
Balady Association for Spreading the Values of Democracy and Human Rights

National Network

19, Alsallam st., a branch of Alzhour st., Alhadra. Alexandria. Egypt.

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information
Structure of the organization, including number of staff employed and/or partners Executive Board, which consists of 7 members, is responsible for the adoption and implementation of its activities, and there is no staff. Budgetary resources available in a year شىي Sources of funding Resources available annually about 1,000 Egyptian pounds from member donations. Modalities of action (concrete projects, exchanges, seminars, scholarships etc.) 1. Studies and research in the field of human rights. 2. Organizing training courses and holding workshops. 3. Holding panel discussions, seminars and conferences. 4. The issuance of brochures and booklets, as well as a non-periodic. 5. Version and translation of books that explain the objectives of the association. 6. A network of activists and volunteers and are interested to push forward work in this area. 7. Establish close relations with local institutions and Arab and international working in the field of human rights and democratic development. Main partners involved in the organization's projects/activities Mubadra Center to support the values of tolerance and democracy, and the Ibn Khaldun Center.
Mission and Objectives

1.Dissemination of concepts and values which affirmed in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
2. Development of individual awareness about their rights and duties towards society.
3. Participate with other institutions in solving the problem of child labor, as well as street children.
4. Contribute to ease the burden on women breadwinners, and raise women's awareness of their rights and duties.
5. Providing care for children and the disabled.
6. Raise citizens' awareness of the surrounding environment and how to maintain them.
7. Providing services and care for the elderly.
8. Providing care for widows, divorcees and care for the families of prisoners.
9. Building a new democratic culture, based on tolerance and pluralism and acceptance of the other, and the rejection of discrimination among humans for involuntary reasons, without going into partisan issues.

Main Projects / Activities

1- on July, 2010 the association organized, first Iftar of Almahba in Ramadn in Alexandria, in collaboration with the campaign "Egypt for all Egyptians out each and every religion", at the headquarters of the Church of St. Mark, in the presence of more than 40 individual Muslims and Christians.
2- The organization monitored the referendum, which has been in 19/03/2011.
3- The organization monitored the parliamentary elections in 2010.
4- Organization issued a booklet entitled Corruption source of tyranny in May 2010.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Support the values ​​of tolerance and democracyز

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

To enable the Organization of developing its performance and achieve its goals.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mohamed Fouad
Head of the organisation
Mohib Abiud
Contact (2) Full Name
Ashraf Nassar


National Network

مصر ـ القاهرة ـ ش ثروت بين السريات أمام جامعة القاهرة
مصر ـ الإسكندرية ـ العجمي ـ الهانوفيل ـ امام بتك مصر ـ شاعر الخلفاء الراشدين ـ أمام أسماك التوؤمان ـ الدور الرابع


Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
احنا شباب مستقلين دعمنا ذاتي عددنا 8 اشخاص 7 مشاركون وشخص اساسي يقوم بالتمويل الذاتي ليس لنا ميزانية ثابتة مما يعوق عملنا بعض الشىء ولكننا مستمرون
Mission and Objectives

نهدف نشر مزيكا الأندرجروند بجميع انحاء الجمهورية

Main Projects / Activities

الموقع يحتوى على اقسام للأخبار وتقارير مصورة عن حفلات الأندرجروند مدعمة بالفيديو ومقالات يكتبها اعضاء الفرق الموسيقية او المستقلين منهم
ونعمل على تنظيم عدد من الحفلات لاندرجروند بمناطق مختلفة لنشر مزيكتهم

Contact (1) Full Name
Mostafa Gretly
Head of the organisation
Mostafa Gretly

Bank of New Ideas Association

National Network

1 Almohafeza Street - cooperative housing - in front of Almesaha - behind Sharqia governorate's building.

Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information
هيكل المنظمة:  يدفع أعضاء الجمعية رسوم عضوية وإشتراكاً سنوياً طبقاً للآئحة النظام الأساسي للجمعية، والتى تم وضعها طبقاُ لأحكام القانون رقم 84 لسنة 2002م واللوائح المنظمة له.  تنتهى السنة المالية في: 31 ديسمبر من كل عام (للآغراض المحاسبية).  يتواجد بالجمعية نظام محاسبي فعال وتخضع أموال الجمعية لمراقبة الجهاز المركزى للمحاسبات ومتابعة دورية من وزارة التأمينات والشئون الإجتماعية.  يتواجد بالجمعية نظام محاسبي على الحاسب الألى خاص بالميزانية والمشروعات التى تنفذها الجمعية.  عدد أعضاء مجلس الإدارة: (9) أعضاء.  العدد الإجمالى للأعضاء العاملين: (85) عضو.  عدد الأعضاء بالجمعية حسب النوع: (78) ذكور، (7) إناث. الموارد المتاحة في الميزانية في السنة: مليون جنيه منحة لمشروع حملات التوعية البيئية الشركاء الرئيسيين المشاركين في مشاريع / أنشطة المنظمة  أكاديمية البحث العلمي.  الصندوق الإجتماعي للتنمية.  وزارة التعاون الدولي.  وزارة الدولة لشئون البيئة.  وزارة الإتصالات وتكنولوجيا المعلومات.  المجلس الأعلى للجامعات المصرية.  مكتب جامعة القاهرة لدعم الإبتكار.  مركز التميز الصناعي – جامعة حلوان.  مركز الأجهزة العلمية التابع للمركز القومي للبحوث.  مركز التميز العلمي والتكنولوجي التابع لوزارة الإنتاج الحربي.  حضانات التبين الصناعية التابعة للصندوق الإجتماعي للتنمية.  ساقية الصاوي.  مؤسسة الأهرام.  مجلة ريادة الأعمال.  مركز موارد التنمية.  جمعية أفاق المعرفة.  جمعيات أنصار السنة المحمدية.  جمعيات الشبان المسلمين العالمية.
Mission and Objectives

الرسالة:  رفع قدرات الأفراد والإستفادة من المشروعات التنموية الناجحة والأفكار الإبتكارية المتميزة لدي المواطنين المصريين وتحفيزهم ثقافيا وإجتماعياً وعلمياً وتمكين الفئات الأكثر إحتياجاً من الإندماج والتفاعل الإيجابى في المجتمع من خلال تقديم خدمات مباشرة من أجل توفير وتحسين فرص التعليم والعمل وتحسين الوضع الصحي والبيئي والإقتصادي المصري. الهدف:  هوبناء شراكات فاعلة مع قطاعات الأعمال الناجحة والتشبيك مع المؤسسات الأهلية والحكومية للقيام بالدور التنموي المجتمعي لضمان أن الأفكار العظيمة تحصل علي الرؤية والدعم الذي تحتاج اليهما وربطهم بمواقع الإنتاج في القطاعين الخاص والعام لدي الدولة.

Main Projects / Activities

 المشاركة باحتفالات يوم اليتيم سنويا.  القيام بتنظيـم عـدد مـن الـرحلات الترفيهية والثقافيـة بجمهورية مصر العربية.  القيام بتنظيـم عـدد مـن الندوات في مجال البيئة بجمهورية مصر العربية.  إطلاق عدد من حملات التوعية في مجال البيئة.  إطلاق حملة (2010) عام الأفكار الجديدة: تم خلالها تجميع 10000 فكرة جديدة خلال الحملة.  التعاقد مع مركز التميز العلمي والتكنولوجي لتصنيع الإختراعات والإبتكارات العلمية.  تنظيم ندوة شهرية بشكل دوري بساقية الصاوي.  القيام بإعداد دراسات وأبحاث مشاركة مجتمعية لدراسة إحتياجات المجتمع المدني، ومنها: ◄ دراسة لتطوير العشوائيات. ◄ دراسة لإحتياجات الأهالي بالقري المصرية. ◄ دراسات تخص إحتياجات المرأة المصرية وكيفية تمكينها سياسيا واقتصاديا.  التعاون مع صندوق مكافحة وعلاج الإدمان والتعاطي في حملة وقاية النشء من التدخين والمخدرات، وتلوث البيئة.  عقد سلسلة من الدورات التدريبية في مشروع تعزيز مبادرات الشفافية في الحكم والإنتخابات.  التعاون مع الجامعة الأمريكية في عقد دورات تدريبية للتوعية السياسية.  عقد حملات توعية بأهمية البحث العلمي واكتشاف المبتكرين والمخترعين بمختلف المحافظات المصرية.  تنظيم عدد من المؤتمرات بهدف دعم المشروعات التنموية بجمهورية مصر العربية.  تنظيم عدد من المؤتمرات بهدف دعم المشروعات البيئية بجمهورية مصر العربية.  تنظيم العديد من المسابقات العلمية والثقافية بالتعاون مع مديريات الشباب والرياضة.  عقد ندوات وحوارات نقاشية علمية وثقافية بمختلف الجامعات المصرية.  إنشاء اسرة بنك الافكار بعدد من الكليات لخدمة المجتمع والبيئة بالجامعات المصرية.  إقامة مشروع بنك أفكار الجامعات المصرية بالتعاون مع المجلس الأعلى للجامعات ووزارة الإتصالات وتكنولوجيا المعلومات.  المشاركة الفعالة بمشروع النظافة عنوان الحياة دعما لمشروع تجميل مصر.  التعاون مع الصندوق الإجتماعي للتنمية في تنفيذ عدد من المشروعات.  المشاركة في المعارض المحلية والدولية الخاصة بالإختراع والإبتكار.  تنظيم عدد من اللقاءات مع عدد من المحافظين والشخصيات العامة للارتقاء بالبحث العلمي داخل المحافظات المصرية.  إجراء عدد من اللقاءات الإعلامية بمختلف القنوات الفضائية.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

من خلال التوعية والثقافة والإهتمام بالقضايا العامة

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

لزيادة التفاعل واكتساب المهارات العامة في العمل الأهلي

Contact (1) Full Name
Khaled Zanoun
Job Title
Chairman of the Board
Head of the organisation
Khaled Zanoun
Contact (2) Full Name
Dr. Amaal Mohiee Eldeen Mosalam Elsayed
Job Title (2)
Programs Director

Banlastic Egypt

National Network

21, Victor Emanuel street , east wing , Semouha , Alexandria
Alexandria Governorate

Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information

Banlastic Egypt is a social enterprise based in Alexandria that tackles the plastic pollution problem since 2018. We aim to ban single-use plastic in Egypt by offering alternative products to single-use plastic, creating a base of aware customers through delivering workshops, training, beach cleanups, and various environmental events. We are also trying to connect with policymakers to support those efforts by the plastic ban laws.

Mission and Objectives

Our Vision: Banning Single-Use Plastic In Egypt
Not like food, plastic does not biodegrade
It breaks down to small particles, entering our food chain.
It harms marine life by being ingested or tangled in.
By 2050, there will be more plastic in the sea than Fish. Sequentially, we aim to Ban the single use plastics in Egypt to contribute in the global action towards the plastic catastrophe and the sustainable development goals 2030.
We Contribute To Banning Single-Use Plastic By:
Developing alternative green products to Single-use plastic.
Spreading awareness about plastic pollution
Delivering Interactive Workshops
Organizing community beach cleanups
Increasing the Arabic content on the Plastic pollution online

Main Projects / Activities

Beach Cleanups
Green Events
Supporting Green Projects
Workshops and Trainings

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Banlastic is one of the leading organizations in Alexandria and Egypt in the field of environment and Climate change. Banlastic will be empowering the network with the necessary information/Consultation regarding climate change and environment, supporting the network with the new projects and activities that can help in raising the awareness combating the climate change.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

The Anna linde Foundation network is one of the greatest and leading networks in supporting the exchange of ideas , complete the gaps in the community via dialogue and support to the creative ideas tackling certain community issues, this year also is very important for Egypt as it marks the COP27 hosting .Banlastic is planning to maplify the signal to include the pre -cop 27 activities in the network.

Informations supplémentaires
Contact (1) Full Name
Ahmed Yassin
Job Title
Cofounder of Banlastic Egypt
Head of the organisation
Ahmed Yassin

Banlastic's journey and environmental achievements

Banlastic Egypt

Banlastic Egypt met the president of Nice, France, HE Christian Estrosi, at the French Institute in Alexandria on 8 May 2023 to outline Banlastic's journey and environmental achievements in order to reach ways of cooperation between the two cities, Nice and Alexandria.

Banlastic Egypt had a discussion with "Thomas Foucher", a researcher at the National Center for Scientific Research, to learn about their environmental efforts in Alexandria. The discussion highlighted that there are many similarities between Alexandria city and Nice city which can lead to potential cooperation between the two Mediterranean cities for a sustainable future.


National Network

17 Sobki St. Dokki

202 - 3363323
Telephone (other)
202 - 3363324
202 - 3363325
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
  2. Youth and education
General Information
Publishing house working in the field of children books and education material Full time staff 19 persons actually Budget coming from sales Creating and publishing of books addressed to children in different ages. Working with NGO's, schools, children clubs.
Mission and Objectives

Helping in creating a better human

Main Projects / Activities

- Publishing books about others
- Publishing books about writes and civil education
- Publishing books about art to make a link between art and children
- Publishing real literature
- Bardi club which is a cultural and artistic club for children that promote all cultural and artistic knowledge as well as tolerance and humanity.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mahmoud Yousry
Head of the organisation
Dina El Ghamry
Contact (2) Full Name
Hussein Abdalla


National Network

4 Ma'mal Al Sukr Street
Floor 3 - Flat 11
Garden City

+2 0227 95 92 59
Telephone (other)
+2 0122 949 5379
Mobile Phone
+2 0122 949 5379
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Media
  2. Youth and education
General Information
Bashkatib is a network of local media outlets run by youth in socially, economically and geographically marginalized areas in Egypt. Youth publish news and creative content in monthly publications distributed for free in their local areas. Simultaneously, they upload media-rich content to an online local news portal (www.bashkatibnews.com). Bashkatib was founded in 2013 by Ahmed Elhawary, an Egyptian journalist and fiction writer. It has a staff of four full-time and two part-time employees. Bashkatib always works with a local partner for project implementation. Bashkatib has worked with partner Khatwa Library in Dar El Salaam, Cairo, Egypt, and Diarna for Culture Development in Aswan, Egypt.
Mission and Objectives

Bashkatib addresses an immediate and urgent need for the development of local media in Egypt. For existing media outlets, reporting on local areas is not a high priority. Those who do report are often unfamiliar with the areas they are covering, leading to errors and misrepresentations.
This deficiency means that: local governance performs without the checks and balances offered by media; people living in local areas cannot use media outlets to inform and mobilize their communities; and, ultimately, that marginalized areas remain marginalized.
Bashkatib's vision is to create a network of local media outlets, edited and managed by Egyptian youth (from 12 to 17 years old). This network will lead to the creation of a kind of localized observation over local government institutions and their performance, as expressed through the views and issues of the inhabitants of local areas.
Our mission is to establish training workshops for youth in marginalized areas in Egypt, and help them to continue producing local media work after the end of the workshops.

Main Projects / Activities

Trainings Basic and advanced training in journalism, creative skills, and management.
Establishing print publications Supervised editing, design, and funds for printing monthly issues of each youth group’s publication.
Support from Bashkatib staff in using the online network, facilitating decision-making, and securing local and national advertisers.
Online news portal Each youth group manages a site linked to a common news portal, with access to a chat/forum feature for dialogue between youth groups.
Equipment and space Laptop and camera dedicated to each youth group. Access to a desk and internet access at a partner organization in the local area for the first year; after the first year, rented office space in the local area.
Stipends Monthly motivational payment for youth journalists in the first year; basic wages for staff in the second.
Annual meetings gathering all Bashkatib youth groups.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Bashkatib can provide added-value to organizations in the ALF network who are working in areas that meet our criteria for Youth Media Projects in Egypt. Furthermore, as we are a media organization with a growing audience, our youth journalists can provide informative and unique content on local issues and stories from all over the country, leading to the development of projects and solutions by partners within the network.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Bashkatib seeks membership in the ALF Network in order to locate local partners for project implementation in marginalized areas throughout Egypt. We are open to opportunities for collaborations and exchanges with organizations working in the Euro-Mediterranean region, as well. We seek opportunities for funding media outlet start-up.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ahmed Elhawary
Job Title
Founder & Director
Head of the organisation
Ahmed Elhawary

Bedaya for Training and Development

National Network

162 El-Shaheed Abdo Metwaly St. from Old Manshya St., Tur Sinai, South Sina
Tur Sinai

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
-Structure of the organization: No. of the board of directors (9)-No. of youth under the age of 35 (7)- No. of men in the board (6)-No. of women (3)-No. of employees (0) - Budgetary resources: membership fees and the money which comes from the trainings and courses that we held - Sources of funding: donations and grants - Modalities of action Languages courses, seminars, soft skills and computer courses, developmental projects, and awareness campaigns
Mission and Objectives

- Mission:
Training and qualification of the youth of South Sinai and discover their creativity skills and assist them in the implementation of development projects that conform to the Country's plans for the development of Sinai
- Objectives:
Help young people maintain and develop their abilities and advancement of their status, which would entitle them to a better life
Establishing development projects which its primary objective is to assist low-income to set up small businesses to improve their standard of living
Make South Sinai Governorate a leading city by knowing the services which are needed and cooperating with the Governor and with the youth of the province to develop and provide those services.
Helping in providing health services and the preservation of the environment
Contributing to raise the awareness of children and develop their abilities and skills
Spreading the values ​​of peace and justice and increase the community awareness about humanitarian issues and human rights

Main Projects / Activities

- Development
- Human Rights
- Woman and Childhood
- Health Programs
- People with Special Needs
- Democracy
- Education
- Gender Differences
- Environment
- Youth
- Technology
- Training

Contact (1) Full Name
Mariam Zaher
Head of the organisation
Mariam Zaher

Beit Al-Rizk

National Network

فيلا 9 شارع محمود غالب ـ نصر الدين ـ أول الهرم

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information
Beit Al-Rizk association consists of about 20 employees in addition to board of members. the total budget of the year 2011 was about 160000 EGP and we hope to increase them by expanding our funding process. We mainly give a great care to the old inherited crafts by providing training projects to youth. in addition to vocational trainings and preparing youth to work market.
Mission and Objectives

Vision: Being a part of creating better future in different aspects of life
Mission: we are a group of youth who aim at helping youth to find better jobs for better life.
objectives: empowering young generation, increasing the educational level of youth, increasing the capabilities of youth and their skills

Main Projects / Activities

We mainly focus on the importance of vocational training and raising the skills of youth

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

As we believe that our scope of work is unique so we want to share it with number of other organizations.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

we are still in the beginning of our journey we want to increase our capabilities by being part of your network. Also we would like to spread our vision to different organizations.

Contact (1) Full Name
Dr. Randa Rizk
Head of the organisation
Dr. Randa Rizk

Beit El Hiwar Foundation for Arts and Culture

National Network

19 Abdel Aziz Ghaweesh, Apartment 47, Floor 12
Lebanon Square, Mohandiseen, Giza


E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Media
General Information
Beit el Hiwar has four main departments for running its programs: Business and Operation, Social Media, Sales and Marketing, Technical, and Animation Production with a team of 14 professional. The CEO and Founder is Hamdi Abu Khalaf who is overseeing the business operation as a whole and managing all the programs activities on day to day basis. Beit el Hiwar also has implemented Monthly Workshop for Creating Opportunities for the youth of Egypt on April 10, 2013. The Media Training workshop was implemented with Ms. Safaa Faisal the Media expert from BBC International News Channel, who was also moderated by a prominent Egyptian Journalist Ms. Hanan Shouman. This workshop was implemented At Ein Shams University (one of the largest Egyptian Public University in Cairo) along with 150 participants. The sources of funding for Beit El Hiwar Institution is from the Animation Productions Department and selling ads on the website, as well as personal investments put forward by the founder and CEO Hamdi Abu Khalaf
Mission and Objectives

1. Enhance public awareness through providing free information for the public on current issues that concern the youth like human capital development.
2. Promote digital activism for youth (ages 15-24), particularly those that provide practical hands-on experience in civic engagement, public service, and volunteerism that helps to improve local communities.
3. Engage the public in meaningful live debates to build consensus, enhance collaborative thinking, build links and bridges of communications between the public and authorities.
4. Create a niche awareness media production that addresses current political and social problems in a humorous manner.
5. Produce purposeful animation shows such as" Abu Ali " the defender of Civil Society always calling for reform and change.
6. Collaborate and organize with educational institutes such as universities live workshops aiming at refining young men and women in the Middle East on how to become successful entrepreneurs rather than job seekers.

Main Projects / Activities

Tweet Hiwar forums
Tweet Hiwar forums focus on Building Bridges and links of communication between elected officials & public through promoting the civilized pragmatic approach of reaching consensus through dialogue, enhancing collaborative and creative thinking.
The Career Builder workshop
Organizing Workshops to refine and shape young men and women on how to become successful entrepreneurs rather than job seekers, by getting them involved in meaningful civil development seminars, live training work shops "sponsored internships" to clarify their perception and understanding about possible future career decisions.
Awareness Animation
Awareness animated videos promoting civil liberties , tolerance, human rights, voting. Beit El Hiwar is producing Abu Ali a humorous character as the publics voice watch Dog and as a defender of civil society always calling for reform.
The Online contests
A monthly blogging contest aims to encourage youth in Middle East to express their free opinion, passion for change and reform in a civilized pragmatic form. As well as hosting monthly contest for best pictures taken.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Beit El Hiwar is seeking to contribute to Media Awareness and Public Opinion section of the Network through collaborating and implementing programs relevant to the field as the opportunities are available. In Egypt, Beit El Hiwar is seeking to promote the pragmatic civilized culture of building consensus through dialogue. Beit El Hiwar works on increasing awareness about the forms of political and democratic thinking, based on diversity of thought, fairness, respect for human rights and tolerance among the participants. It also has comprehensive live training to inform, instruct and deliver the necessary knowledge of how to:
 Get involved in meaningful debates.
 Build consensus through education and dialogue.
 Enhance collaborative and creative thinking.
 Engage the participants in simulations that would clarify their perception about democratic thinking and convey the righteous message about democratic behavior.
 Encourage Middle Eastern bloggers and writers to communicate with the Western world via BeitEl Hiwar English site, to build bridges of better understanding, mutual respect, and trust.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Beit El Hiwar is seeking to join the Network in order to seek partners and partnerships for its projects. Given that partnerships are critical to avoid duplication in efforts. Further, partnerships are an opportunity to develop more creative programs that are needed to support civil development in Egypt.

Contact (1) Full Name
Katrin Masharqa
Head of the organisation
Hamdi Abu Khalaf