Centar za kulturu "Trešnjevka"

National Network

Park Stara Trešnjevka 1
10 000 Zagreb

00385 (01) 3027 411
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information

Trešnjevka Cultural Center is founded by the City of Zagreb municipality; Center employs university degree or equivalent in social or cultural studies. There are 13SOCIO employees currently working in the Center. Within Center there are: - TNT theater; performing play for both youth and grow up public - TREPS (Trešnjevka dance scene); conducting and performing various dance projects - GLAZBENI PODIJ (Amateur music); organizing an important state championship in chir singing and concerts of jazz, classical and traditional music. Glazbeni Podij also aggroups more than one hundred amateur music ensembles - MODULOR GALLERY; specializes in architecture and design exhibitions - GLAS TREŠNJEVKE (Trešnjevka voice); local news magazine - SOCIOCULTURAL PROJECTS DEPARTMENT; conducts projects concerning: civil society, new approaches in both cultural production and communication, social and cultural capital, multiculturalism, bioetics, fashion and urban sociology, quarters' identity, new social models, new models in solidarity, new religious movements, etc.

Mission and Objectives

Trešnjevka Cultural Center, Towns sociocultural institution, conducts and promotes various cultural and educational programs, encouraging individual and group creation, lifelong learning and creative involvement during ones spare time in order to enhance life quality. The mision is conducted through seminars, lectures, workshops, exhibitions, film projects and theater, dance or music performances.

Main Projects / Activities

Centers main Projects and Activities: seminars for both professional and amateur artists lectures covering different socio-cultural or artistic fields applied art workshops and exhibitions amateur art performances and exhibitions professional art performances and exhibitions theater performances dance performances concerts dance workshops theater workshops socio-cultural training programs visual art seminars and performances Sociocultural Projects Departments' main activities: -BIOETICS; an attempt to help fill in the gap between theoretical bioetics topics and everyday life. -POLIS; enhances civil society development and political culture -VISUAL CULTURE AND IDENTITY; an interdisciplinary project targeting all aspects of culture that determine meanings imprinted in culture through visual means -MEDIA IN LOCAL COMMUNITY; takes an insight into local media and educates citizens to take an active role in media communication and through that, an active role in local decision making and policy. -RESEARCH PROJECTS; cultural researches, conducted in order to serve as basis for redefinition of position and aims of cultural institutions.

Contact (1) Full Name
Veselko Leutar
Head of the organisation
Ms. Ljiljana Perišić