
Fundación Kontrast

National Network

C. Sant Agustí, 3-5. Baixos
08012 Barcelona

Barcelona ( Catalunya)

(+34) 934 762 034
93 476 20 31
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
The organization chart is formed by the Council of full member, the Board member (governing body), a delegate committee (executing body) and an advisory committee (consultants). Altogether, there are 2 paid employees and several volunteering staff. The budgetary resources available per 2012 it’s about 6.300,00 Euros. The sources of funding are the donations from board members as well as private donors. Although the FK offered grants for research in the past, the current main project of the organization is the “Third cycle students program”, which consists on providing further education to Third World students with excellent academic records from developing countries. The Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB), the faculty of Tourism and Hotel Management and the Autonomous Solidarity foundation (FAS).
Mission and Objectives

The Fundació Kontrast was created in 2001 with the aim to collaborate for the sustainable development of the Third World.
To achieve this aim, a group of companies and professionals joined forces and resources to create the foundation.
The main objective of FK is to create and maximize activities focusing on the promotion of the social, economical and cultural development of the disadvantaged collectives of the Third World. Thus, the FK aims to be a platform for ideas and proposals, oriented to improve the ways of cooperation between collectives and territories.
Therefore, the FK gathers companies and professionals in order to provide their participation in the activities of the organization so it can achieve a bigger social impact. With the creation of a common space for dialogue in which converge the different initiatives and contributions, its intended to achieve greater efficacy than would be obtained individually.

Main Projects / Activities

“The Third Cycle Students”:
This program aims to bring closer cultures, helping developing countries by financing the stay of brilliant students without means in Spanish universities, in order to carry out third cycle studies (master’s degree or postgraduate). The selected students, besides of attending to those studies, will acquire personal experience, that will be able to transfer to their own countries once they return, favoring its development.
After two years of preparation, the program was implemented for the first time in 2011, with the arrival of the first student that came from the Caddi Ayyad University, in Marrakech. He coursed the master degree in Event Management –Business tourism of the EUTDH from the Autonomous University of Barcelona.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

The Fundació Kontrast can contribute as an active part of the Network, spreading its objectives and trying to connect more organizations to the Network in order to increase its membership.
In order to do so, the FK’s webpage will have a URL link to the Anna Lindh Foundation web page. Besides, the FK has a large database of Spanish and Catalan civil society organizations (NGO’s, Foundations and charities) and Fundació Kontrast is going to spread the Anna Lindh Foundationd and Fundació Kontrast collaboration to all of them.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

The Fundació Kontrast aims to link our organization to ALF network because one of our main priorities is to find potential partners in order to keep its main program, as well as other organizations that focus on the same field, in order to exchange experience and line works that can improve the “TCS” program.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mr. Miquel Flamarich Tarrassa ( President)
Head of the organisation
Mr. Miquel Flamarich Tarrassa ( President)
Contact (2) Full Name
Mr. Guillem Vich ( Director)

Fundación Nueva Cultura del Agua

National Network

C/ Pedro Cerbuna 12 4º dcha

+34 976 76 15 72
Telephone (other)
+34 976 76 14 88
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Research
  7. Youth and education
General Information
The FNCA was born in 1998 with the organization of the 1st Iberian Congress on Water Management and Planning. The FNCA counts on around 100 members, most of them from the academic field. Its main structure is based on a board, with 14 founders from Spain and Portugal. Every year there is a general assembly in which the following year projects are approbed. Last year’s available resources were around 600.000 euros, coming mainly from the members instalments and public administration such the Environment Ministery. The principal actions are research, concrete projects, seminars, meetings and congresses. Our main partners are Bakeaz, Coagret, WWF/Adena, …
Mission and Objectives

The FNCA aims to satisfy ends of general interest, mainly of scientific carácter. Thus, it works on the promotion on I+D initiatives, education, cooperation for development, environment defense, or similars, always related to aspects on water management in its widest sense.
It does it by:
- research activities related to hidrological studies.
- Promoting technical training for professionals on water issues related to the new water culture
- Developing educational activities around the mentioned new water culture
- Promoting and developing cooperation projects, collaboration and studies exchanges
- Any other objective that supports the mentioned ones.

Main Projects / Activities

- Organization and/or sponsoring courses, seminars, conferences, …
- Preparation, edition, difussion and promotion of books, magazines, videos, etc related to the educational purposes of the FNCA
- Enterprise and institutional collaboration
- Library, documentation and batches of documents related to the object and activities done by the FNCA
- Awards and grants for studies or research
- Organization of the Iberian Congress on Water Planning and Management
- Creation and maintenance of an I+D network related to the FNCA objectives

Contact (1) Full Name
Cristina Monge
Head of the organisation
Pedro Arrojo Agudo
Contact (2) Full Name
Laura Sánchez

Fundación para la Promoción Social de la Cultura

National Network

c./Huertas, 71, 5ºD, 28014

+ 34 91 344 01 76
Telephone (other)
+ 34 91 344 15 49
+ 34 91 344 03 66
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information
Board of Trustees: 14 Members. Executive Commission : 6. Management: 23 persons Departments: Institutional Relations, Studies and Documentation, Project, Quality, Human Resource, Legal Services, Finances, Volunteer, Education, Awareness-Raising 2004: Total income:6.855.332,49 Euros Total expenditure: 9.707.223,48 Private (donations private sector, foundations, individual) Public (Spanish Agency for International Cooperation, European Commission, ministries) Implement development projects in Middle East, North Africa, Africa, South America, Europe and Asia. Organize public awareness campaigns, international seminars, and workshops. Publish studies Maintain the Euro Arab Network of NGO for development and Integration (READI) composed of 44 NGO from Euromed countries. Scholarships and cultural and educational activities. More than 65 local partners all over the world
Mission and Objectives

Proposes, in accordance with human dignity, respecting the cultural identity of peoples and social groups:
? To contribute to the eradication of poverty through sustainable and balanced human, economic and social development, stimulating the development of human capacities and strengthening civil society.
? To encourage education and professional training.
? To favour the promotion of women, increase their social participation, stimulate their access to decision-making.
? To support minorities encouraging cultural balance and contributing to peace.
? To encourage, promote and spread culture as a contribution to dialogue between different cultures.
? To contribute to the creation of a greater joint public consciousness in society.

Main Projects / Activities

It is Non-Governmental Organisation for Development and has the General Consultative Status of the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) of the United Nations .
Since 1992, it has developed 197 projects in partnership with local NGO with private and public funds, in Middle East, Central and South America, North and Central Africa, Eastern Europe and Southern and Central America.
Specifically it has reached an important presence in Middle East and North Africa, with a total of 140 projects and programs in education, rural development, environment, water resources, institutional strengthening of civil society, promotion of democracy etc…
The main projects and activities are described in the web page

Contact (1) Full Name
Juan Kindelan, General director
Head of the organisation
Pilar Lara Alén, President
Contact (2) Full Name
Jumana Trad, Director Institutional Relations

Fundación Premio Convivencia

National Network

Paseo del Revellín, 30 -3ª
51001 Ceuta

956 517 910
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Religion
  4. Youth and education
General Information
La Fundación se denomina “Fundación Premio Convivencia Ciudad Autónoma de Ceuta”. Su ámbito  de actuación preferente es de la ciudad de Ceuta, sin perjuicio de que sus actuaciones tengan repercusión también en el ámbito nacional e internacional, participando en proyectos de carácter transnacional y trabajando en red con otras organizaciones o instituciones de la Unión Europea y del ámbito de la cuenca Mediterránea. Ceuta se caracteriza por la convivencia -en paz y unidad- de cuatro culturas, cuatro religiones con costumbres y cultos diferentes. Todos los ceutíes (cristianos, musulmanes, judíos e hindúes) nos sentimos legítimamente orgullosos de este natural entendimiento que inspiró el Premio Convivencia Ciudad Autónoma de Ceuta, materializado en una escultura de la artista ceutí Elena Álvarez Laverón y una dotación económica de 30.000 euros. Este galardón bienal se concede a “una persona o Institución de cualquier país, cuya labor haya contribuido de forma relevante y ejemplar a mejorar las relaciones humanas, fomentando los valores de justicia, fraternidad, paz, libertad, acceso a la cultura e igualdad entre los hombres”.  
Mission and Objectives

La Fundación tiene los siguientes fines:
- Fomentar la convivencia en paz, igualdad y libertad entre los hombres.
- Fomentar los valores de justicia, fraternidad y solidaridad.
- Favorecer la divulgación de la realidad cultural de las diferentes confesiones para mejorar su conocimiento por parte de la sociedad, favoreciendo su actividad en los ámbitos cultural, educativo y social.
- Contribuir a la promoción de los valores culturales y humanísticos recogidos en la Declaración Universal de los Derechos Humanos y en la Carta de los Derechos Fundamentales de la Unión Europea.
- Participar y colaborar con las instituciones en el diseño y desarrollo de programas y acciones de promoción, salvaguarda y dinamización de la cultura y el patrimonio cultural –material e inmaterial-, especialmente en lo tocante a la diversidad cultural.”

Main Projects / Activities

Las líneas de trabajo de la Fundación en los últimos ejercicios han estado centradas en optimizar las relaciones de colaboración e intercambio de actividades y experiencias con instituciones análogas, tanto a nivel local, como nacional e internacional, que compartan objetivos y fines con nosotros.
1.- Dentro de estas actividades de carácter mancomunado con otras instituciones, la Fundación Premio Convivencia despliega una actividad constante en el ámbito local:
• Apoyando las actividades y proyectos de carácter cultural y/o educativo de todas y cada una de las comunidades y asociaciones que lo soliciten. (Celebración de Mawlid, Diwali, Janucá pública, Día Internacional del Pueblo Gitano)
• Dando asistencia técnica en la planificación y en la ejecución de proyectos realizados por las comunidades religiosas. (Festival Multicultural, Semana Cultural de la Mujer Musulmana, Congreso de la Sociedad Española de Arabistas…)
• Impulsando el papel de interlocución entre las comunidades y las administraciones.
• Participando en eventos organizados por otras instituciones, organismos. Como por ejemplo los que surgen de las diferentes Consejerías de la Ciudad. (Día Internacional de las Lenguas Maternas, programación de la historia de Don Quijote en Legua árabe, talleres multidisciplinares en Semana Blanca, …)

Contact (1) Full Name
Ernesto Saenz de Navarrete
Job Title
Head of the organisation
María Isabel Deu del Olmo

Fundación Premio Convivencia Ciudad Autónoma de Ceuta

National Network

Paseo del Revellín, 30 - 3ª
51001 - CEUTA


Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
The Convivence Award Foundation Autonomous City of Ceuta is a non-profit making institution, formed at the initiative of the City whose task is to develop the management of the Award which will be granted each year by the City of Ceuta. Patronage Is the real government committee of the Foundation. Formed by: President: • Ms. Mª Isabel Deu del Olmo, President. Patrons • Mr. José Antonio Rodríguez Gómez. • Mr. Enrique García-Conde Sánchez. • Mr. Alberto Solano Valverde. • Mrs. Isabel Rico Rodríguez • Mrs. Gloria Rosado Orbañanos. Advisory Committee This is the true representative body of the citizens’ participation in this project. It embodies live forces of the City and celebrities closely related with it that have adhered as one in the initiative and provide advice on different facets.
Mission and Objectives

The Foundation has the following objectives:
Promote the living together at peace, equality and freedom between the men.
Promote values of Justice, fraternity and solidarity.
Favoring divulgation of cultural reality from different confessions, to improve its knowledge by society, favoring their activity in the cultural, educational and social fields.
Contribute to the promotion of the cultural and humanistic values included in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and in the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union.
Participate and collaborate with institutions in the design and development of programmes and promotional actions, safeguarding and energizing of culture and heritage - tangible and intangible-, especially concerning to cultural diversity

Main Projects / Activities

The Foundation may, free choice and without purpose limitation, carry out the following actions:
To convoke the Coexistence Award of the Autonomous City Ceuta Show, contest or multicultural film festival.
Realization of publications relating to the purposes of the Foundation, by own initiative or by request of entities
Organization of seminaries, courses, debates and symposia related to the purposes of the Foundation.
Promoting and taking steps toward related projects with the objectives of the Foundation, well be of direct way or backing up another entities that accomplish it
Promoting and taking steps toward projects of cooperation related with the objectives of the Foundation.
Executing sensitization and education campaigns in the values that the Foundation pursues
Giving helps, scholarships or subventions to projects and agreeing initiatives with the purposes and objectives of the Foundation.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Participating as an active partner in the territory of Ceuta and its area of influence in the development of joint programmes with other partners of the AFL

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Because its closely linked to the objectives of the Foundation the participation and collaboration with other institutions in the design and development of programmes and actions for the promotion, safeguarding and revitalization of culture and heritage - tangible and intangible-, especially in regard to cultural diversity.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ernesto Sáenz de Navarrete
Head of the organisation
María Isabel Deu del Olmo (President)


National Network


+34 954508201
Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Gender
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Youth and education
General Information
Cajasol Foundation, is an Andalusian foundation,  which has more than 20 years working with a common goal: to help the Andalusian society to progress and restore everything we receive from it. Its activities cover all social and business sectors in Andalusia. The Foundation develops numerous congresses, conferences and seminars that are intended to support business Cajasol Foundation activities are defined in 4 areas: entrepreneurship, culture and sport, social action and training. ENTREPRENEURSHIP Activities in order: impetus to the socioeconomic development of Andalusia Conventions, workshops entrepreneurship. Program "a hundred paths to success". (Program to support the start up) CULTURE AND SPORT activities such as exhibitions, music concerts, theater, dance, film and support for sport as an integration tool, is part of this section. These actividaes are complemented by educational programs. SOCIAL ACTION Cajasol Foundation creates plans aimed at promoting social integration and equal opportunities with the aim of achieving a more balanced and just society. The actions are developed generally directed to four groups: elderly, disabled, people in health risk and social exclusion. TRAINING Cajasol Foundation works establishing agreements with universities, creating scholarships and developing a program of own activities or in partnership. Cajasol Studies Institute offers a wide training activity having an experience of over 25 years training professionals. All information of our entity: well as the latest report of activities of the entity ACTIVITIES MEMO FUNDACION CAJASOL: LINK:    
Mission and Objectives

Cajasol Foundation works a staff of professionals specialized in various areas (social project management and development cooperation, cultural activities, administration, communication, etc.) that combine technical skills with social vocation.
In addition Fundacion Cajasol, it has hundreds of partners including institutions, social organizations, associations, universities and foundations.

Main Projects / Activities


How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

cajasol Foundation is one of the largest foundations in Spain
25 years working consolidate it as a reference in the field of social support, business support and promotion of culture and sport.
For this reason, participate in the European network will expand its range and transfer the results of their projects more beneficiaries.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

The cajasol Foundation is developing a plan of action to develop European projects, allowing to carry out projects with European partners
participate in the network will allow the exchange of best practices and share experiences and results

Contact (1) Full Name
sol Cruz Guzman
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name
Job Title (2)

Fundación San Patricio

National Network

c/ Sil, 58


Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Youth and education
General Information
Fundación San Patricio is a private, non-profit Foundation, established in 1999 by San Patricio School, a 50 year old private school in Madrid. It is registered with number 482 at the Spanish Ministry of Education Foundation Registry. With a staff of 6 persons, it relies on freelance professionals and volunteers to develop its different programmes. Our budget for September 2009 to August 2010 is €726.620. Our sources of funding include membership fees, and donations, but the main amount comes from different companies and institutions that sponsor our activities. We execute several programmes: Model European Parliament, Investiga I+D+i, Aula Salud, Aula Social, Aula de Cooperación, Aula de Teatro, and SEOP. As well as organizing lectures on Education, and language study scholarships. Our main partners are San Patricio School, Caja Madrid, La Caixa, Barclays Bank, Sanitas, Banco de Santander, Ministry of Education, Education Departments of different regional governments in Spain.
Mission and Objectives

Our Mission and Objectives are to develop educational, cultural, artistic, scientific, ethic and social programmes, seminars, and lectures, for students, teachers, parents, school principals, and society in general. We try to cover aspects that are not present in the official curriculum. We focus mainly on Values education.
Methodologically we care more about the processes than the results. For instance, in our parliamentary programmes, it is important to us that participants go through the processes of investigating a subject, forming their opinion, articulating it, listen to other opinions, trying to reach an agreement, and make collective proposals; much more important than the content of the proposals.

Main Projects / Activities

Our main projects:
Model European Parliament. Fundación San Patricio organizes the Model European Parliament in Spain. It is a European program that simulates a European Parliament Sessions with students from all over the EU. In Spain we have over 50.000 students from over 600 schools participating in regional, national and international sessions. The aim is to foster better understanding of how the EU works, and develop European citizenship, as well as learning how a parliament works.
We are currently trying to set up a similar programme, but at the Euro-Mediterranean level.
Investiga I+D+i is aimed at fostering student’s interest in scientific investigation.
Aula Social organizes volunteer groups to work in hospitals and old people’s homes.

Contact (1) Full Name
Sonsoles Castellano
Head of the organisation
Sonsoles Castellano
Contact (2) Full Name
Ignacio Sevilla

Fundación Sevilla Acoge / Sevilla Acoge Foundation

National Network

Avda. Cristo de la Expiración s/n
Bajo del Puente del Cachorro


954 90 29 60
954 90 18 19
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
635 50 65 71
Mobile Phone (other)
653 77 61 89
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Human rights
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Others
  5. Youth and education
General Information
Organizational structure: Board of directors (12 members: President, Secretary, Treasurer, other board members). The foundation has 14 employees and 70 volunteers. Budgetary recourses available per year – 1 million euros. It consists of public recourses (80%), private recourses (10%) and revenue (10%). As of modalities of action, Sevilla Acoge Foundation (thereafter SAF) provides public services (welcoming, labour orientation, social insertion, legal consultations, etc.), organizes trainings, participates in various programmes (Andalucia Orienta, Caixa Proinfancia), European and international projects (e.g. Leonardo da Vinci), has cooperation projects in Bolivia, Senegal, Marroco. SAF is also part of European Voluntary Service as a host and sending organization. Among its many partners are: Junta of Andalusia (government of the autonomous community of Andalusia), CEPAIM Foundation (Consortium of entities working in the field of integration of immigrants), FAMSI (Andalusian Fund of Municipalities for the International Solidarity), and many others.
Mission and Objectives

Sevilla Acoge Foundation regards as its mission the aid and promotion of social and occupational integration of immigrants settled in the province of Seville. One of its objectives is to also work with native population in order to create environment where mutual enrichment, respect for diversities and promotion of cultural identities can flourish. Our organization works for a change of values, for a social transformation that would lead to a new social model where people of different cultures, religions and origins can have a place and live peacefully together, and where their freedoms and rights are respected, protected and promoted. In Sevilla Acoge Foundation we strive for three main goals: right to full citizenship, social integration, and intercultural living together.

Main Projects / Activities

The foundation provides public services (welcoming, labour orientation, social and legal consultations, social insertion), mediation services between professionals and users, trainings for social workers, public health specialists, etc. Also holds educational workshops on migration issues, organizes trainings on co-development projects as well as practical seminars on how to set up and manage a social project. The organization has its social educators working with immigrants at schools and colleges. It also participates in various national and international programmes, like ¨Andalucia Orienta¨(labour market orientation for unemployed citizens), EVS (European Voluntary Service), Leonardo da Vinci, etc. It also runs cooperation projects in Bolivia, Senegal, Marocco.
Among organization´s many international projects, the following ones are the most recent: ¨Behind the Threshold¨under the programme ¨European Fund for the Integration of Third-Country Nationals¨, 2012-2014, with partners from Italy, Portugal, Belgium; ¨MILE – Managing Migration and Integration at Local Level¨ under the programme URBACTII, 2007-2009, with partners from Italy, France, Greece, Finland, the Netherlands, Portugal, Romania; COPFIM (Consulente e progettista di formazione individualizzata per immigrati) under the programme Leonardo da Vinci, 2004-2006, with partners from Italy, France and Romania.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We can offer our network of partners and experience in the field. Our foundation will make a trustworthy and active partner in joint projects and activities of ALF.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Joining ALF will provide possibilities to make partnerships with organizations of the national networks. We see it as an opportunity to set up cooperation projects that will help us to complete our mission and to also contribute to the projects of ALF members when they fall into our field of actions.

Contact (1) Full Name
Manuel Vicente Sánchez E.
Head of the organisation
Omar El Hartiti Hmamou (President)

Fundación Simetrías

National Network

C/ San Juan de la Penitencia,6


(0034) 925 23 95 59
Mobile Phone
(0034) 610 463 473
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
  2. Research
General Information
Mission and Objectives

To work for stimulating the cultural cooperation, the vertebración of the sector cultural industries and favoring the processes of immigrants' social and cultural integration in the society, as well as the modernization of the rural way, bearing his international projection in mind in the regional and local landing, across actions of applied(hardworking) investigation(research), advice, formation(training) and spreading(publication) of public policies

Main Projects / Activities


Contact (1) Full Name
Ainhoa Martín Díaz
Head of the organisation
Mª Angeles Diaz Vieco