
Local Theatre, Jaffa Theatre-The Arab-Hebrew Theatre Center

National Network

10 Mifratz Shlomo St. Old Jaffa, P.O.B. 3403 Tel Aviv-Yaffo 61030
Tel Aviv-Yaffo

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
Jaffa Theatre is a partnership between two theatres The Local Hebrew Theatre and The AlSaraya Arab Theatre. The two theatres work independently and jointly with Arab and Jewish artists. Each theatre has separately, artistic and administrative directors, producers, marketing directors and chairpersons and a general manager serving both theatres. The theatre employs 8 staff members. Budgetary resources for one year stands at 2 million NIS with the support of the Ministry of Culture and the Tel-Aviv-Yaffo Municipality. Sources of funding 50% public funding(foundations/organizations) 50% self funding. The Theatre holds community and educational projects for youth. Outreach locally and in the peripheries of performances with social messages followed by discussions. The theatre holds two major annual festivals for women and children. Main partners for outreach projects are the Ministry of Education and the Israel Lottery Council.
Mission and Objectives

Jaffa Theatre - The Arab - Hebrew Theatre Center is unique among Israeli theatres, both for its social and political mission and for its theatrical language. In the Arab-Hebrew Theatre, multi-cultural is not a mere phrase, but a fact of life and ideology. In a city where Arabs and Jews live side by side, the theatre promotes knowledge and understanding of the two cultures, not only through its productions, but also through its work with the multi-ethnic communities of Jaffa and across Israel, and in particular, by providing a theatrical structure for interaction for Arabs and Jews.

Main Projects / Activities

The Jaffa Theatre holds two major siccessful annual festivals, a three day Festival of The Arab Hebrew Woman, which includes plays, dance, panel discussions, film screenings and poetry readings all created and performed by women. Highlighting achievements of Arab women and usually takes place in March in conjunction with International Woman's Day. During Succot Holiday the theatre holds the “International Festival of Children's Theatre" in Arabic and Hebrew. In addition, the theatre offers acting workshops for Arab and Jewish youth, and internships for playwrights and other theatre artists. Both festivals bring together for the first time populations that otherwise don't meet and share common interests.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

The Jaffa Theatre has worked in the past with several network members. The Jaffa Theatre hosted organizations and held joint projects with a number of organizations. The Jaffa Theatre looks forward to additional exchanges.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

The Jaffa Theatre has a common goal with ALF to advance intercultural dialogue. The theatre's activities and projects advance mutual understanding between the Arab and Jewish populations and the Palestinian Authority. Our goal is to expand activities and projects to reach a larger number of youth and adults.

Contact (1) Full Name
Igal Ezraty
Head of the organisation
Israel Oz
Contact (2) Full Name
Lily Ovadiah

Ma'ase (Amutat Ye'adim La'tzafon)

National Network

Kfar Hayeladim 20100

972-9027700 Ex 5
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
Number of staff employed: 80 Budgetary resources: 26 million shekels Sources of funding: State of Israel 50% and foundations 50% Modalities of action: Each year Ma'ase operates some 650 young men and women in over 50 locations every year in six volunteer-service programs for marginalized groups of Israeli society. Main partners involved in the projects: Rashi Foundation, The Lautman Foundation, The Jewish Community Federation of San Francisco, Gandyr Foundation, Leumi Aharai Association, UJIA Britain, UIA Canada, JFN, The Jewish Federation of Metropolitan Detroit, UJC – Social Venture Fund for Jewish-Arab Equality and Shared Society, UJA Federation of New York and more.
Mission and Objectives

Mission: to promote equal opportunity and develop civic leadership among youth aged 18 to 21, from Israel's socio-economic and geographic peripheries, via volunteer and follow-up programs. Ma'ase believe that the fire burning within the hearts of the youth of Israel’s socio-economic and geographic peripheries is that which can generate real change: By replacing the idea of Israeli society as a collection of rival sectors with the shared experience of volunteerism and personal growth, we unite our volunteers (religious and secular, advantaged and disadvantaged, new immigrants and native born, Jews and Arabs) around a shared set of values of morals and giving.
1. To promote leadership skills and personal development of young adults through volunteer programs.
2. To increase the accessibility of young adults from communities in the periphery to volunteer programs.
3. To improve the level of professionalism in volunteer programs for young adults in Israel.

Main Projects / Activities

Ma’ase operates all volunteer frameworks currently available in Israel:
• AFAK - Volunteer Year for Arab-Israeli Youth in Civic Service framework or a private volunteering year
• ACHVA - Volunteer Year for Young Women of Low Socio-Economic Background – Primarily of Ethiopian Origin in National Service framework
• EITAN - Multi-year track including volunteer year and military service in Nahal
• YACHAD - Pre-army year of volunteer service
• GAL - Pre-army leadership academy
All programs include (1) quality, significant long-term volunteer service in the local communities in formal and informal education frameworks, (2) development of personal and social skills through leadership training, (3) improvement of formal scholastic achievements and career development.
In addition to volunteer programs, Ma'ase also operates a Knowledge Development Center, Alumni Organization which includes a range of follow-up programs, Entrepreneurship Department serving as a greenhouse for new social projects and a Training and Services Department which acts as a source of revenue.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

• Ma'ase has significant partnership with the Israeli government, which funds about 50% of its activities.
• Distinctive educational approach based on respect and demand for capability and excellence while providing a professional network of appropriate support and backup.
This approach contrasts the standard therapeutic, branding, weakening approaches typical of activities directed towards disadvantaged populations in Israel.
• Public recognition - Ma'ase was awarded the prestigious “Speaker of the Knesset Quality of Life Award” for 2011 for its work in promoting tolerance and narrowing social gaps in Israeli society.
Ma'ase also won the 2010 Sderot Conference Prize for Outstanding Social Impact. In June, Tel Aviv University will award Miki Nevo, Director of Ma'ase, with an honorary Doctorate degree in recognition of Ma'ase contribution to the promotion of equal opportunity and social mobility in youth from all strata and populations.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Ma'ase is now a mid-size organization that needs to evolve professionally and financially to ensure its long term sustainability and impact on Israeli society.
Under this strategic development area, Ma'ase is evolving its professional approach to a multi-year programmatic view that places the "young adult" we would like to see our volunteers become as the target towards which we work.
This approach entails a multistage process starting with the recruitment narratives, through the volunteer year, army service (if applicable) and into the first years of education or vocational training and integration into the job market.
This multi-year process requires us to engage in content that we have not yet dealt with. Therefore, we found it necessary to participate in a network of organizations that we can learn from them and generate partnerships with them in some areas.

Contact (1) Full Name
Karny Barak
Head of the organisation
Miki Nevo

Mabat - Awareness in a Multicultural Society

National Network

POB 34 Ein HOd
Ein Hod 00000

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Gender
  4. Religion
  5. Youth and education
General Information
Mabat brings together diverse students for transformative encounters over accredited leadership seminars at Israeli academic institutions. Thousands of Mabat alumni help improve an atmosphere of diversity on campuses and build a shared society through community outreach and joint civic-action. College campuses in Israel reflect the country’s societal rifts—even on campuses where diverse students share the same space, they remain segregated along ethnic, religious, and cultural lines. An Israeli non-profit active across various institutions of higher learning since 2008, Mabat fosters multicultural awareness by implementing yearlong experiential leadership courses.  ✓ Mabat currently operates ten dialogue groups on three campuses: Haifa University, Beit Berl College and Azrieli College of Engineering Jerusalem—all of which have diverse student bodies. ✓ Thousands of direct beneficiaries have participated in Mabat offshoot programs to-date. ✓ Over 10 years Mabat has run 88 accredited courses in 7 campuses, building a network of over 1,000 alumni across Israel. All programs are co-funded by the institutions where they run. ✓ Internal and external assessments reveal significant personal change in participants and notable change in the multicultural dialogue on campus and in the entire community.
Mission and Objectives

Our main goals are:
To develop multicultural awareness by counteracting prejudice, racism, and sexism within Israeli society.
To create real personal change based on in-depth, joint experiences between those of different and varied backgrounds
To provide youth with the necessary skills and tools for conflict resolution and coexistence in a multicultural society

Main Projects / Activities

Academic Programs:

Mabat runs yearlong programs at Haifa University, Beit Berl College, and Azrieli College of Engineering Jerusalem, facilitating mixed Arab-Jewish leadership and dialogue groups. Through a sequence of meaningful meetings between participants from diverse social backgrounds, students gain valuable conflict resolution and reconciliation skills and learn to reflect upon personal and mutual experiences. Our activity plan is derived from a range of theoretical models in the field of multicultural education, group facilitation, and experiential learning that involves hands-on workshops including outdoor education, photography, music, and more. Students receive academic credit for their participation in Mabat courses and also work in various volunteer schemes to contribute to their communities.
To date, we have run over 88 groups across Israel, changing the perceptions of more than 1,000 participants. Our in-house and external evaluations have revealed significant personal change in participants and positive influence on fostering multicultural dialogue on both campuses and in the community at large.
At the moment, we are working to expand our work to additional campuses where Mabat programs can be integrated as academic courses, accredited community outreach activities, and training programs for community leadership.
✓ Lasting an entire academic year of weekly meetings, the transformative process takes students from personal reflection to inter-group encounter, coming to fruition with community service.
✓ Rooted in experiential learning, our curriculum includes a range of methodologies such as outdoor education, photography, theatre, and music.
✓ Each class is a microcosm of the diversity of Israel; we ensure an equal number of Arab and Jewish participants and also give voice to the multiplicity of complex identities within each group, i.e. gender, religion, sexual orientation etc.
✓ Facilitated sessions: Our facilitators—one Arab and one Jewish in each class—are trained to handle cultural and linguistic sensitivities.
✓ We turn cultural difference into a resource that leads to creation and joint-action.
Community Outreach Towards Social Change
Mabat is an entrepreneurial project. Our students are driven to take what they have learned out of the classroom and implement on campus and in their communities.
✓ Multicultural Tours: Our students and alumni are trained to run joint tours for Jewish and Arab pupils in Haifa’s multicultural and multireligious neighborhood Ein HaYam.
✓ Mabat students organize multicultural home-concerts in Haifa. Students learn to create space for intercultural encounters, to manage small budgets and to formulate artistic programs.
✓ “Multicultural Festivals” adopted by the university: campus-wide roundtables and discussion groups.
✓ Our model is easily replicable: We run workshops, trainings, and seminars for educators and students where they learn to facilitate groups using the Mabat model. We also run tailored diversity seminars for other groups.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

- Participate in meetings
- Bring Mabat's expertise in running multiculturalism workshops and trainings. 
- Participate and contribute to ALF events and programs 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Mabat’s fields of activity and objectives align closely with the vision of Anna Lindh Foundation to create inclusive societies based on mutual trust and understanding. We are interested meeting partners in Israel and abroad and contribute to knowledge-sharing among colleagues. We look forward to participating in and contributing to Network Meetings and other activities of the Israeli Network in particular and of ALF in general.

Contact (1) Full Name
Lior Shorer
Job Title
Executive Director
Head of the organisation
Lior Shorer
Contact (2) Full Name
Nathalie Alyon
Job Title (2)
Resource Development Consultant

Maccabim Association - Education and Soccer in The Community

National Network

106 Ben Zvi Road, P.O.B. 12069, zip code 61120
Tel Aviv

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
The Maccabim staff/ structure: one Director, one national coordinator around 40 employers Including coaches, teachers, project coordinators, educational administrator, etc. The Budget of Maccabim for the year 2008 - 2009 (12 months)is $748,000 Sources of funding: The National Social Security fund for children at risk, Soccer for Peace, The Alan B. Slifka foundation, MEPI – middle east par
Mission and Objectives

The Maccabim Association is a charitable arm of the renowned Maccabi Tel Aviv soccer club, which enjoys a loyal following throughout Israel and around the world.
The Maccabim association seeks to fulfill a vision of a better country and future for all Israeli children by using football as a vehicle to reduce social and educational gaps and to build bridges between children of different ethnic, religious and social backgrounds. The Maccabim Association furthers these goals by leveraging football’s unparalleled potential to traverse cultural, political and language barriers, and to engage the interest of all sectors and levels of society.
Our Goals:
•To provide activities for disadvantaged children.
•To develop a model that can be usefully implemented by sports clubs, schools and educators throughout Israel.
•To reduce social and educational gaps.
•To build bridges between children of different ethnic and social backgrounds.

Main Projects / Activities

Soccer centers in peripheral regions, in development towns in northern and southern Israel provide activity framework for children at risk.
Combined soccer-tutorial centers for underprivileged children in need of educational support.
Fostering the social and educational integration of young immigrants.
The project promotes the educational and social integration of new immigrants, especially from Ethiopia.
A soccer track to full matriculation in cooperation with boarding schools that serve children from severely distressed homes.
This project brings together Arab and Jewish children in Israel through overnight camps consisting of intensive soccer training, dialogue sessions and other coexistence programming.
A combination that fosters the development of the social, emotional and physical skills proven by research to be critical to the well-being of children and youth.
Coaperation of Maccabim with The Rosh Pina Mainstreaming Network

Contact (1) Full Name
Anat Rabinovitz (Director)
Head of the organisation
Loni (Elon) Herzikowitz - Chairman
Contact (2) Full Name
Alex Dalin - National coordinator

Mada al-Carmel - The Arab Center for Applied Social Research

National Network

51 Allenby Street
P.O. Box 9132


Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
General Information
MADA, which employs 2 full-time and 10 part-time staff, and other researchers, is governed by a General Assembly, an Executive Committee, and an Academic Committee. In 2007, MADA released The Haifa Declaration, a consensual statement that a large group of Palestinian intellectuals, academics, and activists from different fields and wide-ranging political viewpoints articulated, under MADA’s leadership, about their collective future and status in their homeland, the major challenges facing their society, their relationship with their people, nation, and the state of Israel. MADA regularly engages the public in its discourse through seminars and conferences such as its twopart seminar in 2008 - "Sixty Years Since the Nakba: Homeland as Exile: Loss, Alienation, and Forms of Resistance." MADA is proud to have received the support of: The Ford Foundation The European Commission International Development Research Institute (IDRC) CORDAID Open Society Institute The Welfare Association The A.M. Qattan Foundation Global Fund for Women New Israel Fund Women for Women’s Human Rights The British Embassy in Tel Aviv UNESCO
Mission and Objectives

MADA aims to enhance the human and national development of the Palestinians in Israel, advance the
cause of democratic citizenship, and become a hub of knowledge and critical thinking about equal citizenship and democracy.
MADA's objectives are to:
• Provide an institutional base to freely study the rights, needs, and collective future of the Palestinians in Israel and their relationship
with Israel, the Palestinian nation, and the Arab World
• Facilitate links with Israeli, Palestinian, and international academics, NGOs, activists, and political actors to formulate public policy proposals designed to improve the conditions of Palestinian citizens
• Generate new ways of thinking and discourses about Palestinian-Jewish relations
• Train a new generation of social scientists, particularly in new critical approaches, and attract local and international researchers to study the Palestinians in Israel
• Enrich theoretical perspectives and applied work on national identity, citizenship, and democracy by stimulating comparative research wtih like-minded institutes in other multiethnic states

Main Projects / Activities

Collective Rights Program
-The theory and policy concerning indigenous minorities and collective rights of the Palestinian minority in Israel.
Collective Rights and the Political Future Program
-The program is based on the Haifa Declaration and what has been achieved through it.
Political Monitoring Program
-Israeli political thought and practice have witnessed a major shift in recent years, particularly since the outbreak of the Palestinian Intifada and the mass protests of October 2000 within Israel.
Information Program
-Established in 2002 in an attempt to provide accurate information about Palestinians in Israel and to contextualize the information from the perspective of the indigenous Palestinian minority.
Historical Narrative Program
-The History Program at MADA is entitled, “Reframing the Historical Narrative of the Palestinians in Israel”.
Gender Studies Project
-This project stresses the urgency in establishing a gender project to study the status of Palestinian women in Israel and gender related issues.

Contact (1) Full Name
Dr. Nadim N. Rouhana
Head of the organisation
Dr. Nadim N. Rouhana
Contact (2) Full Name
Einas Odeh Haj

Madrasa - School for Arabic Language

National Network

Ramban 39
Jerusalem 9226811

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
  2. Youth and education
General Information
Madrasa is a free web based school for spoken Arabic. The organization was created from the need to change the fact that a very low number of Israeli Jewish population can speak Arabic. The website has a simple format in order to facilitate learning; The website is divided into four steps from beginners to advanced, to enable students to progress at their own pace and according to their individual level. Each level includes 7 interactive videos lasting 30 minutes each. Each lesson includes helpful studying material, like detailed summary of the didactic material vocabulary and practice exercises. today, even though we're still in the process of building the whole course (12 lessons have been published out of 28 lessons in total), our data shows that tens of thousands of people learn Arabic from the website on a daily basis, and we've become an important and known platform for learning the Colloquial Palestinian Arabic for free.  We registered as an Amuta (NPO), and our team is comprised of 6 people working together to develop the website. our board has 2 proffesional advisors. our yearly budget has not exceeded 50,000 shekels up to now, but we wish to expand our activity, to finish the publishing of the whole course and the have meetings out of the screen. our funding up to now comes from a family who lost their daugther and who wishes to support our activity, and from users who choose to support us even though the materials are free. moreover, we've recieved  support from IHF (Irving Harris Foundation) and from the students union in Israel as a prize for our activity. 
Mission and Objectives

20% of the Israeli citizens speak Arabic as their mother tongue. Arabic is an official language of the state of Israel and neighboring countries. Our vision is to improve our communication with the Arab sector and to create conditions where Arabic is not considered a foreign language and certainly not our enemy language.
Therefore, we wish to:
- Create a 28-lesson-course, absolutely free, which will give opportunity for every Hebrew-speaker to learn Colloquial Palestinian Arabic easily.
- Initiate meetings in different cities in Israel so people could learn together, practice together and meet. 
- Become a handy source for every teacher / student who wish to find out vocabulary sheets, practice sheets and more information about the spoken Arabic language.

Main Projects / Activities

Nowadays we are working on the 3rd level of Madrasa (lessons 15-22), and we wish to finish the building of the 3rd level in Dec 2017.
Other than that, we wish to initiate meeting between Jews who learn Arabic together, and between Jews and Arabs who learn both languages. in these meeting (that we've just started having)  people will meet as a community and share knowledge and experiences related to learning the languages. 

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We would be happy to keep on leading the teaching of the Palestinian Arabic as a free and important tool to bring people together.  We believe that language is the most central element of good communication, and good communication is the most cenrtal element of a better society.
We also wish to show an example of an intiative made by students from Jerusalem as a voluntary act. This, we believe, is an important response to the complicated situation that we as Israelis and Palestinians experience here on a daily basis. 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We wish to cooperate with other members of the network, to expand our activity and to spread it amongst people who work in the same field. moreover, we wish to ask for support by any person or organization who believes in the cause that we fight for. 

Contact (1) Full Name
Gilad Sevitt
Job Title
Founder and Director
Head of the organisation
Gilad Sevitt
Contact (2) Full Name
Daniel Dotan
Job Title (2)


National Network

61/2 Ibn Gavirol, Tel Aviv 64362
Tel Aviv

Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
Mahapach-Taghir has a Board of Directors comprised of 9 social activists from across Israel. The 11 paid staff members include the director, two national coordinators, 7 community coordinators, and 2 resource developers. MT also receives support from volunteers and students fulfilling their national service. MT is currently funded by 15 different public and private sources (see attachment), and is constantly looking for new sources of support in order to expand our programs. We run four days of supplemental educational programs in 7 low-income neighborhoods across Israel. Each community holds 5 MT-sponsored community-wide "action days" each year. MT supports a Steering Committee comprised of residents of each of the 7 communities that decides on thematic focuses in the educational programs of the grade school students, and also brings in speakers to discuss social and economic community issues amongst Steering Committee members, the tutoring university students that run the after-school programs, and interested additional members of the community. MT organizes 2 national seminars for involved university students and 2 national seminars for Steering Committee members that address pedagogical educational techniques, coexistence issues in Israel, personal empowerment techniques, etc.. MT runs women's groups in 4 of our communities for women in their 30s-40s and has provided education support for those members interested in going to college. For a detailed list of our partners across Israel, see the attachment.
Mission and Objectives

Mission and Goals
a. To promote equal educational opportunities for children and adolescents in Mahapach-Taghir Learning Communities through innovative programs that complement formal education using the principles of Critical Pedagogy;
b. To develop social awareness, community responsibility and involvement among local residents of Mahapach-Taghir’s communities;
c. To encourage and empower democratic, independent, local leadership for social change led by local residents;
d. To encourage and empower women in Mahapach-Taghir communities to become more actively involved both in their children’s education and in social activism in their communities;
e. To involve the university students in Israel in the creation of positive societal change, social justice, and local empowerment.

Main Projects / Activities

Each of the seven Jewish and Arab communities in which MT operates runs the following programs:
- Academic and pedagogical tutoring
Each child in the Learning Community receives two weekly hours of individual tutoring and two hours of group activities from trained university students who receive incentives for social involvement. Each child has his or her own work-plan, which outlines anticipated improvement and is decided upon by the parents, teacher, and the tutoring student. Emphasis throughout the year is put on reading and writing skills, on developing learning methods, on improving the ability of independent learning, on developing the communal sense of belonging amongst the children, and on identity, self-image and self-confidence issues.
- Parental involvement
In each Mahapach-Taghir community, there is a work team comprised of six to twelve local parents and other residents that take on the role of the community board. This board, the Steering Committee, forms the crux of the pedagogical work done at the Learning Community and the communal work of Mahapach-Taghir. The Steering Committee is encouraged to hold responsibility for the Learning Community, to set its program and agenda, and to become actively involved in shaping the community’s future. Steering Committee members take active roles in organizing the Learning Community’s public activities, such as the Community Action Days, workshops, and local campaigns organized throughout the year. Each Steering Committee meets at least twice every month.
- University Student Activism
Embedded within the Learning Community framework is the opportunity for university students to tutor children and adolescents while receiving a scholarship for social involvement. Mahapach-Taghir encourages the students to become involved in community work beyond their role as tutors by taking part in local Steering Committee sessions and local campaigns, staying in touch with the parents, and meeting with students in other communities and organizations in order to create new channels of cooperation. The students attend two national seminars every year: one dedicated to pedagogical training, and the other to community work and activism. In both seminars (and especially in the second one), they are exposed to the work of other organizations for social change that Mahapach-Taghir brings in as speakers. In addition, they attend five workshops throughout the year that provide them with the tools and knowledge essential to pedagogical and communal work.
- Building Women’s Leadership in Education
In line with Mahapach-Taghir’s identification as a feminist NGO, the organization takes active, definitive steps towards fostering the ongoing empowerment of mothers with children active in the Learning Communities, for whom equal educational opportunities have been identified as a shared concern and a common ground for inclusive cooperation. This includes systematic empowerment training that exposes participating women to human rights concepts, feminist agendas, and the practices of civil society. This training allows them to gain experience in initiating and carrying out communal campaigns while encouraging them to engage in inter-communal cooperation.

Contact (1) Full Name
Liron Azulai
Contact (2) Full Name
Fidaa Nara Abu Dbai

Manor-Cabri, Amuta

National Network

Kibbutz Cabri, D.N. Ashrat 25120

+972 4 995 2745
+972 4 995 2744
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Youth and education
General Information
Manor-Cabri is a Non-Profit established by 7 member corporations, to provide education services to the region's population. It employs nearly 100 teachers and administrative workers. Yearly budget about 3.5 million USD, with various sources of income: Ministry of Education, Regional Municipality, tuition and donations. Modalities of action include middle school and high school, regional programs in the arts and sciences, humanistic values education(seminars). Main partners include neighboring schools (Jewish and Arab schools), the regional council, and a private foundation.
Mission and Objectives

Manor-Cabri Association, located in the heart of the Western Galilee, just five miles from the border with Lebanon, is an educational institution for youth 13-18 years old, which combines studies in the arts, sciences and humanities.
Established in 1987 we serve a diverse student body population of approx. 570 students from kibbutzim, moshavim, development towns and cities all over the Western Galilee. Manor-Cabri staff is concerned with producing innovation, engaging students in critical thinking, and strengthening students’ commitment to justice, equality, good citizenship and community involvement.
Manor Cabri Staff has developed numerous educational projects, some with a regional reach and others are award winning with a national impact on policy makers.

Main Projects / Activities

Our main projects include:
•The Arab-Jewish Regional Center for Excellence in Physics Research
•Jewish-Arab Theater Workshops and Productions
•Israel Cultural Heritage, a multi-disciplinary Jewish education program for middle school
•Theater Workshop for the Mentally Disabled (Voluntary work in ENOSH club)
•Social & Economic Justice Seminar, resulting in 50% of graduates volunteering to national service before the army
•Fringe theater series for theater students in the Galilee
•Kadar Center for Research-based Learning

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation
Mr. Yaron Chemel, CEO

Maoz Inon

National Network

Ha'shaish 5

Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information

Maoz Inon (born 1975)[1] is an Israeli social entrepreneur and peace activist who has founded several tourism initiatives within Israel and the Middle East, including the Jesus Trail, Fauzi Azar Inn, and Abraham Hostel and Tour brands. Since the murder of his parents in the Hamas attack on Israel on 7 October 2023, Inon has become a voice for peace between Israelis and Palestinians within international media

Mission and Objectives

Creating hope and making peace

Main Projects / Activities

On 7 October 2023, Maoz's parents, Bilha and Yakovi Inon, were killed when their house was hit by a close-range missile in the Hamas attack on Israel. After the attack, Maoz Inon has appeared on international media outlets across the world calling for an end to the violence in the region and the need for peace between Israelis and Palestinians. Maoz Inon has called for the Israeli government to negotiate a ceasefire with Hamas. On November 7, Inon and Yaakov Godo, another Israeli who had lost a relative in the October 7 attacks, began a vigil in a mourner's tent outside the Knesset, saying they would not leave until prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu resigned

Informations supplémentaires
Contact (1) Full Name
Maoz Inon
Head of the organisation
Maoz Inon

Masar Institute for Education

National Network

P.O.Box 3201, Nazareth, 16131

+972 4 601 6022
+972 4 6016033
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Research
  3. Youth and education
General Information
1. structure:Masar has a General Assembly of 25 volunteers who meet annually. They elect the board and approve the general budget. The Board of Directors is also voluntary and meets once every fortnight. Decisions at all levels of organization are made by consensus. Our staff vary by project, but the core staff are 2 full-time and 2 part-time staff. 2. Our annual budget for 2006 was 209,000 USD. 3. Sources of Funding: 75% fees, 20% foundation, 5% other. 4. Action: An experimental school, research, teacher-training program, consultancy and networking with other eduational initiatives and academia. 5. Our main partners: The Municipality of Nazareth, Orpheus(NGO for music education promoting dialogue), Action Research Center at the E'mek Yizrael College. Present Funders: Bernard Van Leer Foundation, Kathryn Ames Foundation, Welfare Association.
Mission and Objectives

Masar is an NGO with the mission of achieving social change and community development through innovative education.
Our Goals are:
1.To contribute to the development of new visions for education that will serve as a means for social change.
2.To contribute to the development of the Arab community and society as a whole by shaping a culture where difference is embraced and appreciated.
3.To promote systematic change in government and Ministry of Education norms and practices in order to meet the social needs of the Arab community.

Main Projects / Activities

1. Our core project has been the development of a new vision of education by allowing innovative educational practices to evolve within the first Arab experimental school in Israel.
Masar School was established in 1998 and has been growing by one class each year since. Today we cater to 234 students KG-9th Grade and we hope that it will be a KG-12th Grade school in a few years time.
2. Capacity building for educators
3. Research. presently we have 2 research projects: one with the Bernard Van Leer Foundation on language literacy and critical thinking and the other funded by the Kathryn Ames Foundation on Swimming as a tool for dialogue.
4. Consultancy, outreach and networking with other NGO's and academia.
5. influencing official educational policies and practices to better suit the Arab community in Israel.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ibrahim Abu Elhaija
Contact (2) Full Name
Naomi Friedman-Sokuler