*VM* Intercultural dialogue during Covid-19 crisis - Panel Discussion
A series of Cross-Network activities has been organized by the Anna Lindh Foundation National Networks of Sweden - Centre for capacity building & empowerment, Spain - Asociación de Innovación, Formación y Empleo para el Desarrollo Sostenible (AIFED) and Turkey - System and Generation Association in the Framework of the Anna Lindh Foundation Virtual Marathon for Dialogue in the EuroMed.
The project activities will contribute to the development of non-formal education and thus encourage an active way of learning and assessing inter-cultural skills as well as promote inter-cultural dialogue. In this critical moment of Covid-19, the inter-cultural dialogue becomes very important in order to warranty peace within communities from different background, especially living in Europe. The participants will gain the abilities of mutual thinking and will develop the skills of tolerance to different cultures and cooperation for a common purpose. These skills will contribute to the creation of unity in the diverse European society.
This Panel Discussion has been organized by the Swedish Network and will encourage the exchange of information in the area intercultural communication for personal and professional development opportunities for the participants
Time: 6 PM CET
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