Anna Lindh Virtual Marathon for Dialogue


Anna Lindh Virtual Marathon for Dialogue

19th of May - 29th of June 2021

In the framework of the 25th Celebration of the Barcelona Process and following the large mobilization made by the ALF community in preparation of MEDForum 2020, which had to be cancelled due to the outburst of COVID19, the ALF has adapted to the needs of the times: it brings together more than 3,000 civil society organizations, institutions, governments, local and regional decision-makers, entrepreneurs, young people, the media and academia in an unprecedented, large scale virtual event: the Anna Lindh Virtual Marathon for Dialogue.

It will take place during 42 days, from the 19th of May to the 29th of June 2021

The aim of the Virtual Marathon is to highlight the importance of Intercultural Dialogue to build sustainable societies in the EuroMed Region.

During the previous fifteen years, the Anna Lindh Foundation has reaffirmed its central role as the Mediterranean institution for intercultural and civil society dialogue. It has led high impact programmes in the domain of youth, media and intercultural research (Intercultural Trends Reports, the Young Mediterranean Voices programme, the Erasmus + Virtual exchange), and has coordinated the largest civil society network dedicated to intercultural dialogue across Europe, the Balkans, Middle East and North Africa. Through this virtual activity and despite the limitations of the times, it continues to have this leading role.

The series of events represents a landmark gathering that aims to accelerate and scale up the impact of intercultural action, especially in view of the “Renewed Partnerships with the Southern Neighbourhood: a new agenda for the Mediterranean”; endorsed by the Council of the European Union.


The ALF is organising a series of 7 weekly Public Dialogues, the backbone of the Virtual Marathon. They will engage key participants and will be open to the public, around issues crucial for the Euro-Med and the world: intercultural dialogue for sustainable societies, digital tools for cross-cultural communication, the intersection of cultural diversity and climate change, Arts and Education for intercultural cities, youth and social engagement, Euro-Med Women and Dialogue, gender stereotypes, partnerships and collaborations.

Each Public Dialogue will set a series of key questions around the topic, invite participants to address them, and finally open the floor for discussion.

ALF National and Inter-Network Activities

The ALF Networks of the 42 countries of the Union for the Mediterranean organise 63 national and inter-network activities all around the Mediterranean basin to stress that intercultural dialogue is the only way to sustainable societies in the EuroMed Region. This is carried out in accordance with the Barcelona Declaration, within the broader framework of “Renewed Partnerships with the Southern Neighbourhood: a new agenda for the Mediterranean”, and in the new context of the Covid-19 outbreak. 

The Virtual Marathon is pleased to host this vast mobilisation of organisations, with Euro-Med stakeholders who can make a difference, from civil society members to universities, media and private sector, to help think globally and act locally - and vice versa - and, especially, to decision makers, from national to European level, to help implement the changes.

First Round Closed - Call for Expression of Interest - Virtual Marathon Network Activities

Second Round Closed - Call for Expression of Interest - Virtual Marathon Network Activities

Pre-Forum Activities

17 May, 2021

Training on Intercultural Competences for Youth in the EuroMed region 

organised by UNESCO and the ALF 


25 May, 2021

Intercultural Trends and Media Platform - Cross-cultural reporting and climate change

organised by the ALF 


For LIVE updates and more on the programme, visit the Event Group on FACEBOOK.


Read the Policy Reports here:

Public Dialogue (1)

Public Dialogue (2)

Public Dialogue (3)

Public Dialogue (4)

Public Dialogue (5)

Public Dialogue (6)

Public Dialogue (7)