YouTopic 2023: The international festival on conflict


Let's turn on the counter of YouTopic Fest, the international festival on conflict sponsored by Rondine Citadel of Peace, which this year will devote 4 days, June 8-11, to the theme of fragility: "In accelerated time, what space for fragility and pain?" Get ready for 4 disarming days with meetings, debates, music, many guests and especially the year-long work of all the students of Swallow.

An opportunity to investigate conflict as a constant element of life that affects every sphere of society, from economics to education, from politics to communication, from art to the environment.

A four-day journey to the Citadel of Peace to learn how to recognize conflict and transform it through the Swallow Method. To meet the world, to build new and generative relationships, to get involved with the youth of Swallow.

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For further information

Read the concept in English