
يوسف كرباج

Youssef Courbage

Research Director of the Institute National d’Etudes Demographiques (INED) in Paris. Youssef Courbage is an expert in the field of relationship between demography and politics, principally in Arab and Muslim countries. Courbage was the Scientific Director of the French Institute...

Youth ID

National Network

75013 Paris

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Media
  7. Others
  8. Religion
  9. Research
  10. Youth and education
General Information
Our vocation : Empower young people to be changemakers. Youth ID advocates for an intergenerational society where young people contribute to build a sustainable world. We help the youth to take positive action by developping solidarity, internship and volunteering projects with pedagogical and digital tools.
Mission and Objectives

Our mission is to restore confidence towards new generations. This requires convincing our decision-makers that integrating the youth with experienced peers is an effective and sustainable solution.

Main Projects / Activities

Our actions
After many international meetings with youth actors and their audiences, Youth ID has focused its actions and expertise around two main axes: mobility & engagement : 
- activities to Empower young people
- Work with vulnerable groups

Contact (1) Full Name
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Youth ID


National Network

47 rue du Chemin Vert 75011

+33 (0)143140939
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+33 (0) 610048309
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. International/Cultural relations
General Information
Yvoir structure of production and diffusion in the alive spectacle will be the structure relay of the Siwa project - a first edition of this project will take place the 7 8 June 9, 2007 with the Theatre from the International City in Paris - "Siwa #0" is the first variation of the project which will be able to take multiple forms according to the partnerships set up in Europe and in the Arab world and which falls under one duration.
Mission and Objectives

to create and work out a reflector space dedicated to the creation and the contemporary representation of the Arab world. Siwa defends and accompanies by the initiatives and the innovative artistic steps of the Arab world. Installation of device of partnership allowing the artists to work in the duration in Europe and the Arab world - to create the conditions necessary so that develops and perdure a space of experiments of freedom. Siwa privileges the contemporary dramatic texts not translated in a leading policy.

Main Projects / Activities

Platforms of meeting and exchange between Europe and Arab world by the means of the alive spectacle - debates - projections - visual arts the project being to develop exchanges in multiple ways falling under a logic of partnership and the duration between artists, cultures, public and creators between intellectuals and artists.

Contact (1) Full Name
Yagoutha Belgacem
Head of the organisation
Yagoutha Belgacem
Contact (2) Full Name
Catherine Perez


National Network

Maison de la Vie Associative et Citoyenne, 8 rue du Général Renault
75011 Paris

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Media
General Information

The human resources invested in the Zemus associative project are mostly volunteers (4). Zemus works with several partners including NGOs, Euro-Meditarranean association and civil society organisations.
The annual budget of the association is around 6 000€.
The main sources of funding are french institutions and foundations. Last year Zemus received the support of the Interministerial Delegation against racism, antiseminitism, anti-LGBT hatred (DILCRAH) as well as the MAIF Foundation. emus organises cyber-citizen workshop in schools, with young volunteers.
Zemus works with several organisations :
- CIEUX (french association)
- tunisian youth and cultural centres (Centre Culturel Ali Belhouane, Tunis, Sidi Alouane, Hammamet)
- La ligue de l'enseignement (french organisation)
- Collège Jean-François Oben (school, Paris).

Mission and Objectives

Zemus association aims to promote inter-cultural dialogue and human development by facilitating the acquisition of digital research skills through a social network called Zemus. This symbolic denomination is formed from the English words "Them" and "Us".

The objective of Zemus is to contribute to the process of reciprocal humanization through interpersonal exchange based on interactive information, a source of education and civilization of each other.

Zemus is a social network consisting of two interfaces:
- a search engine allowing to know the current topics of each country, especially those dedicated to other countries ;
- a platform for translation and information sharing.

Main Projects / Activities

The main activities developed by Zemus relate to the experimentation and implementation of innovative practices in the fields of education, training and youth. In 2019, Zemus organised around 15 e-workshop, among which :
- Cyber-citizenship workshop on raising awareness among young people on the fight against racism and anti-Semitism. Objective: Education on monitoring racist and anti-Semitic discourse on the Internet and production of counter-discourse.
- Cyber-citizenship workshop on the fight against discrimination. Objective: To contribute to the identification, analysis and denunciation of discrimination.
- Cyber-citizenship workshop on current news on terrorism. Objective: Prevention and risk management, raising awareness of the concepts of international solidarity.
- Cyber-citizenship workshop on raising awareness of radicalization processes. Objective: to promote critical and civic thinking to counter radicalization processes through the production of online counter-discourse.
- Cyber-citizenship workshop on combating prejudice. Objective: To strengthen the fight against prejudice and stereotypes through actions aimed at young people.
- Cyber-citizenship workshop on the notions of interculturality, tolerance and pluralism. Objective: To observe and understand local customs, decentralize and accept cultural differences.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Zemus is a tool that allows to develop :
- activities that strengthen cooperation and networking between organizations;
- experimentation and/or implementation of innovative practices in the fields of education, training and youth;
- activities which facilitate the recognition and validation of knowledge, skills and competences acquired through formal, non-formal or informal learning; cooperation activities between regional authorities in order to promote the development of education, training and youth systems and their integration into local and regional development actions;
In doing so, we believe that Zemus can contribute to bringing the different organisations of the ALF Network closer together.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

The ALF Network reinforce intercultural relations and promote dialogue between organisations from different countries. With Zemus, we would like to contribute to building bridges between cultures and countries.

Contact (1) Full Name
Alexandre Vigne
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Alexandre Vigne
Contact (2) Full Name
Sarah Richer
Job Title (2)
Secrétaire générale


National Network

La Friche Belle de Mai 41, rue Jobin – 13003 Marseille
13003 Marseille

00 33 1 48 05 50 87
Telephone (other)
00 33 4 95 04 95 12
00 33 4 95 04 95 00
Mobile Phone
00 33 6 20 77 30 07
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Media
  4. Youth and education
General Information
ZINC/ECM , association of the law of 1901 of the French law , independant , profits from several founding sources , ( Town of Marseille, Ministry of Culture , PACA Region , Ministry for Foreign Affairs, FEDER,…). Its annuel budget is 450 000 euros. -the staff is composed of multimedia creators , animators , experts, trainers and administrators ,whether 10 permanents with artistic and researcher partners . Principal partners in France : active ground , Arborescence , radio grenouille , Friche la Belle de Mai , Instants video , MMSH Aix en provence. - In Euro mediterranean : Biliotheque of Alexandria , Atelier of Alexandria , EL WARSHA , bilingual Schools of Alexandria, School of the fine arts of ALGIERS, BJCEM, Studio Azzuro Milan, SHAMS, Icare Audiovisual Academy and Dawar SHAMS in Beirut, the Cinematheque of Tangier….
Mission and Objectives

The mission of ZINC/ECM is to promote new uses in the artistic, educational and cultural field with new communication's technologies .
- This mission is organised in local ,regional , national and Euro Mediterranean levels .
- Through the public's reception in its cyber space, organizing initiatives and artistic and multimedia practice workshops , artistic residence , performance diffusion , organizing meetings and debats , ZINC/ECM is a laboratery dedicated to the new practices and methods of writing with the Web and the objectives of ZINC/ECM are the controlled appropriation of new technologies and the development of creative uses with the new tools of communication and expression

Main Projects / Activities

Animation of the network: and the development of its main ressources in arabic language .
- Focusing on cultural structures for projects that use new technologies and animation with platform ressources on the cultural multimedia in the PACA region .
-Reception of resident artists for the creation of multimedia work and their diffusion to the public .
The organization of a festival of numerical open arts on the Mediterranean in Aix in Provence in October 2006 The coproduction of a festival of numerical arts and multimedia in partnership with Dawar SHAMS in Beirut in December 2006 .
- The partnership with the BJCEM and Espace/Culture of Marseille for an ITINERANT WORKSHOP OF MULTI-MEDIA CREATION IN EURO MÉDITÉRANNÉE IN 2007-2009: Istambul, Holon, Alexandria, Marseilles, Venice Skopje.

Contact (1) Full Name
Monsieur Emmanuel VERGES
Head of the organisation
Madame Nelly FLECHER


La marraine du projet est l’artiste marseillaise Christina Rosmini car chanteuse, danseuse, musicienne et auteur, elle symbolise le projet VOIX DE FEMMES.


Dans le cadre du projet « VOIX DE FEMMES » sélectionné pour l’appel à proposition (ALF/CFP/2020/ICD), LE FORUM FEMMES MEDITERRANEE a souhaité avec les partenaires de ce projet (Algérie, Espagne, Tunisie et Maroc) rendre visible la créativité des femmes et leurs capacités de résistance. Ce projet prévoit la tenue de séminaires, d’ateliers de créativité, de formations au dialogue interculturel dans le cadre de l’universalité des droits, d’un Salon Méditerranéen de Publications de Femmes et la réalisation du KIT DU SEXISME car il est apparu nécessaire de comprendre les raisons des discriminations et violences que les femmes subissent pour mieux gommer les préjugés sexistes, changer les mentalités et permettre aux jeunes générations de vivre dans un monde plus égalitaire.

Le KIT DU SEXISME est un outil qui donne les clés de compréhension du sexisme, et des exemples d’exercices à réaliser avec des élèves depuis la primaire jusqu’au lycée, afin de lutter contre les stéréotypes de genre. Et donner plus de voix aux femmes

Il comprend une partie dédiée aux définitions et notions suivantes :

SEXISME (Manifestations du sexisme, Sexisme dans le monde professionnel, Sexisme dans la communication publique et les émissions télévisées, Discrimination en milieu scolaire, Sexisme au quotidien) ;

VIOLENCES (Pyramide des discriminations, Harcèlement, Violences sexuelles, Violences domestiques, Que faire ?)

Des EXERCICES afin de lutter contre le sexisme auprès d’un public scolaire : lectures de livres jeunesse, de réalisation d’enquêtes, de théâtres avec la construction de petites scènes interactives avec les élèves, d’idées débats, de création de sa propre affiche pour lutter contre les préjugés, d’analyse d’images ou encore d’exercices sur la différence entre genre et sexe mais également un Quizz à destination de tout public, à partir de 16 ans, qui reprend différents aspects du sexisme en France, en Europe et en Méditerranée. Ce kit est également à destination des enseignants et des travailleurs sociaux

Il sera traduit en Arabe, Espagnol et Anglais, rendu public le 20 décembre 2020. Il pourra être traduit dans d’autres langues pour être utilisé dans de nombreux pays.

Le kit est téléchargeable sur le blog du FFM à l’adresse :

النوع الاجتماعي

أليكي موشيه – غوغيه

عضو في المجلس الاستشاري في مؤسسة آنا ليند منذ عام 2007، وخبيرة في الدبلوماسية الثقافية، ورئيسة ومؤسسة شبكة FAM (المرأة والفن في الحوض المتوسط) وقد حظيت برعاية اليونسكو (1998- 2018). تكرّس أليكي موشيه - غوغيه حياتها لتعزيز الحوار بين الثقافات...


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إيزابيل ريجوني

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