
Ars Cameralis Silesiae Superioris

National Network

Ulica Ligonia 7
40-036 Katowice

00 48 32 257 06 01
00 48 32 251 86 48
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Others
  4. Youth and education
General Information
1. R.I.K. (Regional Cultural Institution) Staff: 5 ? (director + 4 ? staff employed). 3 partners 2. 1.378.657 z? (2006) 3. Voivodship of Silesia 4. Cultural events, seminars, artists mobility, conferences 5. Rhenania-North-Westphalia (Germany), Nord-Pas de Calais Region (France), French Community of Belgium, Flemish Community of Belgium, Rogaland (Norway), Polish Institutes aboard.
Mission and Objectives

The mission of Ars Cameralis is to represent the Voivodship of Silesia in all it's cultural aspects. The main idea is to contribute directly to a closer integration and promotion of culture of various nations. Apart from organizing the Festival, the Cultural Institution Ars Cameralis is as well responsible for the promotion of the most valuable silesian artists abroad, creating some new, alternative visions of Silesia. Ars Cameralis is also determined to fulfill its mission by expanding the audience for cultural events in Silesia while supporting young and established artists, from Poland and from aboard.

Main Projects / Activities

– The Upper Silesian Arts Festival is a multidisciplinary project, always taking place in november, since 1994, in many cities of the Silesian Voivodship. With a solid 15 years of experience, the Festival is a stimulating universe of encounters, exhibitions, presentations, readings and screenings of artists from all over the world. During every edition, over 30 artistic events intend to show the wide spectrum of art vision, arousing curiosity of audiences eager to come into contact with new tendencies and intriguing proposals.
– International Cultural Cooperation: Ars Cameralis is in charge of the cultural aspects of the cooperation with the Voivodship of Silesia partners regions.

Contact (1) Full Name
Monika Mazur
Head of the organisation
Marek Zielinski
Contact (2) Full Name
Gwendolenn Sharp

Artnova Foundation

National Network

Pszczelna 32
61-658 Poznan

Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Heritage
  4. Innovation and Entrepreneurship
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Media
  7. Others
  8. Research
  9. Youth and education
General Information

Structure of the organization, including number of staff employed and/or partners
5 staff
Budgetary resources available in a year
20000 Euro
Sources of funding
private donations, grants
Modalities of action

Main partners involved in the organization's projects/activities

Participation in the program funded by EA Grants and Norway Grants representing the contribution of Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway, and managed by the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage of Republic of Poland as a Program Operator "Maintenance and revitalization of cultural heritage" available under the Bilateral Cooperation Fund. Available funds were intended to cover the costs of organizing meetings between Polish cultural sector entities and institutions from Donor States (Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway). The purpose of the meetings was to strengthen bilateral cooperation and exchange of good practices in the field of culture. The ARTnova Foundation has been cooperated with two Norwegian institutions: Henie Onstad Kunstsenter and the National Museum in Oslo.

Mission and Objectives

We believe that spreading the art can inspire people in all aspect of life and social activities.

We are interested in all projects which involve art as a driving force. It could be strictly artistic project but also an interdisciplinary one. We are open to new ideas, and we consider every invitation to cooperation.

Mission Statement
Spreading art

Vision Statement
Inspire people through art.

The Foundation's goal is comprehensive activity in the field of:
• promoting culture, art, protection of cultural goods and national heritage,
• science, higher education, education, education and upbringing,
• social assistance, protection and promotion of health and activities for the disabled, as well as for persons at risk of social exclusion and activities for the elderly and retirement,
• activities supporting economic development, including the development of entrepreneurship,
• activities supporting the development of technology, inventiveness and innovation as well as the dissemination and implementation of new technical solutions in business practice,
• activities supporting the development of communities and local communities,
• developing contacts and cooperation between societies and promoting intercultural dialogue,
• tourism and sightseeing,
• promotion and organization of volunteering,
• environmental protection, ecology and animal protection, and protection of natural environment.

Main Projects / Activities

Participation in the program funded by EA Grants and Norway Grants representing the contribution of Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway, and managed by the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage of Republic of Poland as a Program Operator "Maintenance and revitalization of cultural heritage" available under the Bilateral Cooperation Fund. Available funds were intended to cover the costs of organizing meetings between Polish cultural sector entities and institutions from Donor States (Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway). The purpose of the meetings was to strengthen bilateral cooperation and exchange of good practices in the field of culture. The ARTnova Foundation has been cooperated with two Norwegian institutions: Henie Onstad Kunstsenter and the National Museum in Oslo.

In June 2020, the EACEA Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency announced the results of the autumn 2019 call for projects for European cooperation projects under the Creative Europe program (https://lnkd.in/dUWtrts). Among the projects that received funding from the European Commission was also the one that we, as the Artnova Foundation, are part of, ie the project called “MArteLive”.



Considering the fact that only 14 organizations from Poland (Smaller scale European cooperation projects – 3 leaders and 11 partners) received funding in the competition, this should be treated as a great honor (https://lnkd.in/e222zuP). The implementation of the project will contribute to the promotion of Polish artists and Polish culture on the international stage, as well as Poznan itself, as a city that cares about the sphere of culture. As part of the “Polish” edition of the competition and residency, we plan to involve artists from the following countries (except Poland): the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Germany, Belarus, Ukraine, Georgia, Armenia and Moldova. Other European countries will be served by other project partners.

Contact (1) Full Name
Jeremiasz Misiak
Job Title
Executive Director
Head of the organisation
Jeremiasz Misiak

Association "Growth Research Unit"

National Network

Złocistych Łanów 8
05-540 Zalesie Górne

+48 668 474 282
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information
The Association Growth Research Unit consists of The Main Gathering of Members (16 members), the Board with representative and executive functions and the Supervisory Committee with control function. All members cooperate on voluntarily basis. As for fields of interest, we operate in the area combining entrepreneurship, sustainable development and entrepreneurship. We are also an active member of “Porozumienie Karpackie” – a network of organizations in Poland working together to support implementation of sustainable development regulations in the Polish Carpathian Mountains. GRU is located in Kraków, however our aim is to bring projects and develop initiatives in small localities where knowledge transfer, sharing experiences and skills with other organizations worldwide is most needed.
Mission and Objectives

Our mission is to support and develop activities and research in the field of local sustainable entrepreneurship, enhancing entrepreneurial culture and enriching people's experiences by building cross-cultural networks and building inter-cultural dialogue. We aim at reaching out to small communities and minorities.

Main Projects / Activities

“From Fringes to the Centre of Society – Entrepreneurial Women for Sustainable Economic Security. Feasibility Visit”
We have organized a networking meeting between representatives of 4 cultures: Polish – Silesian, Polish-Roma, Israeli-Jewish and Israeli-Palestinian (Bedouin). The participants met in Gmina Bojszowy (Poland) with local youth and representatives of local institutions to get to know each other and to discuss the situation of women and youth in their cultures in the context of entrepreneurship. The project was funded by the Youth in Action Programme.
Workshops in intercultural communications and against “hate speech” for school youth.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We bring expertise in the fields of minority entrepreneurship, entrepreneurship development, sustainable development and culture. We would be happy to share and develop our skills through common projects with partners from the Mediterranean area.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We would like to Join the ALF Network to be able to participate more actively in creating the dialogue and sharing knowledge, ideas and skills with partners from the Middle East countries as well as organizations in the national network.

Contact (1) Full Name
Aleksandra Biernacka
Head of the organisation
Aleksandra Biernacka
Contact (2) Full Name
Dominika Lemler

Association "U Siebie – At Home” (Stowarzyszenie "U Siebie – At Home”)

National Network

Żelechowskiego 6/9

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Human rights
  3. Media
  4. Youth and education
General Information
The Association is represented by the Board of Directors (2 members jointly: the Chairperson or the Vice Chairperson including). Its funds come from the monthly member fees (12 Polish Zloty per member a month). The Association’s team consists of 25 founding members, mainly journalists specializing in the minority issues, researchers, members of minority associations and other organizations in Poland. A great number of unassociated with the Organization fans as well as journalism students, students working on their research papers, scouts, collaborate with the Association on a regular basis. The Association cooperates with a great number of institutions. It co-partners in a number of projects dealing with the issues of multiculturalism, i.e.: Its extensive documentation basis (hundreds of film documentaries, TV programs, etc.), is frequently used as a research and educational basis for numerous conferences, workshops, festivals, exhibitions and meetings.
Mission and Objectives

The goals of the Association are: - to support the presence of national minorities and ethnic groups in the media, - to present the lives and the cultural heritage of the national minorities and the ethnic groups residing in Poland, - to document and to preserve the socio-cultural facts from their lives, - to promote the tradition and the local customs of the minorities whose lasting is threatened by the ongoing cultural unification and the assimilation processes, - to portrait occurrences, cultural and social facts, economical and ecological initiatives coming from the minority environments and having a trans-border extend, - to build the respect towards other faiths and religions by presenting their rites and customs, - to promote the patterns of peaceable co-existence, tolerance and respect as the basic condition for peace in the contemporary Europe.

Main Projects / Activities

The Association realizes Its goals by: - the production of television programs dedicated to the subject of multiculturalism, - the organization of workshops for journalists who deal with the issues of national and ethnic minorities, - the preparation of interactive educational packages on the subject of multiculturalism, - the organization of seminaries and conferences having to do with multicultural journalism as well as the relations between the national and ethnic minorities and the media, - the preparation to the reactivating of The International Television Festival Of Films And Ethnic Programmes "U Siebie - At Home", organized by the Association founders since 1997 in Krakow - the cooperation with other organizations with statutory goals similar to that of the Association.

Contact (1) Full Name
Urszula Sochacka
Head of the organisation
Urszula Sochacka

Association d'Appui les Initiatives Artistiques et Culturelles NETCETERA

National Network

ul. Jagiellońska 12/6
59-220 Legnica

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Media
General Information
1. La commandement de l'Association c'est l'Assemblee Generale Ordinaire composee de 15 membres actifs. L'Association est dirigee par le Conseil d'Administration, compose du President et deux Vice-Presidents. La gestions de l'Assotiation est controlee par La Commission 2. Le budget - 10.000 d'euro. 3. L'Association est financee par les subventions de l'Etat, du region et par des cotisations. 4. L'Association realise deux projets fixes. C'est l'organisation du Festival des Formes Audiovisuelles INTERMEDIALE avec Theatre de Modjeska a Legnica et l'administration d'une page d'internet ARTCETERA, une base des donnees des artistes et institution d'art en Pologne (www.artcetera.pl). Elle realise aussi les workshops video et les seminaires pour les jeunes et adultes. 5. L'Association a 2 partenaires fixes. C'est le Theatre de Modjeska a Legnica avec lequel est organise Festival des Formes Audiovisuelles et la Galerie d'Art a Legnica pour laquelle NETCETERA realise la documentation de ses evenements artistiques .
Mission and Objectives

NETCETERA agit dans la domaine de l'art, de l'éducation et de la culture.
Elle a pour mission de:
- promouvoir l'art et la culture polonaise a l'etranger, surtout l'art audiovisuelle,le video art, la musique electronique et electroacoustique, le performance,
- promouvoir la coopération et les echanges des artistes des domaines de l'art audiovisuelle,le video art, la musique electronique et electroacoustique, le performance,
- promouvoir la création et le développement d’initiatives artistiques innovantees,
- fournir à large public des informations sur le developpement de l'art contemporaine,
Objectifs de NETCETERA sont:
- promouvoir les échanges artistiques et culturels
- contribuer à améliorer les conditions de création et de développement d'art audiovisuelle, le video art, la musique electronique et electroacoustique, le performance,
- creer les evenements artistiques et culturelles dans des domaines de l'art audiovisuelle, le video art,la musique electronique et electroacoustique, le performance.

Main Projects / Activities

NETCETERA realise:
- le Festival des Formes Audiovisuelles INTERMEDIALE avec Theatre de Modjeska a Legnica
- une page d'internet ARTCETERA, une base des donnees des artistes et institution d'art en Pologne (www.artcetera.pl)
- les editions des DVD et CD documentes l'art audiovisuelle, le video art, la musique electronique et electroacoustique, le performance,
- les evenements artistiques innovantees dans la domaine des nouveaux medias
- la documentation de la vie atistique et culturelle dans la ville de Legnica et ailleurs

Contact (1) Full Name
Bogumiła Kozakiewicz
Head of the organisation
Małgorzata Dancewicz-Pawlik

Association for LGBTQ Persons "Diversity Workshop" (Stowarzyszenie Na Rzecz Lesbijek, Gejów, Osób Biseksualnych, Osób Transpłciowych Oraz Osób Queer "Pracownia Różnorodności")

National Network

ul. Jana Mohna 50H/8, 87-100 Toruń

+48 668 876 075
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
+48 668 876 075
Mobile Phone (other)
+48 500 812 889
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information
Structure of the organization: board (4 members; 2 must be women) and a revision commission (4 members; 2 must be women) are the only statutory bodies; no staff employed - all members of the association are volunteers and work for free; annual budget of approximately PLN 7000; member contributions are currently the only source of funding; modalities of action: workshops and educational events promoting diversity (e.g. living libraries), events popularizing queer and LGBTQ culture (e.g. queerfests, movie screenings), inquiries, interventions and legal assistance in cases of homophobia,; the association cooperates closely with other LGBTQ organizations - on country level - as well as with various groups and organizations on a local level.
Mission and Objectives

1. working towards a legal and actual equality of lesbians, gays, bisexuals and transgender persons, including:
a) making the debate on problems of LGBTQ persons public and open,
b) shaping social acceptance for LGBTQ persons and fighting prejudice and stereotypes connected with LGBTQ persons,
c) increasing visibility and social representation of LGBTQ persons,
d) creating a positive LGBTQ identity,
e) eliminating inequalities based on sex, gender or sexual orientation in Polish law,
f) fighting discrimination of LGBTQ persons,
g) counteracting all forms of physical and psychical violence based on sex, gender or sexual orientation;
2. popularizing knowledge on sexual orientations, sexual identifications and gender;
3. creating and introducing a anti-discrimination discourse, sensible to exclusion and stigmatization;
4. popularizing knowledge on sexual health.

Main Projects / Activities

1. educational events promoting diversity - workshops, living libraries (so far 2 in Toruń itself and 2 in smaller, neighboring towns of Grudziądz and Włocławek)
2. events popularizing queer and LGBTQ culture - queerfests (with exhibitions, panel discussions, concerts, performances and drag shows), local editions of "a million different loves?!" film festival, LGBTQ-related movie screenings
3. reacting to all revealed cases of homophobia through: inquiry (usually written - demanding explanations, opinions), intervention (Police, government plenipotentiary for equal status, ombundsman office, other relevant authorities) and legal assistance (where necessary); the association deals with everything from individual cases to combating homophobic school textbooks and encyclopedia entries
4. other activity - street events (e.g. anti-homophobic clinics), outdoor campaigns using posters, leaflets and billboards, support for other discriminated groups

Contact (1) Full Name
Przemysław Szczepłocki
Head of the organisation
Monika Dąbrowska, Aldona Lewandowska, Karolina Orcholska, Przemysław Szczepłocki (four board members)
Contact (2) Full Name
Monika Dąbrowska

Association Grupa Studnia O. (Stowarzyszenie Grupa Studnia O.)

National Network

ul. Oboźna 3/34, 00-340 Warsaw

+ 48 501 165 207
Telephone (other)
+ 48 606 204 107
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
Association Grupa Studnia O. is NGO, 7 persons. Yearly budget: app. 50.000 euro Sources of funding: public support (city council, Polish Ministry of Culture and National heritage) Actions: performances, festivals, exchanges, workshops Main partners: Warsaw University, Theater Institute in Warsaw, Warsaw Ethnograpical Museum, National Museum in Warsaw - Dept. of Education
Mission and Objectives

We are storytelling association. Our main goal is promoting and development of intangible heritage - different modalities of word. We explore stories from various traditions (Polish, Jewish, Turkish, Persian, Arabic) and perform them, using spoken, living word for creating situation of contact and exchange. We tell stories for children, adults, elderly people, to individuals as well as for families of peer groups.

Main Projects / Activities

International Storytelling Festival in Warsaw (each November, from 2006)
Storytelling Stage - permanent storytelling project
On the Way of the Story - Polish-Turkish performance (Bursa International Youth Theatre Festival 2009)
Workshops and performances for Golden Age Universities - permanent
Workshops and performances for teachers, animators, trainers, museum educators - permanent

Contact (1) Full Name
Małgorzata Litwinowicz
Head of the organisation
Magdalena Górska
Contact (2) Full Name
Agnieszka Aysen Kaim

Association of Culture Integration (Stowarzyszenie Integracji Kultury)

National Network

ul. Koszykowa 33/16
00-533 Warszawa


+48 605050485
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+48 605050485
Mobile Phone (other)
+48 606103204
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
The board of the SIK consist of 3 people who manage every day activity. For special project the SIK hires contractors and is using help of volunteers. On average 5 extra staff is involved in every project. President - Michal Kaczyński Vice Presient Malgorzata Charylo Treasurer - Lukasz Gorczyca Budgetary resources available in a year circa 90 000 PLN Sources of funding are sales of books and art objects, donations, grants Modalities of action: exhibitions at Raster Gallery and remote art projects. The SIK is also involved in the promotion of Polish artists abroad, as well as presenting foreign artists in Poland M ain partners involved in the organization's projects/activities are: Galeria Raster, Instytut Adama Mickiewicza, City Council
Mission and Objectives

leading and supporting scientific and searching activity for art culture,
documentation of contemporary art life,
supporting creative initiatives, especially promotion of youth artists,
propagation of knowledge about contemporary arts, literature, music and movie,
initiating actions to rise and develop knowledge and standard of material culture,
developing contacts between young artists and organizations with similar profile of activity

Main Projects / Activities

January - February - Headache, Aneta Grzeszykowska
February -March - Light, Michal Budny
April -May - Event Horizon, Valentin Carron, Anne-Lise Coste, David Hominal, Fabian Marti, Tobias Madison, Emanuel Rossetti, Pamela Rosenkranz
February - March -Artist in Resignation, Tamy Ben-Tor, Andrea Büttner, Oskar Dawicki, Joseph Marzolla & Tomas Lemarquis, Łukasz Skąpski, Julita Wójcik
March - May - Remix, Vlad Nanca & Janek Simon
June - July - Crooked Circle, Agata Bogacka, Michał Budny, Rafał Bujnowski, Aneta Grzeszykowska & Jan Smaga
October - November - Ballady & Romanse, Tomek Kowalski, Mulan
November - December - 85% Rafał Bujnowski
Remote City Revitalization projects:
Nov 2008 -Ballady and Romansces at Pankiewicza. A concert promoting an album by " Ballady i Romanse" published by SIK.
April 2009 - Willa Zoliborz - 3day event full of concerts and performances organised among others to promote swiss exhibition at Raster Gallery - "Event Horizon"

Contact (1) Full Name
Kamila Bondar
Head of the organisation
Michal Kaczynski
Contact (2) Full Name
Magdalena Kepka

Association of European Initiatives

National Network

UL. Ptasia 41
Skarzysko - Kamienna

Mobile Phone
+48 600 96 11 47
Mobile Phone (other)
+48 50865 95 02
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Research
  6. Youth and education
General Information
The Association of European Initiatives was created 21st of April 2006 from initiative of 16 persons who are involved in activities for dissemination the culture, education, integration especially young people, who are living in Europe. The main objective of association is supporting cultural and social activities connected with the progress of democracy in Poland and in all over the Europe.
Mission and Objectives

Mission of “The Association” is building and consolidation inter-human link between young people in Europe.
The objectives of “The Association” are as follows:
1) Supporting cultural and social activities in connection with the progress of democracy in Poland and participating in creating a common Europe.
2) Cultural, scientific, technical, educational, , ecological, training and promotion in connection with independent social, political and industrial activities.
3) Supporting the improvement and progress of European consciousness, education, science, culture, sport and tourism activities.
4) To activate, inactive local groups

Main Projects / Activities

We are planning organizing:
- youths exchange
- research into the traditional music and culture in Europe,
- organizing scientific seminars developing traditional and modern culture among young people
- organizing musically-cultural activities in order to teaching young people the tolerance and respect for traditional values.
- organizing happenings, which can encourage young people to be interested in culture and art.

Contact (1) Full Name
Katarzyna Blanka Byrska
Head of the organisation
Katarzyna Blanka Byrska
Contact (2) Full Name
Kamila Kocia

Association of Leaders and Fundraisers (Stowarzyszenie Liderów i Fundraiserów)

National Network

Parkowa Street 45A/10, 71-634 Szczecin

+48 91 424 31 15
+48 91 424 31 15
Mobile Phone
+48 693 729 658
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
The Association of Leaders and Fundraisers is an association of 27 members including 4 task-employed people. The Statutory Bodies of the association are made up of 5 management board people, and 3 members of auditing committee. In the year 2009 the operating income was nearly 180 000 zł. We support, train, advise, organize integration meetings and conferences, we analyze opportunities and develop projects as well as grant applications, obtain funds and coordinate projects, we carry out public campaigns and fundraisings, animate and create public activities. Our source of funding are membership fees and funds: Human Capital Operational Programme 2007-2013, Operational Program Ministry of Culture and National Heritage, the Programme "Promotion of knowledge about Poland," the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Youth in Action. Our partners are Polish Association of Fundraising, Training Center Foundation for the Development of Local Democracy and the Local Government Cultural Institution SZCZECIN 2016 in Szczecin.
Mission and Objectives

The mission of SLiF is to work for the benefit of the common good through the creation of space for the social development. The Association aims to:
Support the professional development as well as the integration of local leaders and fundraisers, who undertake, create and support civil, social, educational cultural and fundraising initiatives;
Education in terms of creation and realization of local initiatives and fundraising;
The Association of Leaders and Fundraisers is:
- Platform of leaders integration – active people in the region, members of management boards, people responsible for the financing of the projects, and fundraisers – people responsible for fundraising organizations and institutions;
- A place of experience Exchange between Professional fundraisers, and young, active people who wish to obtain funds on activities for the benefit of society;
- A process of building a model relationship between management boards, managers, leaders and fundraisers, creators of social campaigns.

Main Projects / Activities

The members of SLiF are experienced in many public institutions and organizations. We can distinguish the following:
Years 2010/2011
"Culture of life" is a project designed to promote professional knowledge about the first aid to young people.
The free workshop from public cultural events planning within the projects: “The school of local culture animators”.
The technical secretariat of support program “Microsupport” for the Local Culture Institution SZCZECIN 2016 from the urban source.
The Project „Consultants of the European Capital of Culture – Szczecin 2016” and „Migawki ESK” realized with the partnership of Local Institution of Culture SZCZECIN 2016.
Year 2009
The Project „Young Belarusian, democracy and Eastern Partnership” aims to spread the knowledge about the democracy and civil society among Belarusian and Poles.
„The Academy of Leaders and Fundraisers – The development of advisory-training potential- building the team of regional consultants”.
„Polish School of Fundraising” realized in 5 towns of Poland.

Contact (1) Full Name
Rafał Rak
Head of the organisation
Andrzej Smoliński