
25th International Festival of Chamber Music

international festival of music chamber

From November 12 to December 17, 2023, the Electra Theatre of Iglesias hosted the 25th International festival of chamber music organized by the Cultural Association Anton Stadler. The concert has been an incredible occasion to hear the music of new and prestigious artists that took part in an extraordinary journey through the melodies of the great composers.

The aim of the event was to involve the public in the magic of chamber music and to celebrate a special edition full of surprises and news.

For further information, open the link: https://associazioneantonstadler.it/festival-internazionale-di-musica-da-camera-xxv-edizione-2023/

Italian - Arab Association for Cooperation and Intercultural Mediation

National Network

Via Amm. Alberto Da Zara N.8 71121 Foggia, Italia
71100 Foggia

Mobile Phone
0039 32 80610611
Mobile Phone (other)
0039 32 97389110
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Heritage
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Media
  5. Others
  6. Youth and education
General Information
• Identification IACM Association is a non-profit association for cooperation and cultural mediation. Headquartered is in Foggia, Italy, and its representatives in most of the Arab countries and some European countries. It strays away from the religious, political or pornographic things, and of course, all that does not fit with the laws and regulations in place it has an activity. • team work IACM team composed of several nationalities that members are from Europe and Arab countries, and because of that, the languages​that can be used to communicate with us are (Italian, Arabic, English and French). It has a functional structure is designed to provide a quick and an effective service, and with the staff division to departments or offices that are working to achieve a specific service in a specific area and also in multiple languages.
Mission and Objectives

• Objectives
IACM is a non -profit organization dedicated to the mediation of legal, cultural, commercial and sport between the two communities Arabs and Italians in several areas that are:
- The dimension of legal mediation:
Provision of legal knowledge with free legal services, and so by lawyers who are Italians and Europeans.

- The dimension of cultural mediation:
Aspiring Assembly with its office to increase the cultural and intellectual convergence of civilization between Italy and the Arab world , and in order to increase the number of Arab students in Italy , or vice versa .

- The dimension of commercial mediation:
The association aims with its trade office to increase trade cooperation between Italy and the Arab world with the provision of commercial mediation services between the parties that would like to create a commercial relationship or a joint business.

- The dimension of Sports mediation:
The association works with its office on athletic sports to transport available services between Italy and the Arab world and provided by sports institutions located in one of them.

Main Projects / Activities

Services of IACM Association are provided free, that the charge will be limited to the fees or the costs that are paid to third parties, and these services are:
1- Legal Services
- Legal advice about investing in Europe, especially Italy.
- Legal advice for migration to Europe, especially Italy.
- Providing driving licenses that are recognized in Italy and internationally, for a period of three years and with an acceptable cost.
  2- Cultural Services
  The establishment of forums, festivals and exhibitions and seminars.
Supporting any artistic work, in order to definite one of the party’s civilization to the other.
- Free Assist Arab students who are wishing to study in Italy:
3 - Economic Services
- Providing a free commercial advice and business consultancy in general .
- helping for transacting contract between parties that have a mutual interest.
- Helping in obtaining commercial services in the countries where the association has activates.
- Assisting in the establishment of investment projects in Italy or the Arab countries.
4 - Sports Services
- What is possible of sports news to the two parties, Italian and Arabic .
- Work on adding fans of some difference teams to these teams with membership cards.
- Assisting for establishing some sporting events between the two sides, Italian and Arabic.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Provision of legal knowledge by providing free legal services , and that will be provided by Italians and Europeans lawyers.
increasing the intellectual and cultural convergence between Italy and the Arab world, and increasing the number of Arab students in Italy, or vice versa.
Providing free consulting services and commercial mediation between the parties that would like to create a relationship or a joint business.
Providing the available sport services between Italy and the Arab world that are provided by sports institutions located therein.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Contribute to the development of relations between the cultures of the Euro-Mediterranean region, especially Italy and Arab countries, which will provide an ideal climate for convergence Iivavat and ideas, business and the shared values ​​of both parties.

Contact (1) Full Name
Dr. Mourad Barmo
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Dr. Mourad Barmo
Contact (2) Full Name
Dr.Morhaf Barmo
Job Title (2)
vice President

"Donne di Mare ETS"

National Network

18 Dominici street
90146 Palermo

+39 0916884070
+39 0916884070
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Heritage
  5. Human rights
  6. International/Cultural relations
  7. Research
  8. Youth and education
General Information
"Donne di Mare ETS" was born from the meeting between the sea professionals. They, with different experiences and sensibilities, are marine biologists, researchers, jurists, project managers, teachers, public officer, chefs, journalists and media experts and fisherwoman. They operate on a national and international scale to promote the leadership of women into the world of the sea. Among the objectives of the association there are: the promotion of eco-sustainability, the circular economy and blue tourism, which the association intends to pursue in partnership with Euro-Mediterranean organisations.
Mission and Objectives

The organization operates as incubators of human, instrumental and intellectual resources to be put at the service of actions aimed at improving the knowledge of the Sea, respecting the balances between the society and the environment.
Culture, Environment and Anthropology are the tools implemented through sports, information and training, ethno-anthropological enhancement of sea trades and its biodiversity, support for the creation of companies with low environmental impact , with respect for workers' rights and transparent governance.
Since land and sea are part of a whole, the organization deals with marine environments paying great attention to terrestrial ones.

Main Projects / Activities

The organisation support a fisher company in a project financed by European Maritime and Fisheries about the fishing families involvement in the by catch transformation.

Contact (1) Full Name
Concetta Bruno
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Concetta Bruno

"Living with diversities. Cultures and new complexities"

"Living with diversities. Cultures and new complexities"

Fondazione Intercultura's International Conference in 2024 in Florence, Italy.

In a rapidly globalizing world marked by multiple cross-cultural influences, Fondazione Intercultura is set to host an international conference from April 4 to 6, 2024, addressing the pressing question of how we can effectively communicate in an increasingly culturally diverse and sensitive manner within our complex societies. This three-day event aims to tackle the competencies required for addressing cultural uncertainties and fostering harmonious coexistence.

Historically, interculturalists primarily focused on national cultural differences, developing methodologies to foster understanding among individuals of different nationalities. However, in recent decades, the cultural landscape has evolved, encompassing various transnational cultural sub-systems related to gender, age, sexual orientation, religion, politics, and ecology, and many more.

Fondazione Intercultura organizes international conferences every three years, drawing participants from around the world. Fondazione Intercultura's 2024 conference promises to shed light on the complex interplay of cultures in the modern world, offering valuable insights and solutions for those grappling with cultural diversity and uncertainty in today's society.

Check out speakers of conference and be an early bird to register for the conference: https://www.abitarelediversita.it/SIGN-UP-HERE-/

"Psicologi per la Responsabilità Sociale"

National Network

Via Luca Giordano 26

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Human rights
General Information
L'associazione Italiana Scientifico - Professionale denominata "Psicologi per la Responsabilità Sociale" è costituita da psicologi, operatori sociali e dell'educazione. E' impegnata a promuovere giustizia sociale, cultura della pace dell'equità sociale, della cittadinanza e della pacifica convivenza tra tutte le persone. Nonchè il sostegno, il soccorso e l'intervento professionale alle comunità e ai singoli cittadini colpiti da eventi traumatici.
Mission and Objectives

Gli obiettivi specifici sono:
Promuovere tutte le attività culturali, professionali, di ricerca e di divulgazione per la promozione della giustizia sociale, della solidarietà e della cittadinanza, supporto e assistenza ai cittadini e alle Istituzioni nelle emergenze.
Promuovere la crescita della persona e del cittadino, favorendo nelle future generazioni lo sviluppo di una coscienza etica e civile. Realizzare campagne nazionali e internazionali di prevenzione e informazione socio educative, nel campo della psicologia della pace, dell'equità sociale, e de

Main Projects / Activities

L'associazione si adopera nella formazione e didattica di operatori sociali sui temi della pace, della democrazia partecipata, della cittadinanza, della sicurezza, della tolleranza e della solidarietà sociale.
Promuove studi, azioni e ricerche sulla qualità della vita in relazione all' integrazione sociale ed interetnica favorendo la partecipazione e l'impegno civile.
Promuove la formazione professionale e scientifica degli psicologi e dei tirocinanti nelle discipline psicologiche e umanistiche.
Collabora con Istituti di Ricerca, Università e Scuole di Psicologia e Psicoterapia. Nonchè con associazioni ed Enti sia nazionali che comunitari impegnati sugli stessi obiettivi.

Contact (1) Full Name
Manuela Manzoni
Head of the organisation
Raffale Felaco

"The EU and Italy for Sustainability in Africa and the Broader Mediterranean region"

"The EU and Italy for Sustainability in Africa and the Broader Mediterranean region

The Italian Network for Euro-Mediterranean Dialogue (RIDE) held an International Conference on "The EU and Italy for Sustainability in Africa and the Broader Mediterranean region" on Monday, March 4, 2024. The conference aimed to address critical issues pertaining to sustainability and development in the region.

Hosted at the qualified venue of the European Parliament and Commission in Italy, located at Via Quattro Novembre, 149, Rome, the event commenced at 11:00 a.m.

Distinguished speakers and participants engaged in discussions centered around collaborative efforts between the EU, Italy, and Mediterranean countries to promote sustainability initiatives, particularly focusing on Africa and the broader Mediterranean region.

Enrico Molinaro, Ph.D., Secretary General of RIDE, emphasized the importance of dialogue and cooperation in tackling pressing challenges and advancing sustainable development goals in the region.



National Network

via Roma, 26
36016 Thiene (VI)


0445 804749
0445 804702
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Local/Regional Authority
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
General Information
(H)ELP is an association of 12 municipalities. The leader is Thiene municipality (where is the head office).It count on the co-operation between members, that menas it does not have a permanent staff. Moreover, it often work in partnership with no profit organisations or local authorities involved in promoting peace and human rights. The financial resources come from annual memberships' fees (established according to the number of inhabitants of each municipality). The modalities of action are various: exhibitions, seminars with relevant international personalities,partecipation as partner in European development projects( e. Europeaid).
Mission and Objectives

(H)ELP operates according to the principles of subsidiarity, complementarity and effectiveness of the actions as provided for by the European Union laws and the Treaty on European Union. It works both locally and internationally for the promotion of human rights and peace values and, thanks to a net of partnerships, it concretely takes part in programmes of international cooperation and developement support in other countries.

Main Projects / Activities

At the moment (H)ELP is working on a European co-operation programme aimed to help South American countries in economical and social development in the area.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mrs. Adelina Tadiello
Head of the organisation
Municipality of Thiene