
Unity Up

National Network

Arbe Street
Byblos 1403

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+961 3817710
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information

A Youth community that aims to build bridges, enhance the capacity building of youth, raise awareness of the environmental hazards & promote peace and dialogue.

Mission and Objectives

Empower People to build a better and sustainable future for Lebanon and the World
Our core objectives are :
Enhancing the Capacity Building of Youth
Promoting Peace And Development
Promoting The Solidarity in the Diversity
Building Bridges on the National &International Levels
Environmental and Education Awareness

Main Projects / Activities

1- Community Against Pollution CAP Project
2- Young Lebanese For Development and Peace Group //Erasmus Plus Project between Lebanon and Finland: "Me And You Are Global Citizens"
3- Lebanese Citizenship Across Regions Project

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Building Bridges through Collaboration and Cooperation.
Promoting the exchanges in a community full of diversity.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Networking and building bridges on the national and International levels as it's one of our core objectives.
Participate in the opportunities that aims to empower the youth of my country .

Informations supplémentaires
Contact (1) Full Name
Claudine Zaarour
Job Title
Legal researcher
Head of the organisation
Claudine Zaarour
Contact (2) Full Name
Pascale Assaad
Job Title (2)

Unity Up

National Network

Arbe Street
Byblos 1403

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+961 3817710
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information

A Youth community that aims to build bridges, enhance the capacity building of youth, raise awareness of the environmental hazards & promote peace and dialogue.
- Our staff is composed of three members and we have more than 30 volunteers who work with us on our different projects
-We collaborated with many local partners, Recycler, LOST, LIONS International Club, and YND organizations. On The International Level, we collaborated with a Finnish Organizarion"Mirsal"
Currently, we are working on a new collaboration with an Albanian Organization "DUA Center".

Mission and Objectives

Empower People to build a better and sustainable future for Lebanon and the World
Our core objectives are :
Enhancing the Capacity Building of Youth
Promoting Peace And Development
Promoting The Solidarity in the Diversity
Building Bridges on the National &International Levels
Environmental and Education Awareness

Main Projects / Activities

1- Community Against Pollution CAP Project
2- Young Lebanese For Development and Peace Group //Erasmus Plus Project between Lebanon and Finland: "Me And You Are Global Citizens"
3- Lebanese Citizenship Across Regions Project

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Building Bridges through Collaboration and Cooperation.
Promoting the exchanges in a community full of diversity.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Networking and building bridges on the national and International levels as it's one of our core objectives.
Participate in the opportunities that aim to empower the youth of our country.

Informations supplémentaires
Contact (1) Full Name
Claudine Zaarour
Job Title
Legal researcher
Head of the organisation
Claudine Zaarour
Contact (2) Full Name
Pascale Assaad
Job Title (2)

Université Saint-Esprit de Kaslik (USEK) - Faculté de Philosophie et des Sciences Humaines (FPSH)

National Network

Holy Spirit University of Kaslik, Faculty of Philosophy and Humanities, Bldg. B

Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Research
General Information
L'organisation est une univesristé et l'organisme qui convoite l'adhésion est la faculté de Phl et sciences humaines,plus de 20 membres locaux et partenaires,travaillant au sein de l'équipe de manière permanente,les ressources budgétaires se font aupr-s de certaines sociétés comme Murex,AUF, ou autres,modalités d'action: Projets de recherche, le prochain colloque sur l'Espace méditerranéen, les laboratoires de recherche partenaires: CISA, Toulouse, Heidelberg, Allemagne,GREME-Laval,Fac de PHl UCLy-France, Fac de PHL-Poitiers, fac de lettres-Lille,France Université d'Alexandrie-Egypte, Université El Manar-et Uiversité de Jandouba-Tunis,
Mission and Objectives

L'objectif principal de notre adhésion au réseau c'est d'entrer en partenaire efficace dans la question de l'éducation qui est à notre avis le trésor caché du XXIe siècle. Les séminaires et les recherches portent sur une thématique à dimensions nationale, régionale et internationale, dans le but de donner à la société civile la possibilité de se lire dans un avenir véhiculant un nouveau vocabulaire dont les composantes sont le respect de l'autre, la justice, l'amour et l'éthique.

Main Projects / Activities

La Faculté propose un séminaire sur "l'espace méditerranéen; Profils et Défis" prévu pour les 23 et 24 mars 2011-Sont partenaires dans ce projet, les laboratoires de recherche aux fac de Phl à Lille, Poitiers, UCLy, Toulouse, El Manar, Jendouba, Laval,et l'université saint-Joseph, l'université Libanaise, NDU, l'UPA, au Liban.Activités princiapales : Enquêts et Articles multidisciplinaires qui touchent à tous les domaines: philosophie,littérature, histoire, religion, sociologie, anthropologie, pédagogie, le but étant de parvenir à une nouvelle échelle de valeurs dans le monde méditerranéen,susceptible de faire penser les jeunes avec des schèmes nouveaux.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mrs. Mirna Abboud Mzawak
Job Title
Head of the Department of Social Sciences
Head of the organisation
Prof. Hoda Matar-Nehme (Dean)

Université Saint-Joseph (USJ)

National Network

Rectorat de l'USJ, Rue de Damas, Mar Mikhaël

+961-1-421000 ext. 1158
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Gender
General Information

L’USJ est un établissement multidisciplinaire francophone. Elle compte environ 12.000 étudiants et 2000 enseignants. Créée en 1875, elle est administrée par un Conseil composé du Recteur qui le préside, des vice-recteurs, des doyens des facultés, des directeurs d’instituts d’enseignement, des directeurs des centres régionaux, des administrateurs des campus universitaires.

Mission and Objectives

L'Université entend remplir au Liban et au Proche-Orient quatre missions fondamentales: Offrir aux étudiants une formation universitaire dans une discipline précise débouchant sur une profession, donc une culture assumant une spécialisation professionnelle et une culture adaptée à l'univers dans lequel ils auront à vivre Encourager l’activité scientifique et la recherche à travers les centres de recherche, les chaires universitaires et les écoles doctorales Promouvoir une perspective humaniste, accueillante aux valeurs spirituelles, soucieuse de dépasser les cloisonnements qui guettent les différents groupes sociaux et professionnels, favorisant le dialogue par le biculturalisme et le plurilinguisme Demeurer un lieu de réflexion et de formation intégrale de la personne  

Main Projects / Activities

Académique 12 000 étudiants 2000 enseignants 500 membres du personnel 13 facultés14 instituts 5 écoles 4 chaires universitaires 1 centre professionnel de médiation Recherche 19 centres, 31 laboratoires, 3 unités, 1 observatoire et 1 banque de tissus International Plus de 350 conventions avec des universités étrangères Plus de 400 professeurs étrangers en mission Répartition géographique 5 campus à Beyrouth (Liban) 3 centres régionaux (Liban) 1 centre à Dubaï (Émirats Arabes Unis) 1 bureau administratif à Paris (France) 1 résidence universitaire pour les étudiants à Beyrouth (Liban) 1 garderie pour les enfants du personnel à Beyrouth (Liban) 1 centre sportif 1 complexe de terrains de sports couverts Culture 2 centres culturels : Le Centre académique japonais (Cajap) et l’Institut Confucius 5 bibliothèques universitaires 1 bibliothèque patrimoniale : La Bibliothèque Orientale 2 théâtres : Le théâtre Béryte et le théâtre Monnot 1 Université pour tous 2 musées : le musée de préhistoire libanaise, le musée des minéraux (mim) - Salim Eddé 1 maison d’édition : les Presses de l’USJ Langues 8 langues étrangères (anglais, espagnol, italien, allemand, persan, japonais, chinois et russe) 4 langues anciennes (latin, syriaque, grec et hébreu) Soins médicaux 1 centre hospitalier universitaire : Hôtel-Dieu de France 4 centres de soins : dentaires, orthophoniques, psychomoteurs, radiologie maxillo-faciale. 1 centre universitaire de santé familiale et communautaire Pôles 4 pôles technologiques : Pôle Technologie Santé de l’USJ, Berytech Technological Pole, Berytech Health and Technology, Berytech Digital Park  

Contact (1) Full Name
Dr. Rita Ayoub
Head of the organisation
R.P. Salim Daccache s.j. (Recteur)

University of Balamand (UoB)

National Network

University of Balamand

+961-6-930250 ext. 1460
+ 961-6-930278
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
The University of Balamand (UOB) is a private, non-profit, independent institution of higher learning founded in 1988 by His Beatitude Patriarch Ignatius IV, Patriarch of the Antiochian Orthodox Christian Church. The University consists of nine Faculties and six research centers. Current student enrollment is 3097. A Board of Trustees governs the University. The Board of Trustees elects the president of the University and, upon the recommendation of the president, appoints vice-presidents, deans, directors, and faculty members in the ranks of associate and full professors. The president, the vice presidents, and the deans, working as a University Council, manage the University by consensus. Similarly, each Faculty has its own council, thus involving faculty members in decision making. The resources of the budget are mainly the students’ fees and the endowment fund managed by the Board of Trustees. The budget is run through a process described by specific rules and regulations; the University finances are regularly audited by an external firm. The University cooperates extensively with leading universities in Lebanon and the world. UOB’s international relations are many, encompassing the university traditions of the Arab countries, Europe , the Americas , and Australia . UOB has also conducted cooperation agreements with several international institutions for higher education mainly in Europe.
Mission and Objectives

The University of Balamand is a private, non-profit, independent Lebanese institution of higher learning. It performs its mission through teaching, research, and service to the community. The University of Balamand grew out of its Eastern Orthodox tradition, a tradition open to the other, accepting the other, and working with the other in the promotion of the national and regional interests. The University does not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, gender, nationality, or physical disability. The University of Balamand believes in responsible freedom, in the role of reason in discovering truth, in the promotion of higher standards of living, and in the deepening of human existence under God. The University is also committed to promoting Christian-Muslim understanding and to enhancing national and political unity in a society proud of its diversity and plurality.

Main Projects / Activities

Research is among the most important activities at UOB. It has 4 main targets: Encouraging and supporting both theoretical and applied research at UOB; Encouraging the focus of research activities towards areas that are of high interest for Lebanese society; Connecting UOB research activities with national and international research centers, and with major publishing houses; Evaluating and continuously improving the quality of research at UOB. In its academic planning, the Research Center has defined several research directions as of high priority for the University. Moreover, UOB has tailored four Special Programs designed to develop skills and competencies to meet the diverse needs of a variety of student groups, namely: The Freshman Program; The Special Orientation Program (SOP); The Continuing Education Program (CEP); The Service Experience Education through Doing (SEED) Program. Student life is organized around two streams: committees for participation in University life; and clubs.

Contact (1) Full Name
Dr. Nadine Panayot Haroun
Job Title
Director of Archaeology and Museology Department
Head of the organisation
Dr. Elie Salem (President)
Contact (2) Full Name
Dr. Georges Nahas
Job Title (2)

Usek online international summer school

The Holy Spirit University (USEK) organizes an Online International Summer School, which will be held from July 3rd until July 31st, 2020.

UTOPIA Organization

National Network

Tabbaneh, Syria Street, Abjad socio-cultural center
Tripoli 1600

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Research
  6. Youth and education
General Information

UTOPIA Organization relies heavily on voluntary work for achieving its mission. Our volunteers are the backbone of the organization and they come from all the walks of life. The organization is managed by a team of paid staff including: Managing Director, Program Manager, 2 Program Coordinators, 2 Field Officers, Admin & HR Officer, Financial Officer, and Logistics Officer. UTOPIA Organization relies on fundraising to cover operational and programs implementation expenses. Its sources of funding are international grant institutions (USAID, US Embassy of Beirut, UNHCR) in addition to local donations and fundraising activities. It constantly tries to reach out to potential partners that share the same startegic values as ours. Our partners are enthusiastic advocates for change and development; they are international and local organizations, civil society campaigns, the local government, and the private sector. These partners further our mission through mentorship, and financial and in-kind support. To achieve our mission, we invest in the following programs: Community Service, Youth Empowerment, Women Empowerment, Child Development, and Advocacy.

Mission and Objectives

UTOPIA Organization is a non-governmental, non-profit organization dedicated to abolishing all types of social discrepancies through specialized projects and programs that rely on voluntary work, in hopes of acquiring social justice among people within the same society regardless of their political or religious beliefs. The purpose of UTOPIA Organization is to inspire a culture of civic awareness and equal citizenship in the Lebanese society and in Tripoli in particular to make the change we aim at achieving.

Main Projects / Activities

1) “DEAL Project” Donor: UNICEF UTOPIA's Status: Co-applicant with OXFAM (project implemented in partnership with War Child) Project Description: 150 children of Syrian refugees and Lebanese host communities in Al Koura region participated in recreational and educational weekly activities as tools for social cohesion and peace building. 2) “Youth Environmental Clubs” Donor: US Embassy in Beirut Project Description: 300 students from four diverse public schools in Tripoli are trained on environmental conservation, resulting in the creation of four environmental clubs. The schools will launch a competition among the different clubs, resulting in one selected civic initiative that the youth implement to improve their community. 3) “Flying Gardens” Donor: Ministry of Social Affairs Small Grants Program Project Description: Gardening rooftops of buildings in the underprivileged Tabbaneh with edible plants & vegetables to make residents of the building self-sufficient. Renovation works also include a safe playing space for children of the building instead of having them spend times on the streets and in unsafe surroundings. Environment-friendly and recycled materials are used to renovate the rooftop. 4) “Protection of refugees and Lebanese communities in Northern Lebanon” Donor: Irish Aid (Project implemented in partnership with OXFAM GB) Project Description: aims to ensure protection in Bab Al Tabbaneh and Kobbeh regions through information sessions, committees, trainings and youth clubs. Activities entitle building capacity in the community, especially among women and youth, raising awareness on rights and available services in the area, and protection monitoring and advocacy to deliver the voice of the community to the concerned parties. 5) “WASH project in Jabal Mohsen” Donor: ICRC Project Description: WASH response project in Jabal Mohsen and Mallouleh areas in North Lebanon, with Mallouleh being host to Syrian refugees. 360 water reservoirs in Jabal Mohsen and 76 water reservoirs in Mallouleh were installed. 6) "Tripoli Career Expo 2014" Donor: USAID/OTI Project Description: Under the patronage of the Ministry of Economy and Trade, UTOPIA Organization organized “Tripoli Career Expo 2014”, a USAID-funded non-profit initiative that aims at shortening linkages between youth of Tripoli and job opportunities and mobilizing the employability process. The event took place on October 24 and 25,2014 in Rachid Karami International Fair, and included participation of companies that are operating in Lebanon who wish to recruit potential employees. The event also included workshops on work-readiness skills as well as youth and businessmen dialogue sessions on matters such as unemployment, and youth challenges and prospects in Lebanon. 7) “WASH” Project Donors: DFID and CIDA (Project implemented in partnership with OXFAM GB) Project Description: Protection and winterization response project in 3 areas in North Lebanon that are hosts to Syrian refugees (Tabbaneh, Al Kobbeh, & Becharre). The overall goal of the project is to reduce the suffering of those affected by the Syria Crisis in Lebanon and contribute to meet their basic needs. 8) Humanitarian Aid Distribution and Relief Campaigns Donor: Diakonie, USAID, UNHCR Project Description: Distribution of hygiene and household kits, and medical supplies and medications to Syrian refugees in North Lebanon and to the deprived Lebanese hosting community as well. These campaigns come in response to the Syrian crisis and its implications on the hosting communities in North Lebanon, and also to the recurrent conflicts in Tripoli. 9) “Dialogue and local response mechanisms to Syrian conflict in North Lebanon" Donors: UNHCR (Project implemented in partnership with Search for Common Ground) Project Description: In close partnership with the international non-governmental organization “Search for Common Ground”, UTOPIA is implementing a response project to the Syrian refugees’ crisis in Lebanon in an attempt to strengthen the capacity of Lebanese host communities as they cope with the ever-growing tensions from the daily influx of Syrian refugees in their communities. 10) “Council for Change” Project Donors: US Embassy in Beirut Project Description: A youth council of 15 Syrian refugees and Lebanese of both genders from Bab al Tabbaneh area is formed to advocate together for their rights with the municipality of Tripoli. The youth will organize activities for 200 children and conduct four community service projects in Bab al Tabbaneh to bridge the gaps between the different constituencies of the area. 11) “Your Right” Donor: PACE Lebanon/USAID Project Description: Improving government responsiveness to basic citizen needs in conflict-prone and marginalized communities in order to strengthen citizenship values, enhance citizen confidence in state institutions, and contribute to decreasing sectarian tensions. 12) Rehabilitation of Neighborhoods in Tripoli Donors: USAID, US Embassy of Beirut, UNHCR, and donations from the private sector Project Description: Activities include plumbing works and construction works followed by painting walls of the street for the purpose of beautifying a neglected street and engage Syrian refugees and Lebanese host community in a joint project and attempt to alleviate the tension between them via conflict resolution and peacebuilding tools. 13) “Coloring the Clashes: Phase 2” Project Donor: OTI Lebanon/USAID Project Description: This project aims at giving residents of regions of Tripoli, where there is armed conflict, an alternative to fighting, and all types of social problems. During the course of the project implementation, we aim at raising civic awareness and igniting a sense of belonging and ownership to their local communities and further integrate them in other areas of Tripoli which are of a relatively better standard of living through a series of activities. By the end of the project we aim at achieving sustainability of the project goals through creation of job opportunities and spirit of volunteering and community work. 14) “Tripoli Youth Empowerment” Project Donor: US Embassy in Beirut Project Description: The main objective is to involve youth of Bab Al Tabbaneh in the development of their community through workshops and implementation of community service projects. Youth groups were assembled to receive leadership and entrepreneurship workshops followed by implementation of community service projects.  

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

As an established youth-oriented NGO working in the field of community development, and a largely accepted and entrusted entity by its beneficiaries, UTOPIA Organization would bring more diversity to the Lebanese ALF Network. The rapid changes our community at large is going through create more opportunities for inter-cultural peacebuilding.  Being largely accepted and operative in the most conflict-prone, marginalized areas of Lebanon (Bab Al Tabbaneh, Jabal Mohsen, and Kobbeh), and through our established partnerships, UTOPIA Organization would give further impetus to the Lebanese ALF Network by bridging the gaps between those marginalized communities and the more privileged communities of Lebanon as a whole through peacebuilding and conflict resolution programs. The end-result would be achieving social integration of those communities into the larger Lebanese society, alleviating by this the levels of tension and aggressivness among them.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

UTOPIA Organization shares the same core values and objectives of the ALF Networks: contribute to improve mutual understanding, respect and intercultural dialogue in the region, bringing people together, and empowering civil socities to be catalysts of this change. Collaboration between civil society organizations and components is much needed to advance those objectives. Therefore, joining the Lebanese ALF Network would offer more opportunities for us to establish connections, mutual understandings, and regional and national initiatives that promote the role of civil society in Lebanon and empower independent channels of dialogue and peacebuilding.

Contact (1) Full Name
Shafik Abdulrahman
Head of the organisation
Dina Al Samad


National Network


Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information

Seeking jobs for our people

Mission and Objectives

Seeking jobs for our people

Main Projects / Activities


Contact (1) Full Name
Bashar Khatib
Head of the organisation
Bashar khatib

Visualizing Impact (VI)

National Network

Jisr El Wati, street 90, Bldg. 110, 1st floor

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information
Visualizing Impact (VI) is a laboratory for innovation at the intersection of data science, technology, and design. VI creates impactful tools highlighting critical social issues around the world. VI's main office is in Beirut, Lebanon, and employs 10 full time staff across several countries, as well as several rolling internship positions. Funding is secured through grants, commissions, and individual donations. Partners include Polypod, Mada Masr, Adalah and the Electronic Frontier Foundation, amongst other organizations and individuals. VI utilizes principles of data visualization, primarily with infographics, but also creates motion graphics, animations, and billboards; these projects are structured within separate portfolios highlighting different regions and social issues. VI’s budgetary resources available yearly stand at $320,000.  
Mission and Objectives

Social impact through data science and imagination. 

Main Projects / Activities

Visualizing Impact's ongoing main projects include Visualizing Palestine and Visualizing Egypt. The activities associated with these projects are principally data and story driven infographics. Further projects include, Palestine Museum and a series of Awareness Campaign Tools (ACT) targeting mainstream audiences and perspectives within public settings, slated for launch in 2016.  

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Visualizing Impact is an example of a positive networker. Lasting partnerships, collaborations and supportive roles continue to stretch across dozens of geographies that benefit both VI and those within that network. 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

To capitalize upon Annah Lindh's substantial network in an effort to further grow VI's web of like-minded change makers. 

Contact (1) Full Name
Ms. Jessica Anderson
Job Title
Impact and Partnership Lead
Head of the organisation
Ms. Joumana Al-Jabri
Contact (2) Full Name
Ms. Kelsey Gallagher
Job Title (2)
Impact and Partnership Strategist
Bonne pratique
Good Practice Illustration

WATERranean, building an interculture of water in MED area

WATERranean was a project that set out to promote coexistence and mutual understanding across the Mediterranean region. In order to achieve these aims, the project organisers set out to build a shared vision of the common destiny of human societies...