to foster a collective effort in reversing the climate crisis on a global scale.

Mission and Objectives

Our vision is to build a strong community of organizations that could stand independently but also interact with each other to tackle the biggest challenges of humanity.

Our mission is to motivate, support and empower leaders to achieve scalable actions for a sustainable future.

Main Projects / Activities

Strat­e­gy Planning & Development
Organisational Capacity Building
Project Design & Implementation
Stakeholders Management & Networking
Educational Activities & Training
Impact Assessment
Sustainability Communications

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

DOTANK Plus stands ready to significantly contribute to the international network by leveraging our wealth of expertise in sustainability consulting. In our country, we aim to share invaluable insights and best practices gleaned from our experience, facilitating a deeper understanding of local challenges and regulatory landscapes. Our commitment to collaboration aligns seamlessly with the network's ethos, as we enthusiastically anticipate joint initiatives and collaborative programs that transcend borders. We're poised to offer innovative solutions, advocate for sustainable practices through thought leadership, and play a pivotal role in capacity building. Through our active involvement, we aim not only to enhance our local sustainability efforts but also to actively contribute to a global shift toward a more responsible and sustainable future for businesses worldwide.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

DOTANK Plus is eager to join the ALF Network due to our commitment to fostering intercultural dialogue and promoting sustainable practices. We believe in the power of cultural exchange and understanding as essential components of building a more sustainable and harmonious world. Our expertise in sustainability consulting enables us to contribute innovative strategies that align with the ALF's mission, working towards a future where diverse cultures collaborate in advancing shared values of environmental responsibility and ethical practices. Joining the ALF Network presents an opportunity to engage in cross-cultural initiatives that promote dialogue, respect, and sustainability across the Euro-Mediterranean region.

Contact (1) Full Name
Nikos Therapos
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Nikos Therapos, Director

Dråpen i Havet Stagona

National Network

14, D. Vernardaki str.
81100 Mitilini

(+46) 7 61 11 18 15
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone (other)
+30 6984983197
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information

Dråpen i Havet is a voluntary humanitarian organization established in 2015 and runs activities designed to help restore a sense of normality and dignity and to help build resilience and practical skills for displaced persons. Its headquarters are situated in Oslo and in Greece it has 15 employees, 20 International Volunteers and 60 resident volunteers, who are for most young adults residing in refugee camps, whom we support with specific capacity building projects preparing them for integrating in European society. Our mission would not be achieved without the financial contribution of private donors, sponsors and support from individuals. Dråpen i Havet Stagona collaborates with volunteer field workers, with established aid organisations in each location such as UN agencies, international organisations, local NGOs and with the Greek authorities.

Mission and Objectives

Dråpen i Havet Stagona runs activities designed to help restore a sense of normality and dignity and to help build resilience and practical skills for displaced persons.  The organisations’s vision is a world that respects the human rights and dignity of displaced people and its values are respect, loyalty, understanding and vigilance for these people. Our main objective is to support and promote the integration of the asylum seekers in Greece.

Main Projects / Activities

We have four programmes directing all our activities:
1. Community Empowerment Mobilisation: Our various activities are directed at children, youth, women, and men, with a particular focus on vulnerable groups such as women, children, and unaccompanied minors. We use a community-based approach, involving beneficiaries in our programmes as much as possible in the planning, implementation, and monitoring and evaluation of activities. This helps us to better develop activities according to needs and increase ownership of activities and strengthen community networks.
2.Integration: Our aim is to support displaced persons’ integration in Greek society and improve their professional development. With increased knowledge about Greek society, more people can access resources and training, and find work and housing. We organise employability workshops and coordinate with relevant actors, connecting beneficiaries to already existing employment-related programmes. Our activities are: Info Hub, Interview Preparation and Employability Support
3.Non-formal Education: We aim to support displaced persons in accessing formal education and to promote their employability and integration in their host society. Our activities are: English classes, Greek classes and Computer classes
4.Humanitarian Aid: We work to ensure that displaced persons’ needs are met in a dignified manner. We assess the situation on each site and act according to demand. Our teams distribute and improve access to food, clothing, winter equipment, and hygiene items, and contribute to better health and well-being through activities both inside and outside refugee camps. Our activities are: Baby pack distribution, Diaper distribution, Food distribution, Open access to hygiene and sexual and reproductive health items, Seasonal clothes distribution, Emergency response distributions, Laundry services.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

The objectives of the organization align with the objectives of Anna Lindh Foundation. As a member, we want to promote the volunteer oriented activities of our organisation to an increased amount of young people from our local community in order to raise awareness about asylum seekers and promote participation and solidarity among the local people. Our long term goal is to encourage ethnic diversity, solidarity, tolerance for asylum seekers, equality and cultural understanding. As a member of the Foundation, we would like to share information and experiences and strengthen the intercultural dialogue and the foundations of the civil society while serving core European values of unity and diversity.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Being part of an international network like Anna Lindh Foundation, will give us the opportunity to broaden our collaborations and take common action with other participating members in joint activities.

Contact (1) Full Name
Jean-Baptiste Metz
Job Title
Head of Operation / Programs Greece
Head of the organisation
Jean-Baptiste Metz
Contact (2) Full Name
Fania Zouni
Job Title (2)
Head of Finance