جعل الأبحاث، النماذج الناجحة، الفعاليات، وأنشطة التعلم حول الحوار بين الثقافات في المنطقة الأورو-متوسطية متاحة للجميع.


Social Impact Management Toolkit

For Civil Organizations
Civil Society Cluster of the Bosch Alumni Network/International Alumni Center
Civil Society Cluster of the Bosch Alumni Network/International Alumni Center
سنة النشر
نبذة مختصرة

A social impact is a medium- or long-term change in the well-being of a population as a result of a particular project, programme or policy. Social impact management is a framework that enables projects and organisations to continually demonstrate and improve their ability to improve well-being in their communities. Therefore, through a joint design process The Social Impact Management Toolkit was developed to help organizations manage their impact on society members. The aim of this toolkit is to help small and medium sized organisations to overcome challenges and to set and achieve their impact goals. We believe that this can be achieved by integrating impact thinking into the entire project life cycle, from inception and design through to evaluation and closure.

This toolkit is designed for organisations that want to grow, become important players in their field and make learning and development part of their organisational culture. A set of tools has been explored and structured to help prepare, plan and implement social impact measurement.

The message we want to convey is twofold: on the one hand, it is related to the sustainability of the sector, which enables or disables organisations to operate and survive, and on the other hand, the importance for donors to know and understand the local context, which also leads to organisation-specific practices of donation.
