Stroll Walking in the City


Stroll Walking in the City

Diana Szántó, Noemi Avila Valdes, Nikolaos Kokosis, Lan Anh Nguyen Luu, Marie- Noelle Duquenne, Krisztina Borsfay, Egiimaa Enkhbatar, Orsolya Endrődy
Eötvös Loránd University Faculty of Education and Psychology Institute of Intercultural Psychology and Education, Budapest
Année de publication

On the 30th of March the Artemisszió Foundation launched an extraordinary experiment, together with the University of Thessaly, the Complutense University of Madrid and Interkulturális Pszichológiai és Pedagógiai Intézet.

Inspired by the recent migration of higher education to the online space, we are searching for ways to integrate online learning into the curriculum not as a necessary evil but as an exciting opportunity to learn differently.

Our project created the possibility for students of the 3 partner universities to participate in a rich virtual student exchange program in order to study spatial justice in 3 different places: Budapest, Madrid, and Thessaly.

The course we built include theoretical and methodological classes, where we combine ethnographic tools with artistic approaches. Students have the opportunity to test the learned methods both in real-life and in virtual fieldwork, which they carry out in thematic research groups. In this way, they not only travel in the virtual space but experience real collaborative research.
