جعل الأبحاث، النماذج الناجحة، الفعاليات، وأنشطة التعلم حول الحوار بين الثقافات في المنطقة الأورو-متوسطية متاحة للجميع.

Cities Illustration


في هذا القسم ستجد منشورات ، فعاليات ، نماذج ناجحة ، أنشطة التعلم وخبراء فيما يتعلق بالتعلم المشترك بين الثقافات في المنطقة الأورو-متوسطية.


jأمين معلوف

روائي وصحافي لبناني. أمين معلوف معروف جداً بأعماله التي تقدم نظرة حساسة إلى قيم وسلوكيات ثقافات مختلفة في الشرق الأوسط وأفريقيا وحوض البحر الأبيض المتوسط. بعد دراسة علم الاجتماع وعلم الاقتصاد، واصل معلوف التقليد العائلي العريق وأصبح صحافياً، فعمل منذ...

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Katérina Stenou

Director of the Division of Cultural Policies and Intercultural Dialogue at the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO). Stenou is a specialist in the field of intercultural communication. As a member of various research institutes devoted to intercultural...

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Katérina Stenou

Directrice de la Division des politiques culturelles et du dialogue interculturel à l'Organisation des Nations Unies pour l'éducation, la science et la culture (UNESCO). Katérina Stenou est une spécialiste dans le domaine de la communication interculturelle. En tant que membre...


Key players’ perspective on climate change in the Mediterranean

Since 2014, climate change has been part of the mandate of the Union for the Mediterranean. The establishment of a Climate Change Expert Group allowed UfM Member States to regularly meet, exchange experience and interact with other regional institutions, scientists...

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Khalid Chaouki

Born in Casablanca and raised in Italy, his mother tongues are Italian and Arabic. Chaouki is a professional journalist and the President of the Cultural Islamic Centre of Italy. He was a Member of the Italian Chamber of Deputies. He...

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Konrad Pedziwiatr

Professor at Cracow University of Economics. Pedziwiatr's expertise lies in Sociology of migration and religion, social movements, Islam and Muslim communities in Europe, Islamism in MENA countries, immigrants in Poland and Polish migration policy. Recently he has been involved in...

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Konrad Pedziwiatr

Professeur à l'Université d'économie de Cracovie. L'expertise de Konrad Pedziwiatr réside dans la sociologie de la migration et de la religion, les mouvements sociaux, l'islam et les communautés musulmanes en Europe, l'islamisme dans les pays MENA, les immigrants en Pologne...

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Kosta Barjaba

Professor of Sociology and Public Policies at the European University of Tirana. Barjaba received a Master in Public Administration from Harvard University’s Kennedy School of Government in 2005, and has been an elected Associate Member of the Academy of Sciences...